
Testing Complete

I walk into History and come face to face with not only the reading I knew about and decided didn't need reading (I talked to you fine peoples instead) but first a pop quiz. I aced it. ^_^ I'm smart. Then we did the reading thing, which I managed to bullshit my way through again, cuz I'm smart again. ^_^

Anyway, after demonstrating my knowledge of history, I went into Calculus and took my first major test in that... WITHOUT THE AIDE OF A CALCULATOR!!! I'm amazing. I feel really amazing. I feel really tired. I feel like it mighta been a trap, but my Ackbar senses' tingling is outweighed by my amazing sense of joy. ^_^ I'm really happy and hyper today. Plus, Matt's out, so I can feel not rude about being on the phone. Plus plus, I can leave those accursed fans off, and leave the light on, and do all that stuff I can't do cuz of him. WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

I'm happy. Jackie needs to call me now. NOW!!!

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