

Not at all e-mail related, if you'll believe it.

This post is almost more for me than for you, though anyone in the NY area should take heed: Eric Idle was on the Daily Show just now, pitching his new book, The Greedy Bastard Diary, along with the title of this post, SpamAlot, the Broadway version of Monty Python and the Holy Grail. Of course, my interest was piqued. Doubly so when I learned it was premiering March 17th, during my Spring Break week.


Ahem. I'll have to ask my Dad about it tomorrow. Maybe tonite. Maybe now. Anyway, I'm gonna go.

Oh yeah, on my running theme of feeling good: I took a shower and I feel REALLY good. Like, super good. I need to take more showers. They're really relaxing. Hmmmm... I did a bit more shopping on Amazon. I need a credit card. *Sigh* Anyway, I added a buncha things to my wish list, if you're interested. I like generous people. ^_^

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