
Saturday Morning Cartoons

Whoa... I musta had a good nights sleep. I did wake up with a start, cuz I had a freaky ass dream. It involved Harry Potter. It was... Well, lemme see what parts of it I can remember.

Some lady had a robot thing. That was important. *Nods* I don't know why, but it was. Anyway, the major gang ended up going with her to a party. A magic party, of course. It's all really hazy now. I've been up for an hour already and its fading fast. The end came though, when the three kids (Harry, Ron, and Hermoine) and I, because, apparently, I hang out with them too, went exploring around the party house. We WERE gonna go in the attic, but just got as far as opening the door a little. This, it turns out, is just enough to knock over one book of magic spells. Then, the OTHER books in the attic started casting all the spells, launching energy blasts and the like out the window. So of course, it was up to us to stop them. We went up and yelled at the books, but they ignored us. So I threw a rock at the big book. It closed, but then all the books in the room hated me. "PAPER-HATER!" they called me as they, umm, booked towards me (how do books move?). I ended up with one on my head, eating at my scalp. It was creepy. I actually FELT the book eating my head. So I woke up and cast a worried glance at my book case, with its 50+ manga volumes. I didn't want any ideas. Then I couldn't get to sleep.

I went to bed at a little after 2 last night, and aside from the nightmare of sorts, I had a very good sleep. But still... that's only five hours of sleep, and I was hoping for a lot of things to get done today. *Shrugs* I'm feeling pretty good though. I may go down for a nap a little after lunch time. Then I'll check out Black Dog's selection of Betrayer's cards PLUS - Megatokyo Volume 3 is out!!! *Does a happy dance* I hope I can pick up a copy.

Why is there an anti-smoking commercial featuring what seems to be 8 year olds? It's just... creepy. Do they really find kids smoking that young? I mean, on a semi-regular basis? Where it's worth targeting a kid that young?

Hrmm... One thing about being up this early - Saturday morning cartoons. I usually sleep through them. Now I get to watch this new show - The Batman. It just started. I hope to finish this blog before the commercial break ends. But its interesting so far. Seems to be done in the same animation style as the old Jackie Chan Adventures Cartoon, which was a decent show, so this looks like it could be pretty cool.

Also, a commercial for The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap made me remember - I need to play it.

Hrmm... Watch Yu-gi-oh or get a breakfast burrito.... I'll get the burrito. Anyway, The Batman is back, I'm gonna watch that. Laters.


Later: The Batman was really entertaining. I just hope that Cartoon Network picks it up eventually. I suppose they won't add it to Toonami, what with Teen Titans and Justice League: Unlimited, but... It would make an interesting replacement for Totally Spies in the Miguzi line-up. Anyway, I'm watching Yu-Gi-Oh now, and am a tad confused. Even more than usual. I suppose there's a season's difference between what Cartoon Network's running and what the WB shows. Interesting, considering that the WB showed the Titan's episode Aftershock, Pt 1 with a "BRAND NEW!" label in the corner. Oh well.

O_O!!! UBERCUTE ANIME SCHOOLGIRL ON YUGIOH!!! *Concentrates intently.* Hrmm.. I wonder if they've gotten the game rule's straight yet.

"Remember, don't let him play XXXX." "Got it!"

Guess not. Unless they've added counterspells to YuGiOh when I wasn't looking. *Shrugs* Okay, I'll quit rambling.

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