...and I AM the President of the United States. Oh wait, no I'm not. I dunno. Agh.. I'm nuts.
Edit: Since this was short, and the thing I'm about to add is short too, well, here it is is all. The British title for the first Harry Potter book is "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone", as opposed to the sorceror's stone that we got in the US. That's also what Al and Ed are searching for in the anime series "Full Metal Alchemist" - the Philosopher's Stone. So why did they change the Harry Potter's title? Something to stew over for the night.
Edit Edit: HINT!
Beauty, Jokes, and Saying Goodbye
This entry is about three vastly different topics that are related for no other reason than I've got all three bouncing around my head today. When I am done I will take a nap
First off, I've recently (in the past couple of days) noticed that the Tech Campus is exceptionally beautiful. I'm really proud to go to a school that looks this good. In my opinion, and I'm probably biased, it looks better than Princeton. So suck on that, Tigers.
Lately I've gotten into a bad habit of telling and recieving jokes badly. For instance, look at this. My comment was, as I say there, intended as a joke. It came out not so much, mostly because my sense of humor is so dry that it's not noticable, doubly so online, and then triply so on the page of the girlfriend of a guy who, last time I checked, has a personal KOS order for me. But you know, I felt like I had to say something, so I said that. One of these days I'm sure I'll learn better.
Now, I'm not saying that I was in the right in this situation. Far from it, I realize where I made my mistakes, and I've tried to apologize, and whether or not the apology is accepted are the sole business of Kaylee. My concern is that, well, I concider myself a funny guy. I try to anyway. I like making people laugh. And I take great pride when I get someone to smile or feel better because I said something funny. So to hear from two seperate people in one night that what I intended as humorous was taken as an offence, well... I'm a little worried that I'm losing my touch. And really, that's all I'm good at is being a random fool online. It's why I'm so well liked (I hope). If I lose that, I don't know what's left of me. I've already lost James as a friend because he took what I said far to seriously. I don't want that to happen for any of my other friends, to...
Eh, the last note was something about the statement "I'm gonna let you go" to say goodbye on a phone call. If someone says that, it SOUNDS like they're trying to set their friend free from the burdon of being on the phone, when really, its the other way around. The person saying that is trying to be set free. Ugh....
Did you ever get to writing something, and then one thought lead to another, and then another? And you find out something about yourself that you didn't know before? I think I just did that. I'm gonna go lie down.
First off, I've recently (in the past couple of days) noticed that the Tech Campus is exceptionally beautiful. I'm really proud to go to a school that looks this good. In my opinion, and I'm probably biased, it looks better than Princeton. So suck on that, Tigers.
Lately I've gotten into a bad habit of telling and recieving jokes badly. For instance, look at this. My comment was, as I say there, intended as a joke. It came out not so much, mostly because my sense of humor is so dry that it's not noticable, doubly so online, and then triply so on the page of the girlfriend of a guy who, last time I checked, has a personal KOS order for me. But you know, I felt like I had to say something, so I said that. One of these days I'm sure I'll learn better.
Now, I'm not saying that I was in the right in this situation. Far from it, I realize where I made my mistakes, and I've tried to apologize, and whether or not the apology is accepted are the sole business of Kaylee. My concern is that, well, I concider myself a funny guy. I try to anyway. I like making people laugh. And I take great pride when I get someone to smile or feel better because I said something funny. So to hear from two seperate people in one night that what I intended as humorous was taken as an offence, well... I'm a little worried that I'm losing my touch. And really, that's all I'm good at is being a random fool online. It's why I'm so well liked (I hope). If I lose that, I don't know what's left of me. I've already lost James as a friend because he took what I said far to seriously. I don't want that to happen for any of my other friends, to...
Eh, the last note was something about the statement "I'm gonna let you go" to say goodbye on a phone call. If someone says that, it SOUNDS like they're trying to set their friend free from the burdon of being on the phone, when really, its the other way around. The person saying that is trying to be set free. Ugh....
Did you ever get to writing something, and then one thought lead to another, and then another? And you find out something about yourself that you didn't know before? I think I just did that. I'm gonna go lie down.
Fun And Games
First, a news quote:
Speaking of Kingdom Hearts again, I've been thinking a lot about the KH2 a lot. I've already got an idea about how the opening would go. At least, how I am picturing it, based on what little knowledge I've got in my head. The game opens same as last one, with a dream about Sora in full motion video, except the dreamer in this case isn't Sora, but the mysterious Blonde Haired Kid we've all heard about. He wakes up in Twilight Town, and we quickly meet him and his friends in a manner similar to which Sora, Riku, and Kairi were introduced. Something happnes to interupt all the introduction, and BHK is rushed into battle against those strange white "nobody" creatures, which serves as the games tutorial, because all games have one.
From there we may jump to Kairi on the Destiny Islands, thinking about Sora and wondering where he is, just to update us on basically where we stand after the last game. She'll tell one of her friends the story (from her perspective, at least) of what happened during the first game. Then we rejoin Sora and his crew, in the middle of a battle field, surrounded by heartless. Sora and Donald and Goofy are fighting off the intruders on this unnamed plane, and you learn some of the newer battle mechanics like the drive forms. After facing off these simple villians, they arrive at Hollow Basteon, and learn that the Final Fantasy characters from Traverse Town have begun to settle in to their old home again.
A few more plot points are revealed here, and then we head to Disney Castle. They meet with Queen Minnie and, apparently, undergo a mission to lead Minnie towards something important, possibly a message from the King. This message begins the full story of the game, which, sadly, I don't know enough about to speculate on.
So there you have it. Oh yeah, SPOILERS!!!
I have a paper due Thursday. I thought it was due today until I went to class... I'm so glad I do that now-a-days. It's my final paper, so I'd assume it counts for a great deal. I've decided for my topic to be the controversy surrounding violence in video games. I need 5 sources, or there abouts. X_X This is gonna suuuuuuuck...
Okay, nothing left in me but bells and whistles. Gotta go.
Oh yeah, one more thing. I've decided to take up the hobby of tracking Spam IM's again. So if you want me to, send me it. Otherwise, keep them away from me.
And remember, in those dark corners at midnite, things aren't always what they seem...
"We will always be Muslims, Serbs or Croats," said Veselin Gatalo of the youth group Urban Movement Mostar. "But one thing we all have in common is Bruce Lee."And now, more pressing matters of state. It turns out that now, after frustrating myself getting my GBA's shoulder buttons working, I have to actually exhibit some skill, too. X_X And here I thought the battle with Dragon Malificent was tough... I guess a lot of my frustration comes from learning, a little late in the game, that you really can't just throw a bunch of cards into a deck and hit A a bunch until the bad guy is dead. >_< I need to build a freaking deck strategy for Kingdom Hearts... Oh well... I'll level up some too. I'm at level 65 right now, and I have 500 HP and 900 CP. If I go up to level 70 I'll have over a thousand points, and hopefully by then I'll have made a decent deck strategy.
Speaking of Kingdom Hearts again, I've been thinking a lot about the KH2 a lot. I've already got an idea about how the opening would go. At least, how I am picturing it, based on what little knowledge I've got in my head. The game opens same as last one, with a dream about Sora in full motion video, except the dreamer in this case isn't Sora, but the mysterious Blonde Haired Kid we've all heard about. He wakes up in Twilight Town, and we quickly meet him and his friends in a manner similar to which Sora, Riku, and Kairi were introduced. Something happnes to interupt all the introduction, and BHK is rushed into battle against those strange white "nobody" creatures, which serves as the games tutorial, because all games have one.
From there we may jump to Kairi on the Destiny Islands, thinking about Sora and wondering where he is, just to update us on basically where we stand after the last game. She'll tell one of her friends the story (from her perspective, at least) of what happened during the first game. Then we rejoin Sora and his crew, in the middle of a battle field, surrounded by heartless. Sora and Donald and Goofy are fighting off the intruders on this unnamed plane, and you learn some of the newer battle mechanics like the drive forms. After facing off these simple villians, they arrive at Hollow Basteon, and learn that the Final Fantasy characters from Traverse Town have begun to settle in to their old home again.
A few more plot points are revealed here, and then we head to Disney Castle. They meet with Queen Minnie and, apparently, undergo a mission to lead Minnie towards something important, possibly a message from the King. This message begins the full story of the game, which, sadly, I don't know enough about to speculate on.
So there you have it. Oh yeah, SPOILERS!!!
I have a paper due Thursday. I thought it was due today until I went to class... I'm so glad I do that now-a-days. It's my final paper, so I'd assume it counts for a great deal. I've decided for my topic to be the controversy surrounding violence in video games. I need 5 sources, or there abouts. X_X This is gonna suuuuuuuck...
Okay, nothing left in me but bells and whistles. Gotta go.
Oh yeah, one more thing. I've decided to take up the hobby of tracking Spam IM's again. So if you want me to, send me it. Otherwise, keep them away from me.
And remember, in those dark corners at midnite, things aren't always what they seem...
Luck Be A Lady Tonight
I dunno why this was stuck in my head, but here you go.
Oh wait, that's right, I'm a slut.
*Holds up a sign* - "Will love for DS"
They call you lady luckSo anyway, I've been playing Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories, like I said. I REALLY need a new Game Boy/DS for it, even though my gut tells me I'll finish Sora's quest before Christmas. Still, I'll have a spiffy shiney new system to play Riku's side on. Whee!!!
But there is room for doubt
At times you have a very un-lady-like way
Of running out
Your on this date with me
The pickin's have been lush
And yet before the evening is over
You might give me the brush
You might forget your manners
You might refuse to stay
And so the best that I can do is pray
Luck be a lady tonight
Luck be a lady tonight
Luck if you've ever been a lady to begin with
Luck be a lady tonight
A lady never leaves her escort
It isn't fair, it isn't nice
A lady doesn't wander all over the room
And blow on some other guys dice
Lets keep this party polite
Never get out of my sight
Stick with me baby, I'm the guy that you came in with
Luck be a lady tonight
Luck let a gentleman see
Just how nice a dame you can be
I know the way you've treated other guys you've been with
Luck be a lady with me
A lady never flirts with strangers
She'd have a heart, she'd have soul
A lady wouldn't make little snake eyes at me
When I've bet my life on this roll
Lets keep this party polite
Never get out of my sight
Stick with me baby, I'm the guy that you came in with
Luck be a lady tonight
Oh wait, that's right, I'm a slut.
*Holds up a sign* - "Will love for DS"
The Boondocks Rock
I found The Boondocks live journal. Yay free syndication!
But yeah, if you haven't seen the Boondocks on Adult Swim yet, you're missing out. It's such a good show. For serious.
And then I have a few rumblings about Harry Potter. Firstly, why are they so opposed to using technology? I saw the new movie last week, and it was just weird, namely the part where they teach the kids to dance using an old-timey record player. I don't get why they couldn't use a CD player or something. And then I find out the whole castle/school thing is hexed to prevent the use of electronic devices. I still have to ask... Why!? That's just closed minded and elitist.
Speaking of elitist, the whole wizards are better than muggles thing just rubbed me the wrong way. Why do wizards have to exist in a secret upper class? I think it's all a conspiracy. Magic is a skill as much as it is a talent. "Muggles" can use magic too with training, but wizards are simply elitist snobs. It's sad, really.
But yeah, if you haven't seen the Boondocks on Adult Swim yet, you're missing out. It's such a good show. For serious.
And then I have a few rumblings about Harry Potter. Firstly, why are they so opposed to using technology? I saw the new movie last week, and it was just weird, namely the part where they teach the kids to dance using an old-timey record player. I don't get why they couldn't use a CD player or something. And then I find out the whole castle/school thing is hexed to prevent the use of electronic devices. I still have to ask... Why!? That's just closed minded and elitist.
Speaking of elitist, the whole wizards are better than muggles thing just rubbed me the wrong way. Why do wizards have to exist in a secret upper class? I think it's all a conspiracy. Magic is a skill as much as it is a talent. "Muggles" can use magic too with training, but wizards are simply elitist snobs. It's sad, really.
On Pickles, And Other Things
Matt: "How do they make pickles, anyway?"
Greg: "They put them in women's vaginas, obviously."
Matt: "I mean, how do they normally do it."
Greg: "Like that. That's why I don't eat pickles."
Matt: "I don't think that's really it."
Greg: "Why not? How do you know?"
Matt: "Call it a hunch."
I'm back in the saddle. I got into Lubbock from Austin at around 6 today. I had a great trip. I saw Jackie. After a little bit of struggling, I finally convinced her that as much as I wanted to, I couldn't be the boyfriend both of us wanted me to be for her. She took it really well, and I still got to spend a lot of time with her as a friend, which was really great. She's such a good person, and I'm glad she's in my life.
Okay, so aside from that, I spent time with family mostly. Clara turned 3, which was cool. I got her some Winnie the Pooh books. I never got around to playing Kingdom Hearts for either her or Lena on my Playstation, but it's okay. I ~DID~ manage to get my Game Boy recharged, and I've been playing Chain of Memories. I beat the Dragon form of Maleficent. Twas fun. Of course, first I got the L shoulder button working, and now the R one has decided to be sticky. X_X Anywho...... I had a good Thanksgiving dinner, and.... I dunno, it was kinda random....
Yeah, I'm done.
Greg: "They put them in women's vaginas, obviously."
Matt: "I mean, how do they normally do it."
Greg: "Like that. That's why I don't eat pickles."
Matt: "I don't think that's really it."
Greg: "Why not? How do you know?"
Matt: "Call it a hunch."
I'm back in the saddle. I got into Lubbock from Austin at around 6 today. I had a great trip. I saw Jackie. After a little bit of struggling, I finally convinced her that as much as I wanted to, I couldn't be the boyfriend both of us wanted me to be for her. She took it really well, and I still got to spend a lot of time with her as a friend, which was really great. She's such a good person, and I'm glad she's in my life.
Okay, so aside from that, I spent time with family mostly. Clara turned 3, which was cool. I got her some Winnie the Pooh books. I never got around to playing Kingdom Hearts for either her or Lena on my Playstation, but it's okay. I ~DID~ manage to get my Game Boy recharged, and I've been playing Chain of Memories. I beat the Dragon form of Maleficent. Twas fun. Of course, first I got the L shoulder button working, and now the R one has decided to be sticky. X_X Anywho...... I had a good Thanksgiving dinner, and.... I dunno, it was kinda random....
Yeah, I'm done.
Blogthings - A Quick and Dirty IQ Test
I'm Smart!
Your IQ Is 125 |
Your Logical Intelligence is Below Average Your Verbal Intelligence is Genius Your Mathematical Intelligence is Exceptional Your General Knowledge is Exceptional |
Letter From The King
I'm such a nerd. And they won't let me link to the site, but here's the address anyway, so HAH! http://db.gamefaqs.com/console/ps2/file/kingdom_hearts_script.txt
Edit: Okay, I found another cool one.
"Donald,Yay I get to play again Wednesday.
Sorry to rush off without sayin' goodbye, but there's big trouble brewin'. Not sure why, but the stars have been blinkin' out, one by one. And that means disaster can't be far behind. I hate to leave you all but I've gotta go check into it. There's someone with a 'key'-the key to our survival. So I need you and Goofy to find him, and stick with him. Got it? We need that key or we're doomed! So go to Traverse Town and find Leon. He'll point you in the right direction.
P.S. Would ya apologize to Minnie for me? Thanks, pal."
Edit: Okay, I found another cool one.
Although my heart may be weak, it's not alone. It's grown with each new experience, and it's found a home with all the friends I've made. I've become a part of their heart just as they've become a part ofI'm gonna make me some away message with these
mine. And if they think of me now and then...if they don't forget me...then our hearts will be one. I don't need a weapon. My friends are my power!
Tresk or Druck?
Matt's got this remote controlled truck thingy. It's not quite remote controlled, more like it's self-guiding. For his electronics or something project, he's got to hook it up to a GPS and get it to drive itself around a parking lot. He was testing it tonight. He had it hooked into his computer, and it was sitting in his desk drawer, propped up. From my angle, it looked like it was peeking over the edge. And then its motor started up, and the truck was like... HUMPING the drawer. So my only conclusion was that Matt is going to create some sort of desk/truck hybrid. So, either a Tresk.. or a Druck. Which is it? Anyway, fun.
Magical Dealings
Last night I played a couple of multiplayer games of magic, thanks to AIM's chat function. Unfortunately, I was using my red/white weenie deck, which is great at killing off one player, but not as good against multiple opponants. It's quick, but not enough long-term gas. Oh well. So I got my ass handed to me by a Kaldra token, but I managed to pretty much kill him off in exchange. I realized that most of my competitive decks are really just focused for one-on-one matches, and don't have the extra "oomph" to last through a multiplayer game. I thought for a while and eventually I realized that I have a couple of decks that are much better suited for multiplayer.
The first one is a casual combo deck I made a while ago, when I discovered I had 4 Last Laughs and nothing to do with them. It uses Last Laugh, along with pro-Black creatures and Sphere of Grace to make the Laugh one-sided, and then some massive form of removal (I used to use Desolation Angel until I got some Armageddons) to trigger a massive, board-killing, life-decimating Laugh. The more players, the more lands/creatures, the better. It's a thing of beauty, especially because before I draw my kill card, no one wants to do anything for fear of setting off Laugh, pretty much locking the game for me to draw Armageddon.
After that, I have an old one, one I made back in the far-off days of Apocalypse. I found myself with 4 Armadillo Cloaks, 4 Soul Links, and 2 Spiritmongers. That's right, I have a cheesy lifegain deck. The mana is absolutely horrible, being not only 3 colors, but having almost all of its useful creatures at 5 mana. But if I can get the mana to work, it's the best. I recently cheesed out and put in 4 Thrashing Wumpuses, AKA the best Armadillo Cloak target on Earth. He starts thrashing, and you do not wanna be on the other side of that. And that thing in particular makes him a beating in multiplayer. Even if he doesn't manage to kill anyone in a 3 player game, each activation is still at least a 3 point life gain for me, just between him and the players. Any other creatures on the field are just gravy at that point.
Either one of these decks would be stellar in multiplayer, be it free for all or Two Headed Giant. Anyone wanna build the partner deck for that one? ^_^
In other news, Passion (the Kingdom Hearts 2 theme?) is available for download. Check it out here.
The first one is a casual combo deck I made a while ago, when I discovered I had 4 Last Laughs and nothing to do with them. It uses Last Laugh, along with pro-Black creatures and Sphere of Grace to make the Laugh one-sided, and then some massive form of removal (I used to use Desolation Angel until I got some Armageddons) to trigger a massive, board-killing, life-decimating Laugh. The more players, the more lands/creatures, the better. It's a thing of beauty, especially because before I draw my kill card, no one wants to do anything for fear of setting off Laugh, pretty much locking the game for me to draw Armageddon.
After that, I have an old one, one I made back in the far-off days of Apocalypse. I found myself with 4 Armadillo Cloaks, 4 Soul Links, and 2 Spiritmongers. That's right, I have a cheesy lifegain deck. The mana is absolutely horrible, being not only 3 colors, but having almost all of its useful creatures at 5 mana. But if I can get the mana to work, it's the best. I recently cheesed out and put in 4 Thrashing Wumpuses, AKA the best Armadillo Cloak target on Earth. He starts thrashing, and you do not wanna be on the other side of that. And that thing in particular makes him a beating in multiplayer. Even if he doesn't manage to kill anyone in a 3 player game, each activation is still at least a 3 point life gain for me, just between him and the players. Any other creatures on the field are just gravy at that point.
Either one of these decks would be stellar in multiplayer, be it free for all or Two Headed Giant. Anyone wanna build the partner deck for that one? ^_^
In other news, Passion (the Kingdom Hearts 2 theme?) is available for download. Check it out here.
I'm Just Sane Enough
...to know how insane I am.
I had an interesting dream last night. No idea what it was about. Something about me driving around some random town with the family on my mom's town. Not sure why. Then I ended up at a doctors office waiting room. With my dad's family. Dad, Wendy, James, and Dylan. And me. I'm not quite sure why. It eventually came up that we were at a psychiatric doctors office, or something. It's all rather fuzzy. The thing I REALLY remember is that James was going on about how Jesus was diagnosed as being clinically insane, and Wendy was arguing with him about it. Yeah, that's pretty much the way that things are there, only with different arguments. The funny part of it is that Wendy and her kids are actually Jewish.
Agh.. Brian spacy.... Try to ignore any weirdness in the following rambling. Lessee... The title of this entry came to me earlier tonight. I was walking past a cop-car, like, right in front of it, and got the distinct impression that it was going to eat me. No one was in the car or anything, but I really feel that if someone had chosen that moment to turn on the lights and start the engine.... I woulda panicked and fell on my ass right there. O_O
Moving on. I went to Hastings today. It was cool. I bought a present for Jackie. Top secret though. I also got a chance to play Final Fantasy XII, though. That was cool. The game plays out... different. Not quite like FFX or VII, but also not quite like Kingdom Hearts. It's sorta a cross. You and your party run around a "stage" populated by enemies. When you hit the X button, the game pauses and an option menu comes up. "Attack, Magic, Summons, Items", like that. These options all work the way the do in the older Final Fantasy games. You pick an action, then game goes back into real time and your characters enact it for you, either until the target is dead if you chose "attack", or just the once for everything else. It was fun though. I got to kill a Tyrannosaur. It was awesome! I hereby add that to my list of "things I want."
Okay, I think I've squeezed all the toothpaste from this tube.
I had an interesting dream last night. No idea what it was about. Something about me driving around some random town with the family on my mom's town. Not sure why. Then I ended up at a doctors office waiting room. With my dad's family. Dad, Wendy, James, and Dylan. And me. I'm not quite sure why. It eventually came up that we were at a psychiatric doctors office, or something. It's all rather fuzzy. The thing I REALLY remember is that James was going on about how Jesus was diagnosed as being clinically insane, and Wendy was arguing with him about it. Yeah, that's pretty much the way that things are there, only with different arguments. The funny part of it is that Wendy and her kids are actually Jewish.
Agh.. Brian spacy.... Try to ignore any weirdness in the following rambling. Lessee... The title of this entry came to me earlier tonight. I was walking past a cop-car, like, right in front of it, and got the distinct impression that it was going to eat me. No one was in the car or anything, but I really feel that if someone had chosen that moment to turn on the lights and start the engine.... I woulda panicked and fell on my ass right there. O_O
Moving on. I went to Hastings today. It was cool. I bought a present for Jackie. Top secret though. I also got a chance to play Final Fantasy XII, though. That was cool. The game plays out... different. Not quite like FFX or VII, but also not quite like Kingdom Hearts. It's sorta a cross. You and your party run around a "stage" populated by enemies. When you hit the X button, the game pauses and an option menu comes up. "Attack, Magic, Summons, Items", like that. These options all work the way the do in the older Final Fantasy games. You pick an action, then game goes back into real time and your characters enact it for you, either until the target is dead if you chose "attack", or just the once for everything else. It was fun though. I got to kill a Tyrannosaur. It was awesome! I hereby add that to my list of "things I want."
Okay, I think I've squeezed all the toothpaste from this tube.
Interesting Developments
In our dorm room, we leave our shades up almost year round, because we have box fans in the windows. If you happened to be passing by my room just a few minutes ago, you would have seen an interesting sight. A six foot tall guy in blue boxers and nothing else was doing crunches, push-ups, and, most visibly, jumping jacks. Yeah, I was exercising. (You know you're outta shape when you don't even know how to SPELL that word.) *Gaps. I did 20 crunches, then 10 push-ups, and finished with a good hundred quick jumping jacks. Yeah, 100. I need more aerobic exercise, my heart is gonna kill me if I don't. In any case, I think I'll start with that plan, and just go up in incriments in five if any given number starts to be too easy. Sound good? Just for reference, my KaJuKenBo lessons started with something like 100 each pushups and crunches, and 1000 jumping jacks. And that was just a warm up. O_O
Also, note to self, try not to wear loose boxers. They were falling off your ass, Greg. x_x
Lesse... Just a quickie before I go. I've been talking to a few people the past few days about relationships and such. It seems like lots of people are asking me "What can I do to make him/her/you love me?" I wish I could give the answer. I was telling one person about how I manage to be completely irresistable to anyone, without even trying, and he asked me how I did it, and I honestly don't know. Of course, in a few minutes HE was completely taken with me too. I'm scary powerful. But that's my own problem. For most people, it seems to be the opposite. No matter what they do, they can't seem to get some person to like them. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
At the back of my head, I'm reminded of one strip of Megatokyo. Something was said, talking about dating sims, Piro's favorite kind of game, along the lines of "Say the right words, make the right choices, and any girl will be yours." I just can't find it. This is the closest I've come (bottom frame). But yeah, that seems to be the attitude a lot of people are taking. All I have to do is say or do the right things and I'll have the one I want. Unfortunately, life is rarely that simple, and people aren't defined by simple cut and dry choices. For starters, just think about how boring that would be? Seriously though, I hate having to say this, but more often than not, there ISN'T some magic phrase that will woo a girl off her feet. I believe that if the love is there, you won't need anything else, but if the love isn't there, well... and the worst part is that usually you don't find that out until it's too late.
Love stinks.
Edit: ...sometimes.
Also, note to self, try not to wear loose boxers. They were falling off your ass, Greg. x_x
Lesse... Just a quickie before I go. I've been talking to a few people the past few days about relationships and such. It seems like lots of people are asking me "What can I do to make him/her/you love me?" I wish I could give the answer. I was telling one person about how I manage to be completely irresistable to anyone, without even trying, and he asked me how I did it, and I honestly don't know. Of course, in a few minutes HE was completely taken with me too. I'm scary powerful. But that's my own problem. For most people, it seems to be the opposite. No matter what they do, they can't seem to get some person to like them. I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
At the back of my head, I'm reminded of one strip of Megatokyo. Something was said, talking about dating sims, Piro's favorite kind of game, along the lines of "Say the right words, make the right choices, and any girl will be yours." I just can't find it. This is the closest I've come (bottom frame). But yeah, that seems to be the attitude a lot of people are taking. All I have to do is say or do the right things and I'll have the one I want. Unfortunately, life is rarely that simple, and people aren't defined by simple cut and dry choices. For starters, just think about how boring that would be? Seriously though, I hate having to say this, but more often than not, there ISN'T some magic phrase that will woo a girl off her feet. I believe that if the love is there, you won't need anything else, but if the love isn't there, well... and the worst part is that usually you don't find that out until it's too late.
Love stinks.
Edit: ...sometimes.
Time Delay
Okay, I'm officially starting a few countdowns. Here goes:
And then, the crown jewel of long distance goals:
So yeah, there's what's going on in my life. I'm sure theres some other stuff going on too.
I've got a whole bunch of details to fill in there, too. Final projects and such. Vacation plans are almost wide open. I gotta schedule time with Jackie. I gotta fit some time to play with little Clara, and I'm sure Lena's gonna want a bit of my attention. And then, as I've been focusing on Kingdom Hearts so much lately, I need to go back to my Hard difficulty game of the first one and do some work on that. My master plan? Show Lena the Agrabah level (from Aladdin) and see if Clara wants to help me play with Winnie the Pooh in the 100 Acre Woods World. I won't beat the game, but I'll get something done at least while im there.
Oh yeah, while I've got you here, I just earlier remembered the dream I had last night. If you haven't seen Blade 2 it won't make any sense to you. For that matter, even if you have, it still won't. It's a dream. Dreams don't make sense ever. Rawr. Anyway, I was running around killing those super vampire things with lights. Yeah, the UV flashlight things that worked so well. Then the head vampire guy though, he was immune. It sucked. But I think I still managed to win. Not sure how. I mighta just woken up, but yeah. Yay pop culture nonsense.
My brain is falling apart at the scenes.
Nov 21 - Hikaru Utada's "Passion" (KH2 Theme) TV Debut.
Nov 22 - Home for Thanksgiving break.
Dec 07 - Last day of regular classes.
Dec 10 - Extended PTQ at Mad Hatters. Winner goes to Hawaii.
Dec 14 - Last day of finals. I GET TO GO HOME FOR WINTER BREAK!
Dec 22 - Kingdom Hearts 2 released in Japan. Must consider spoilerage
Dec 24 - I'm 21! Maybe I'll get drunk, but probably not.
Dec 25 - Yay Christmas. I've gotta buy some presents before this point.
Jan 0X - Possible visit to NJ. Not sure yet. Everything about winter break is a blur.
And then, the crown jewel of long distance goals:
Mar XX - Kingdom Hearts 2 North American release. *Spooge*
So yeah, there's what's going on in my life. I'm sure theres some other stuff going on too.
I've got a whole bunch of details to fill in there, too. Final projects and such. Vacation plans are almost wide open. I gotta schedule time with Jackie. I gotta fit some time to play with little Clara, and I'm sure Lena's gonna want a bit of my attention. And then, as I've been focusing on Kingdom Hearts so much lately, I need to go back to my Hard difficulty game of the first one and do some work on that. My master plan? Show Lena the Agrabah level (from Aladdin) and see if Clara wants to help me play with Winnie the Pooh in the 100 Acre Woods World. I won't beat the game, but I'll get something done at least while im there.
Oh yeah, while I've got you here, I just earlier remembered the dream I had last night. If you haven't seen Blade 2 it won't make any sense to you. For that matter, even if you have, it still won't. It's a dream. Dreams don't make sense ever. Rawr. Anyway, I was running around killing those super vampire things with lights. Yeah, the UV flashlight things that worked so well. Then the head vampire guy though, he was immune. It sucked. But I think I still managed to win. Not sure how. I mighta just woken up, but yeah. Yay pop culture nonsense.
My brain is falling apart at the scenes.
John Cusack Has Father-In-Law Issues
John Cusack is a good actor. That is, he acts in movies that I enjoy, and I enjoy his preformances in them. So yeah, good actor. Except for one small detail. the father of his significant other (wife, fiance`, girlfriend, whatever) always ends up dying. If you haven't seen High Fidelity, you need to. It's damn good movie. Same goes for Pushing Tin, a movie about air traffic controllers. In both of them, his girlfriend/wife's father dies, and while that in and of itself is not a major plot point, something important always happnes, just after the funeral. It's weird. I shall bring you more on this issue as it develops.
X-Box 360
I don't trust that thing. Yeah, the new X-Box. Just look at it. It's white. There hasn't been a white video game system since the Playstation, and honestly, the first one was just a little suspicious. And really, the PS1 was just grey. The X-Box 360 is pure white. It's like an Imperial Stormtrooper. And they're all wireless... No, no, nothing about this adds up at all. I may go for the stately silver Playstation 3.
On which I will play Kingdom Hearts 2!!! Actually, I hope to beat KH2 before the PS3 comes out, but still... Here's a list of all the things I'm excitied about for Kingdom Hearts 2:
-Tron World!
-Steamboat Willie World! (Go go retro goodness)
-Disney castle! (Yeah, I'm a dork)
-PIRATES! (Seriously, they got Jonny Depp, Orlando Bloom, and Kiera Knightly for the POTC world)
-More storyline development!
Seriously, I've already ranted about how awesome the first one's story was. And there was a lot left unfinished. Riku and Mickey were locked on the wrong side of the final doorway, Kairi was left alone on their home of the Destiny Islands, and Sora, Donald and Goofy were alone wandering in the middle of nowhere. Apparently something else happened to them for the game Chain of Memories, but it seems that game was something of a removable sidequest. Important things happened, but nothing that'll be missed when KH2 starts. I've been looking at way too many rumors for the game, and I'm not sure I want to.
All I REALLY wanna know is the release date, and maybe watch a few preview videos. The commercials that made it to TV for the first game were really good. I hate to admit it, but half the reason I bought the game was because the "Simple and Clean" PlanetB remix was stuck in my head. (This was the same major reason I got FFX and X-2; the "Real Emotion" commercials got to me)The other reason was that I have a big nostalgia spot, including Disney characters, from Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, on to Aladdin. So that made the game actually look like it would be fun to play. Plus I had a bunch of extra store credit (I wrote about it a while back), so I got it. And I have not regretted it. It's a great game. Have I told you to buy Kingdom Hearts enough yet? Do you have it? Why not? Go! Now!
And Chain of Memories. Man my DS can't come soon enough.
What Is It Good For
This came up on the Daily Show tonight. Felt like looking up the lyrics, and then sharin them with y'all:
So in other news, now that I've wasted a good chunk of space, here's the highlight of my day. A girl friend of mine got into a fight with some other girl, over some stupid thing (*cough*Mike*cough*), and I got dragged into it. I wish I'd saved the chat, because it was quite entertaining. The best part was when the offending girl brought her new boyfriend in with her, and he threatened to use his gang (first it was the mob, then it was just A mob, the generic pitchforks and torches thing I guess?) before settling on an inner city gang.
So... This guy's solution to dealing with a girl that upset his girlfriend is to go get a gang of thugs to beat her up? Where in does this make sense? Also the guy (19) decided I sounded like a 13 year old dork, despite the fact that I was the only one in the room making intelligent arguments, plus the oldest. I'm not 13. A dork, maybe. I wear that tag with pride.
War! - huh- yeah-So true.
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing
War! – huh – yeah-
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing
Say it again y’all
War! – huh – good God
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me…
Ohhh… War! I despise
Because it means destruction’
Of innocent lives
War means tears
to thousands of mothers eyes
When their sons go to fight
and lose their lives
I said - War! Huh – Good God y’all
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing
Say it again
War! Whoa, Lord
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me…
War! It ain’t nothing but a heartbreaker
War! Friend only to the undertaker
War! It’s an enemy to all mankind
The thought of war blows my mind
War has caused unrest in the younger generation
Induction then destruction-
Who wants to die?
Ohhh… War – Good God Y’all
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing
Say it, Say it, Say it
War! Uh-huh – Yeah - Huh!
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me…
War! It ain’t nothing but a heartbreaker
War! It’s got one friend, that’s the undertaker
War has shattered many a young mans dreams
Made him disabled bitter and mean
Life is much to precious to spend fighting wars these days
War can’t give life, it can only take it away
War! Huh – Good God y’all
What is it good for?
Absolutely nothing
Say it again
War! Whoa, Lord
What is it good for
Absolutely nothing
Listen to me…
War! It ain’t nothing but a heartbreaker
War! Friend only to the undertaker
Peace Love and Understanding;
tell me, is there no place for them today?
They say we must fight to keep our freedom
But Lord knows there’s got to be a better way
War! Huh – Good God y’all
What is it good for?
You tell me
Say it, Say it, Say it
War! Huh – Good God y’all
What is it good for?
Stand up and shout it.
So in other news, now that I've wasted a good chunk of space, here's the highlight of my day. A girl friend of mine got into a fight with some other girl, over some stupid thing (*cough*Mike*cough*), and I got dragged into it. I wish I'd saved the chat, because it was quite entertaining. The best part was when the offending girl brought her new boyfriend in with her, and he threatened to use his gang (first it was the mob, then it was just A mob, the generic pitchforks and torches thing I guess?) before settling on an inner city gang.
So... This guy's solution to dealing with a girl that upset his girlfriend is to go get a gang of thugs to beat her up? Where in does this make sense? Also the guy (19) decided I sounded like a 13 year old dork, despite the fact that I was the only one in the room making intelligent arguments, plus the oldest. I'm not 13. A dork, maybe. I wear that tag with pride.
Toilet Seats
So Jackie went and sent me this comic, thereby sparking the age old (apparently) debate about guys leaving the toilet up. I'd never really understood it. I always got it confused, thinking I should leave the seat UP, so it doesn't get dirty. Either that or I should leave the whole thing, seat and cover both down, to keep stuff from getting out, like in the movie Dreamcatcher. Only, not aliens.
Now, to be fair, I grew up in a house with two younger brothers as my only siblings, and through it all, my mom had a personal attached bathroom to her bedroom. She would often lock herself in there for stretches and read her romance novels. In any case, in a house dominated by males, we'd never considered that someone could actually not pay attention and FALL IN. I had never even considered it until just today, when a couple girls told me. Perhaps its just how I was raised, going from sharing bathrooms with both brothers, to sharing them with just PJ the one year we lived on Allison Rd, to having my own personal bathroom in Austin. And again, I'd shared public bathrooms at restaurants with just other men. Even the facilities here at Bledsoe, which all sit down models (no urinals), are shared by only men. So the idea of thinking specifically about a woman coming in and having to use the toilet after me may simply have never crossed my mind.
But I don't see why men have to do all the work. I mean, I occasionally have to sit on a toilet, too (it's called pooping), and I haven't ever fallen in, even after sharing facilities just with men. Do you ladies want to know why? Because I CHECK before I sit down. I don't just back into the stall and plop down. I walk in, facing the toilet, close the door if there's a stall, and check. I mean, how hard is it to look at a toilet and think, "Oh my, no, my butt could fit right through there"?
And then, once you've identified the problem (which is the big reason chicks fall in), you have to *Gasp* lower that seat. Oh, such hard work, going with gravity and all. Oh no, we'll have none of that. Make guys lift (work against gravity) AND lower.
Come on, take some personal responsibility. It's not my fault if you don't check where your ass is going. But with all the other things guys do to be nice to girls, like holding doors open, pulling out chairs, paying for the dates, do you really have to ask us to lower a seat for you too? Do you want us to think you really are that helpless? Or retarded?
Again, to be fair, this is not the most retarded thing I've ever heard from a woman. In the intrest of fair play, here it is: When I was in debate class in high school, one of my classmates was a girl named Amanda. I don't remember her last name, but she was, in my mind at least, hot. Not like, movie star sexy gorgeous, but she had something about her that made me like looking at her. But she said some of the dumbest things about girls in general, it was almost funny except she was serious. The incident in question, the one that will forever stick out in my mind, was some discussion of date rape. I don't remember exactly how the class got to talking about this, but her position was basically that if a girl is dressing in sexy / revealing / appealing clothes to a party, she's basically asking to have sex, and shouldn't complain about being raped. That was, and is still, in my mind, the most retarded things I've ever heard. A girl who looks pretty is not asking to be raped. No one ever is. And anyone who thinks that a sexy dress is an excuse to rape the wearer has some sort of problem.
The story has a happy ending though. One of the teachers, a woman, spoke up and said, "Well, Amanda, what you're wearing could be considered overly sexy." It was true. "Does that mean you're giving all the guys in this class permission to rape you?" Before Amanda had a chance to answer, I spoke up. Keeping my right hand on the mouse so I could play Snood, I raised my left fist in the air and shouted "Lets go!"
Stephen Merrit gave me a high five for that.
EDIT: Oh yeah, my proposed solution to the toilet seat thing: I've decided to start an agressive campaign of leaving toilet seats up. Even when I poop. Seat goes up. Take that.
Either that, or I cover up the whole seat, just so they can see what it's like to lift the seat.
Now, to be fair, I grew up in a house with two younger brothers as my only siblings, and through it all, my mom had a personal attached bathroom to her bedroom. She would often lock herself in there for stretches and read her romance novels. In any case, in a house dominated by males, we'd never considered that someone could actually not pay attention and FALL IN. I had never even considered it until just today, when a couple girls told me. Perhaps its just how I was raised, going from sharing bathrooms with both brothers, to sharing them with just PJ the one year we lived on Allison Rd, to having my own personal bathroom in Austin. And again, I'd shared public bathrooms at restaurants with just other men. Even the facilities here at Bledsoe, which all sit down models (no urinals), are shared by only men. So the idea of thinking specifically about a woman coming in and having to use the toilet after me may simply have never crossed my mind.
But I don't see why men have to do all the work. I mean, I occasionally have to sit on a toilet, too (it's called pooping), and I haven't ever fallen in, even after sharing facilities just with men. Do you ladies want to know why? Because I CHECK before I sit down. I don't just back into the stall and plop down. I walk in, facing the toilet, close the door if there's a stall, and check. I mean, how hard is it to look at a toilet and think, "Oh my, no, my butt could fit right through there"?
And then, once you've identified the problem (which is the big reason chicks fall in), you have to *Gasp* lower that seat. Oh, such hard work, going with gravity and all. Oh no, we'll have none of that. Make guys lift (work against gravity) AND lower.
Come on, take some personal responsibility. It's not my fault if you don't check where your ass is going. But with all the other things guys do to be nice to girls, like holding doors open, pulling out chairs, paying for the dates, do you really have to ask us to lower a seat for you too? Do you want us to think you really are that helpless? Or retarded?
Again, to be fair, this is not the most retarded thing I've ever heard from a woman. In the intrest of fair play, here it is: When I was in debate class in high school, one of my classmates was a girl named Amanda. I don't remember her last name, but she was, in my mind at least, hot. Not like, movie star sexy gorgeous, but she had something about her that made me like looking at her. But she said some of the dumbest things about girls in general, it was almost funny except she was serious. The incident in question, the one that will forever stick out in my mind, was some discussion of date rape. I don't remember exactly how the class got to talking about this, but her position was basically that if a girl is dressing in sexy / revealing / appealing clothes to a party, she's basically asking to have sex, and shouldn't complain about being raped. That was, and is still, in my mind, the most retarded things I've ever heard. A girl who looks pretty is not asking to be raped. No one ever is. And anyone who thinks that a sexy dress is an excuse to rape the wearer has some sort of problem.
The story has a happy ending though. One of the teachers, a woman, spoke up and said, "Well, Amanda, what you're wearing could be considered overly sexy." It was true. "Does that mean you're giving all the guys in this class permission to rape you?" Before Amanda had a chance to answer, I spoke up. Keeping my right hand on the mouse so I could play Snood, I raised my left fist in the air and shouted "Lets go!"
Stephen Merrit gave me a high five for that.
EDIT: Oh yeah, my proposed solution to the toilet seat thing: I've decided to start an agressive campaign of leaving toilet seats up. Even when I poop. Seat goes up. Take that.
Either that, or I cover up the whole seat, just so they can see what it's like to lift the seat.
Mickey Mouse Picks On Cats
I just watched Steamboat Willie. It's a great cartoon, and undoubtably a classic, but I've never seen such terrible cartoon violence. You think Tom and Jerry are bad? You have NO IDEA. Mickey Mouse is just cruel to animals. And I'm not talking like "Donald is a duck, and Goofy is a dog" kind of animals. Except for Mickey, Minnie, and Pete, the animals in this cartoon were normal animals.
Okay, so the goat had it coming. He ate Minnie's music to "Turkey In The Straw," so it's only fair that Minnie gets to play him like a phonograph. But then Mickey goes and shows off all the new ways he can make sound, because, after all, it's a sound cartoon. First, he's banging on barrels and pots and pans, and it's all good. Then a cat walks by. And I thought, aww, they're gonna have the cat meow for the thing. After a couple mews, Mickey STEPS on the cat, and starts yanking its tail, and then swang the cat around his head, all so that the cat meowed to the music. Then threw the cat away and started choking a duck to the music instead. Simply awful. It makes his playing the teeth of a cow like a xylophone tame by comparison.
So this all started because I've been looking forward to one of Mickey Mouses upcoming projects - Kingdom Hearts 2. Yeah, I'm getting all excited about it. Just over a month until it hits in Japan. I've decided I want to play the game on my own to find out exactly what the story is, so this means DON'T TELL ME HOW IT ENDS!! All I wanna know is how it turns out.
Oh, and I need my DS to finish Chain of Memories, too. Damn that dragon's hard.
Okay, so the goat had it coming. He ate Minnie's music to "Turkey In The Straw," so it's only fair that Minnie gets to play him like a phonograph. But then Mickey goes and shows off all the new ways he can make sound, because, after all, it's a sound cartoon. First, he's banging on barrels and pots and pans, and it's all good. Then a cat walks by. And I thought, aww, they're gonna have the cat meow for the thing. After a couple mews, Mickey STEPS on the cat, and starts yanking its tail, and then swang the cat around his head, all so that the cat meowed to the music. Then threw the cat away and started choking a duck to the music instead. Simply awful. It makes his playing the teeth of a cow like a xylophone tame by comparison.
So this all started because I've been looking forward to one of Mickey Mouses upcoming projects - Kingdom Hearts 2. Yeah, I'm getting all excited about it. Just over a month until it hits in Japan. I've decided I want to play the game on my own to find out exactly what the story is, so this means DON'T TELL ME HOW IT ENDS!! All I wanna know is how it turns out.
Oh, and I need my DS to finish Chain of Memories, too. Damn that dragon's hard.
Lack Of Cheerleaders
I've decided that the reason there's so much depression in the world is due to a lack of cheerleaders. Cheerleaders are like nature's Prozac. You can't help but feel good when you see a team of girls in a skirt and a tight t-shirt bouncing around with energy...

See? Don't you feel better now?
If not, here's some advice for you from Emma:

So go find some cheerleaders and/or some duct tape (the best tape ever) and you'll feel right as rain in no time!
See? Don't you feel better now?
If not, here's some advice for you from Emma:
So go find some cheerleaders and/or some duct tape (the best tape ever) and you'll feel right as rain in no time!
Magic Stuff
Silly Legacy players...
All this talk of old-school deck-types has me thinking of the nifty story I once heard about the guy playing Sligh. His opponent was at 6 life, but he was facing lethal combat damage, and his board was a lonely Cursed Scroll and some land, no cards in hand. On what was going to be his last draw step either way, the mans eyes brightened with hope. He looked straight at the other guy and tapped three mountains to activate the Scroll, targeting the other player. "Fireblast," he named, and held out his one-card hand for his opponent to choose from. The opponent did some quick math. Two damage from the Scroll plus 4 from Fireblast would be enough to kill him, so he scooped up his cards in defeat.
He never saw that the one card in the red mage's hand was a Mountain.
The moral of the story? (And this applies outside of Magic, too.) Don't give up. Ever. If they're gonna beat you, make them earn it. Don't give up on anything you really want.
"Duress?"Also, three threshold decks making top 8 really confused me. But at least now I know why Matt's modified precon is so good. All this time I just thought I was playing against it wrong. Turns out he was a few years ahead of Eternal Tech. Nifty.
"There are only four targets in the deck."
"What am I supposed to do - not Duress?"
All this talk of old-school deck-types has me thinking of the nifty story I once heard about the guy playing Sligh. His opponent was at 6 life, but he was facing lethal combat damage, and his board was a lonely Cursed Scroll and some land, no cards in hand. On what was going to be his last draw step either way, the mans eyes brightened with hope. He looked straight at the other guy and tapped three mountains to activate the Scroll, targeting the other player. "Fireblast," he named, and held out his one-card hand for his opponent to choose from. The opponent did some quick math. Two damage from the Scroll plus 4 from Fireblast would be enough to kill him, so he scooped up his cards in defeat.
He never saw that the one card in the red mage's hand was a Mountain.
The moral of the story? (And this applies outside of Magic, too.) Don't give up. Ever. If they're gonna beat you, make them earn it. Don't give up on anything you really want.
Me In A Nutshell
It's funny how much abstract philosophy can enlighten one about oneself.
Effervescence 34: hrmmYeah, that's a pretty good descriptor of my head at any given moment.
Effervescence 34: is a stripper a stripper when she's asleep
Zackthevac24: idk
Effervescence 34: hrmm
Effervescence 34: these are the questions that keep me up at night
Effervescence 34: because, u know, i sleep with a stripper in my bed
Zackthevac24: hhaha?
Effervescence 34: o_O
Zackthevac24: are u serios
Effervescence 34: never
No Respect.
No fucking respect. Sigh... Some people are lame, waht can I say...
Read Applegeeks. Speaking of which, I'm planning on buying their poster through the Megagear store, and a few t-shirts. That'll be cool. And remember:
I'm an NPC. Pay no attention to me.
God, I feel like shit right now, and I'm not sure why... I need to go to sleep.
Read Applegeeks. Speaking of which, I'm planning on buying their poster through the Megagear store, and a few t-shirts. That'll be cool. And remember:
I'm an NPC. Pay no attention to me.
God, I feel like shit right now, and I'm not sure why... I need to go to sleep.
Just So You Know
There is an abandoned military complex at Alkali Lake close to where we found you. There's no one there now, but... You might find some answers.
Brain Teaser
Okay, so on "Robot Chicken", they were doing a court-room drama parody. They called a hick up to the stand.
So Man A has sex with his daughter, Woman 1, and she gives birth to a boy, Man B. Man B has sex with Woman 1, who is his mother and sister. Woman 1 gives birth to a girl, Woman 2. Man B has sex with HIS daughter/sister, Woman 2, and they give birth to Hick Prime. Now, Woman 2 is Hick Prime's birth Mother, obviously, as well as his sister, since they share the same father, Man B. And since Woman 2 is Man B's sister, she is Hick Prime's aunt (she is his father's sister). And then, since Hick Prime's father (Man B) and Woman 2's mother (Woman 1) are siblings as well, Hick Prime and Woman 2 are cousins.
Shit, I forgot how I squeezed cousin in there. Oh wait, no. *Edit's it in.* Kay, that was fun. So there you have it. His mother, sister, aunt, and cousin are all the same person. Where's my $20?
"Isn't it true your mother, sister, aunt, and cousin are all the same person?"So anyway, is that possible? I got everything but cousin settled..... No wait, I just got it. I wish I had some way to hide the text from you all to keep you from seeing the answer I came up with. Oh! Tiny text:
"Ah-Duhhh.." *Drool*
So Man A has sex with his daughter, Woman 1, and she gives birth to a boy, Man B. Man B has sex with Woman 1, who is his mother and sister. Woman 1 gives birth to a girl, Woman 2. Man B has sex with HIS daughter/sister, Woman 2, and they give birth to Hick Prime. Now, Woman 2 is Hick Prime's birth Mother, obviously, as well as his sister, since they share the same father, Man B. And since Woman 2 is Man B's sister, she is Hick Prime's aunt (she is his father's sister). And then, since Hick Prime's father (Man B) and Woman 2's mother (Woman 1) are siblings as well, Hick Prime and Woman 2 are cousins.
Shit, I forgot how I squeezed cousin in there. Oh wait, no. *Edit's it in.* Kay, that was fun. So there you have it. His mother, sister, aunt, and cousin are all the same person. Where's my $20?
My computer is horrible. It had some sorta issues where it was refusing to connect to the Internet after a time. For some reason, AIM stayed up and talked to people, but I couldn't to any new sites. If anyone knows what it's doing, lemme know.
I've decided that I don't really want other people having access to this. If Jackie (or anyone else) wants to write a guest entry, send me the entry, and I'll paste it in for you, but I just don't like the idea of people running around in here... Sorry Jackie.
Anyway, I dunno, I'm not up to being exciting tonight. Later.
I've decided that I don't really want other people having access to this. If Jackie (or anyone else) wants to write a guest entry, send me the entry, and I'll paste it in for you, but I just don't like the idea of people running around in here... Sorry Jackie.
Anyway, I dunno, I'm not up to being exciting tonight. Later.
"the blog shall not be used for evil intentions"
pfsh. okay. I'm gonna try to not use the blog for evil, that's what my blog's for. Anyways, this needed a post. I have a feeling Greg stayed up all last night and will probably be sleeping all day, so I'm taking the random posting into my hands. who here reads Little Gamers? ^.^ it's good. How about Ctrl Alt Del? Though I'm not as much of a comic junkee as Greg is, I still enjoy my comics. Anyways, who likes music? O.o (all of chu better) I like music -hugs her giant eighth note plushie- O.o Cool. lessee... I like mandarin oranges. They're my favourite food. ^.^ I like them more than I like tacos. And tacos are the best, so that says a lot.
Being Loved
I've been having talking to a lot of my friends lately, and it seems like a running theme in all the conversations is that someone doesn't like them, or hates them, or something, and therefore they feel their own life is worthless.
When I was just a kid, maybe 10 at most, I had a friend, Gary Lees, who was like two years older than me. (I ended up being at least one grade below all my friends on my block, but that's another story.) I remember being in a car with him and his family, going off somewhere, like a movie or something, and he was upset about something. He said something to the effect of "I'll bet I'm adopted. My real parents didn't want me and left me in a dumpster to die." Sad stuff. Completely untrue, too. I thought about that for just a second before replying. "Well, even if that is true, then these people still loved you enough to take you into their home, which is realy good, right?" I probably paraphrased that, but the effect comes out right.
So to all you people who are sad about how your life is miserable because there is someone who doesn't like you. Honestly, there are some six billion people on this planet who don't like you, simply because they don't know you. Why should you get upset because you know a very small fraction of the people who don't like you? That's like getting upset at one small grain of rice for tasting bad.
Really, if you ask me, the measure of your friends is not in the people who don't like you, but in the people who do. And if you ask me, it only takes just one or two people who love you to even out against the people who don't. Chances are, if you're reading this, you can add me to that list. So there you go. Your life is validated, if for no other reason than I want you in my life. So cheer up and know that someone in Lubbock cares about you.
When I was just a kid, maybe 10 at most, I had a friend, Gary Lees, who was like two years older than me. (I ended up being at least one grade below all my friends on my block, but that's another story.) I remember being in a car with him and his family, going off somewhere, like a movie or something, and he was upset about something. He said something to the effect of "I'll bet I'm adopted. My real parents didn't want me and left me in a dumpster to die." Sad stuff. Completely untrue, too. I thought about that for just a second before replying. "Well, even if that is true, then these people still loved you enough to take you into their home, which is realy good, right?" I probably paraphrased that, but the effect comes out right.
So to all you people who are sad about how your life is miserable because there is someone who doesn't like you. Honestly, there are some six billion people on this planet who don't like you, simply because they don't know you. Why should you get upset because you know a very small fraction of the people who don't like you? That's like getting upset at one small grain of rice for tasting bad.
Really, if you ask me, the measure of your friends is not in the people who don't like you, but in the people who do. And if you ask me, it only takes just one or two people who love you to even out against the people who don't. Chances are, if you're reading this, you can add me to that list. So there you go. Your life is validated, if for no other reason than I want you in my life. So cheer up and know that someone in Lubbock cares about you.
Meet Brian
My brain is named Brian. I named him this because one day Brian broke and refused to spell the word brain the way I wanted to. So now Brian is totally broke. He's edging towards becoming Briana, which will just screw everything up.
The whole "guest editor" thing is starting to rub me the wrong way. I mean, yeah, I only had it up for like 30 minuts, but I dunno. This is my blog. I like letting Jackie contribute, but... Meh, I'll let it stay for a while. It's a trial thing. If it works, then feel free to beg me for a membership too, I gues. Random Bullshit is for the people! Especially Greg, though. Because I'm special. And everyone loves me.
La La La. I'm totally adorable. I could kill a baby and eat its spleen and people would be like, oh, it's okay, we still love Greg. That's scary. U_U
Stop Loving Me!!!
What am I saying!? You all must love me, because I promise to not abuse my power. Like Spiderman!
The whole "guest editor" thing is starting to rub me the wrong way. I mean, yeah, I only had it up for like 30 minuts, but I dunno. This is my blog. I like letting Jackie contribute, but... Meh, I'll let it stay for a while. It's a trial thing. If it works, then feel free to beg me for a membership too, I gues. Random Bullshit is for the people! Especially Greg, though. Because I'm special. And everyone loves me.
La La La. I'm totally adorable. I could kill a baby and eat its spleen and people would be like, oh, it's okay, we still love Greg. That's scary. U_U
Stop Loving Me!!!
What am I saying!? You all must love me, because I promise to not abuse my power. Like Spiderman!
Editor Status
Due to popular demand (yeah, right, I pretty much begged for it) I've been made an editor. I promise not to abuse this, but... maybe misuse it? to get my word out to the general public? (sure...)
"what about the floating pig out there?"
that's a government pig!!!
^.^ Invader Zim is best.
"what about the floating pig out there?"
that's a government pig!!!
^.^ Invader Zim is best.
Friday Night Magic
Both the name of the event I went to, and then also just the "magic"(not card game) that occurs on a Friday Night. Here's a rundown.
Good afternoon, nothing to brag about. I saw a couple of new episodes of Teen Titans. I LOVE THAT SHOW! Especially the newest episode, where Raven has to babysit for some kid heroes. Not just teens like the rest of the Titans. We're talking 5 and under here. Best quote from that episode, and something needs quoting though, "Just because he's imaginary, that doesn't mean he isn't real." Too true.
Anyway, I went out to Mad Hatter's for the free Type 2 tournament. I did okay, made Top 8. I should have dropped from the top 8, since I was pretty sure I wouldn't make it past the first round, even though it's SO tempting to try... But the real issue was that Paul, my ride, wasn't gonna. Plus it was past midnight by the time I left anyway... I'm dead tired.
Here's some examples of me being awesome to leave you with though:
Speaking of: Stewie (Family Guy) has apparently no genetalia.
And finally, I like this picture. You may discuss amongst yourselves exactly why.

Oh yeah, and then I added Jackie as an assistant author to this, because she loves it, and wanted to. Giving out my password was too complicated, so I just gave her posting priveledges. Welcome aboard. ^_^
Good afternoon, nothing to brag about. I saw a couple of new episodes of Teen Titans. I LOVE THAT SHOW! Especially the newest episode, where Raven has to babysit for some kid heroes. Not just teens like the rest of the Titans. We're talking 5 and under here. Best quote from that episode, and something needs quoting though, "Just because he's imaginary, that doesn't mean he isn't real." Too true.
Anyway, I went out to Mad Hatter's for the free Type 2 tournament. I did okay, made Top 8. I should have dropped from the top 8, since I was pretty sure I wouldn't make it past the first round, even though it's SO tempting to try... But the real issue was that Paul, my ride, wasn't gonna. Plus it was past midnight by the time I left anyway... I'm dead tired.
Here's some examples of me being awesome to leave you with though:
♥Usagiko♥ [» iEMO.]~* says:And then this I saw on Mr. Show with Bob and Dave:
Im starting to think i cant draw full blown piccus anymore. just doodles o_o
Effervescence says:
♥Usagiko♥ [» iEMO.]~* says:
..? o-o lies?
Effervescence says:
and anyway, your doodles are way better than anything i could do
♥Usagiko♥ [» iEMO.]~* says:
pffft i just practice non stop~ o_O
♥Usagiko♥ [» iEMO.]~* says:
im sure its like, unhealthy xD
Effervescence says:
Effervescence says:
practice makes perfect
Effervescence says:
unless its a law practice
Effervescence says:
then it makes a mint
♥Usagiko♥ [» iEMO.]~* says:
Since the dawn of time, man has wondered: "Do mysteries exist?" Some say maybe. Others aren't so sure.Hehe. I love TV.
Speaking of: Stewie (Family Guy) has apparently no genetalia.
And finally, I like this picture. You may discuss amongst yourselves exactly why.
Oh yeah, and then I added Jackie as an assistant author to this, because she loves it, and wanted to. Giving out my password was too complicated, so I just gave her posting priveledges. Welcome aboard. ^_^
Here's a fun activity for you guys. Compare this with the following MSN conversation:
I've realized a while back that I'm an entertainer at heart. It doesn't help me much that I'm shy, but luckily for me there's mass media. Trust me, if I had to deliver these blog entries as weekly speeches at some local soundstage, I wouldn't do it. Hell, I'll bet half of the blogger population would. But this gives me, at the same time, a note of detachment from my work writing and the fact that I'm performing for people. Really, that's all this is. My little performance for you, in the hopes that it'll make some of you giggle or think about something you wouldn't usually.
I told Mike last night, basically, that I'm a people-pleaser. I like being liked. I am really happy to be able to say that I don't have any enemies in my life, except for myself sometimes. But when it comes to my friends, I'll do anything to give them a smile, or to make them laugh at least a little. I like being able to cheer people up. I'm very empathic, and when someone tells me that something is bugging them, I feel their pain. I don't like hearing about their suffering, and it becomes a goal of mine to end it.
More often than not this gets me in trouble. I tell people I care about them, that I love them, and it's completely true. It's just lacking the sense of devotion that most people expect from the words "I Love You." "I love you, but I'm not 'in love'" with you frequently springs to mind. I love you, but you aren't the only person I love. Like I said, not a recipe for building a healthy relationship. I've got a knack for getting people to fall in love with me, it seems, and it would kill me to break their hearts by telling them it's just an act (it's not), or that they aren't special (they are). So I tell them I love them, too, and I get caught. I'm an emotional slut, I guess. I'll do anything to be liked, and to feel wanted. And like I said, I'm good at it. I'm charming almost to the point of being manipulative, which is a somewhat scary prospect.
So this took a dour turn. I was going to say something about how my two dream careers would either be writing for a living (not just this blog, but published short stories and novels) and video game design. Both of them are, in my mind, entertainment fields. I create something for the enjoyment of others. And really, getting people to enjoy my work, read what I write and play what I design, the knowledge that someone was appreciating something I made would be payment enough. When you list dream careers, they shouldn't be jobs that'll get you lots of money. Otherwise everyone in America would want to be a doctor, lawyer, or professional athlete. Your dream careers, or well, at least MY dream careers, are something that I'll enjoy doing every day I come into work. It's like that question from Office Space: What would you do if you had $1,000,000? What would you do every day if you didn't have to work? I'm pleased to say that I have two things I would do with no outside motivation.
I'm reminded of the scene in High Fidelity (if you haven't seen it yet, you are probably breaking some law, for it is an awesome movie) where Rob is going over his list of top 5 dream jobs with his girlfriend. He's got 4 listed that are music industry specific, being a music geek, and then for the 5th, he has "Architect," just to have something different. When his girlfriend gets to that, she asks him, "What about the job you have now?" Rob owns a record store, which is indeed a dream of many music fans. He admits that yeah, he'd rather be doing what he is doing than be an architect, so they cross off architect and add in "Own Record Store."
The point of that segue? I'd rather be doing what I'm doing now than be an architect. I'd rather be able to sit online all day and lend my friends my ear when they need someone to talk to, or just be an online fool. I like where I'm at now. I plan to stay here as long as possible. I hope you'll stay with me.
-Greg LeVine, Professional Fool
Effervescence says:I was reading the former as I read through the latter, and it made me feel a little, well, weird really that the stuff I was saying was so not like the things he was saying, and the stuff he said was so much more meaningful than what I say. But I thought a little more, and I realized that's not really true. He's writing about deeper stuff, maybe, but so what? That's not my style.
why can't you just make up your mind?!
♥Usagiko♥ [» Look at the stars.]~* says:
Shrugs xD
Effervescence says:
good answer
♥Usagiko♥ [» Look at the stars.]~* says:
I'm full of em, me. =D
Effervescence says:
careful, someone may try to tap such a precious resourse
Effervescence says:
then you got a hose up your bum
Effervescence says:
and you gotta answer awkward questions about the tube going down the bottom of your skirt
Effervescence says:
and you're all outta good answers at that point
♥Usagiko♥ [» Look at the stars.]~* says:
♥Usagiko♥ [» Look at the stars.]~* says:
Effervescence says:
so the only things left to tell people about the tube are bad answers
Effervescence says:
"it feels SOOOO good"
Effervescence says:
Effervescence says:
"my mommy dressed me herself"
Effervescence says:
Effervescence says:
"sometimes i wet the bed when I'm awake"
♥Usagiko♥ [» Look at the stars.]~* says:
Effervescence says:
todays lesson
Effervescence says:
wear tight underpants
♥Usagiko♥ [» Look at the stars.]~* says:
I've realized a while back that I'm an entertainer at heart. It doesn't help me much that I'm shy, but luckily for me there's mass media. Trust me, if I had to deliver these blog entries as weekly speeches at some local soundstage, I wouldn't do it. Hell, I'll bet half of the blogger population would. But this gives me, at the same time, a note of detachment from my work writing and the fact that I'm performing for people. Really, that's all this is. My little performance for you, in the hopes that it'll make some of you giggle or think about something you wouldn't usually.
I told Mike last night, basically, that I'm a people-pleaser. I like being liked. I am really happy to be able to say that I don't have any enemies in my life, except for myself sometimes. But when it comes to my friends, I'll do anything to give them a smile, or to make them laugh at least a little. I like being able to cheer people up. I'm very empathic, and when someone tells me that something is bugging them, I feel their pain. I don't like hearing about their suffering, and it becomes a goal of mine to end it.
More often than not this gets me in trouble. I tell people I care about them, that I love them, and it's completely true. It's just lacking the sense of devotion that most people expect from the words "I Love You." "I love you, but I'm not 'in love'" with you frequently springs to mind. I love you, but you aren't the only person I love. Like I said, not a recipe for building a healthy relationship. I've got a knack for getting people to fall in love with me, it seems, and it would kill me to break their hearts by telling them it's just an act (it's not), or that they aren't special (they are). So I tell them I love them, too, and I get caught. I'm an emotional slut, I guess. I'll do anything to be liked, and to feel wanted. And like I said, I'm good at it. I'm charming almost to the point of being manipulative, which is a somewhat scary prospect.
So this took a dour turn. I was going to say something about how my two dream careers would either be writing for a living (not just this blog, but published short stories and novels) and video game design. Both of them are, in my mind, entertainment fields. I create something for the enjoyment of others. And really, getting people to enjoy my work, read what I write and play what I design, the knowledge that someone was appreciating something I made would be payment enough. When you list dream careers, they shouldn't be jobs that'll get you lots of money. Otherwise everyone in America would want to be a doctor, lawyer, or professional athlete. Your dream careers, or well, at least MY dream careers, are something that I'll enjoy doing every day I come into work. It's like that question from Office Space: What would you do if you had $1,000,000? What would you do every day if you didn't have to work? I'm pleased to say that I have two things I would do with no outside motivation.
I'm reminded of the scene in High Fidelity (if you haven't seen it yet, you are probably breaking some law, for it is an awesome movie) where Rob is going over his list of top 5 dream jobs with his girlfriend. He's got 4 listed that are music industry specific, being a music geek, and then for the 5th, he has "Architect," just to have something different. When his girlfriend gets to that, she asks him, "What about the job you have now?" Rob owns a record store, which is indeed a dream of many music fans. He admits that yeah, he'd rather be doing what he is doing than be an architect, so they cross off architect and add in "Own Record Store."
The point of that segue? I'd rather be doing what I'm doing now than be an architect. I'd rather be able to sit online all day and lend my friends my ear when they need someone to talk to, or just be an online fool. I like where I'm at now. I plan to stay here as long as possible. I hope you'll stay with me.
-Greg LeVine, Professional Fool
I was trying to cheer up a friend. This happened:
B T M S SPARTAN: im going to bed greg
Effervescence 34: sweet dreams mikey
Effervescence 34: *kisses your forehead
Effervescence 34: i love you
B T M S SPARTAN: thanks
B T M S SPARTAN: and no you dont
Effervescence 34: sure i do
Effervescence 34: ur a good friend
Effervescence 34: and i really do love you
Effervescence 34: *hugs
B T M S SPARTAN: dont use the word love
B T M S SPARTAN: the word love holds the deepest meaning to me
B T M S SPARTAN: i love jackie
B T M S SPARTAN: i dont remember not knowing her
B T M S SPARTAN: and she is my world, yes i used to have romantic feelings for her
B T M S SPARTAN: but i feel for her in such a way that i wouldent let a relationship ruin knowing her
B T M S SPARTAN: thats love
Effervescence 34: okay, well, in any case
Effervescence 34: i do care about you
B T M S SPARTAN: and theres your proof that im not stealing your girl
Effervescence 34: thank you
B T M S SPARTAN: i love her too much to ruin knowing her with dating her
Effervescence 34: i know you do
B T M S SPARTAN: I <3 my little sis
B T M S SPARTAN: she cursed out tracy
B T M S SPARTAN: because tray made me reallly sad
B T M S SPARTAN: and jac just flipped
B T M S SPARTAN: it was really cute
B T M S SPARTAN: was a while ago
B T M S SPARTAN: just remembered it
Effervescence 34: i remember, yah
Effervescence 34: she really cares about you too
Effervescence 34: and ur right, i overuse the word love
Effervescence 34: caring just sounds so childish, i dunno
Effervescence 34: stupid inpresice english language
B T M S SPARTAN: the romance languages have multiple forms of "love" in them
Effervescence 34: yeah
Effervescence 34: we need that too
Effervescence 34: my dad shouldnt feel like he's gonna get in trouble for telling me he loves me
Effervescence 34: im serious
Effervescence 34: im gonna have kids
B T M S SPARTAN: with YOUR dad
B T M S SPARTAN: we never know
Effervescence 34: and i wanna tell them i love them
B T M S SPARTAN: ive met your dad
B T M S SPARTAN: and i wouldent put that past him....
Effervescence 34: i would
B T M S SPARTAN: him and his tacky suits
Effervescence 34: yeah
B T M S SPARTAN: hes the tackymeister
Effervescence 34: thats about the most exciting part about him though
B T M S SPARTAN: tackier than a cork board
B T M S SPARTAN: tackier than a strip of bug glue
Effervescence 34: heh
Effervescence 34: yup
B T M S SPARTAN: anyways!
B T M S SPARTAN: ima get something to drink
B T M S SPARTAN: and mabye a little snack
B T M S SPARTAN: anything yu wana say
B T M S SPARTAN: cuz im gonna be afk for like
B T M S SPARTAN: 30 seconds
Effervescence 34: okay... i when i say i love you, i know it doesnt mean what you think it means, so heres what it means to me:
Effervescence 34: you're an important person in my life. I feel better for knowing you. I feel better just talking to you, or just being with you.
Effervescence 34: i don't know what I would do if I didn't have you, I am glad I do have you now, and will always be glad for as long as I have you
Effervescence 34: of course, i feel this way about a lot of people, not so much because I'm a slut, because a slut doesn't love anyone, they just wanna have sex
Effervescence 34: i enjoy having nice people in my life
Effervescence 34: i enjoy caring about them, and I enjoy being able to make them feel better whenever possible
Effervescence 34: and right now, you're feeling bad, and I wish I could do something to make you feel better
Effervescence 34: even if it was just hold you in my arms and tell you you're gonna be alright
Effervescence 34: or just lend an ear and listen to what exactly was bugging you
Effervescence 34: i'd do that for you, no problem
B T M S SPARTAN: you are officialy the sweetest guy
Effervescence 34: ^_^
B T M S SPARTAN: *runs an hugs you*
Effervescence 34: *catches and hugs you gently*
Effervescence 34: and that's what i mean when i tell you that I love you, mike
B T M S SPARTAN: guys like you are awesome
B T M S SPARTAN: not the best looking
Effervescence 34: ._.
B T M S SPARTAN: yet still good looking
B T M S SPARTAN: not ugly
B T M S SPARTAN: and have amasing personalitys
Effervescence 34: i try
B T M S SPARTAN: passing you in the street you would pass of as a normal computer nerd
B T M S SPARTAN: but you are truely special
B T M S SPARTAN: *pushes you to the ground and curls up next to you and lays head on your stomach*
B T M S SPARTAN: that was all a compliment greg
Effervescence 34: i know
Effervescence 34: thanks
I nearly cried while writing it. And the songs that played while I was having the conversation, and then editing it a little (Sstupid HTML) and writing this commentary were so appropriate.
Nino & Round Table - New World (Slow version of the theme to .hack//Legend)
Utada Hikaru - Hikari (Slow version of the Kingdom Hearts theme, in Japanese)
DJ Sammy & Yanou - Heaven - Candlelight Remix (also slow, much piano)
If you ever want some nice soft, sensitive music to be sweet to or something (I don't have a good emotional vocabulary), those three are a good start.
B T M S SPARTAN: im going to bed greg
Effervescence 34: sweet dreams mikey
Effervescence 34: *kisses your forehead
Effervescence 34: i love you
B T M S SPARTAN: thanks
B T M S SPARTAN: and no you dont
Effervescence 34: sure i do
Effervescence 34: ur a good friend
Effervescence 34: and i really do love you
Effervescence 34: *hugs
B T M S SPARTAN: dont use the word love
B T M S SPARTAN: the word love holds the deepest meaning to me
B T M S SPARTAN: i love jackie
B T M S SPARTAN: i dont remember not knowing her
B T M S SPARTAN: and she is my world, yes i used to have romantic feelings for her
B T M S SPARTAN: but i feel for her in such a way that i wouldent let a relationship ruin knowing her
B T M S SPARTAN: thats love
Effervescence 34: okay, well, in any case
Effervescence 34: i do care about you
B T M S SPARTAN: and theres your proof that im not stealing your girl
Effervescence 34: thank you
B T M S SPARTAN: i love her too much to ruin knowing her with dating her
Effervescence 34: i know you do
B T M S SPARTAN: I <3 my little sis
B T M S SPARTAN: she cursed out tracy
B T M S SPARTAN: because tray made me reallly sad
B T M S SPARTAN: and jac just flipped
B T M S SPARTAN: it was really cute
B T M S SPARTAN: was a while ago
B T M S SPARTAN: just remembered it
Effervescence 34: i remember, yah
Effervescence 34: she really cares about you too
Effervescence 34: and ur right, i overuse the word love
Effervescence 34: caring just sounds so childish, i dunno
Effervescence 34: stupid inpresice english language
B T M S SPARTAN: the romance languages have multiple forms of "love" in them
Effervescence 34: yeah
Effervescence 34: we need that too
Effervescence 34: my dad shouldnt feel like he's gonna get in trouble for telling me he loves me
Effervescence 34: im serious
Effervescence 34: im gonna have kids
B T M S SPARTAN: with YOUR dad
B T M S SPARTAN: we never know
Effervescence 34: and i wanna tell them i love them
B T M S SPARTAN: ive met your dad
B T M S SPARTAN: and i wouldent put that past him....
Effervescence 34: i would
B T M S SPARTAN: him and his tacky suits
Effervescence 34: yeah
B T M S SPARTAN: hes the tackymeister
Effervescence 34: thats about the most exciting part about him though
B T M S SPARTAN: tackier than a cork board
B T M S SPARTAN: tackier than a strip of bug glue
Effervescence 34: heh
Effervescence 34: yup
B T M S SPARTAN: anyways!
B T M S SPARTAN: ima get something to drink
B T M S SPARTAN: and mabye a little snack
B T M S SPARTAN: anything yu wana say
B T M S SPARTAN: cuz im gonna be afk for like
B T M S SPARTAN: 30 seconds
Effervescence 34: okay... i when i say i love you, i know it doesnt mean what you think it means, so heres what it means to me:
Effervescence 34: you're an important person in my life. I feel better for knowing you. I feel better just talking to you, or just being with you.
Effervescence 34: i don't know what I would do if I didn't have you, I am glad I do have you now, and will always be glad for as long as I have you
Effervescence 34: of course, i feel this way about a lot of people, not so much because I'm a slut, because a slut doesn't love anyone, they just wanna have sex
Effervescence 34: i enjoy having nice people in my life
Effervescence 34: i enjoy caring about them, and I enjoy being able to make them feel better whenever possible
Effervescence 34: and right now, you're feeling bad, and I wish I could do something to make you feel better
Effervescence 34: even if it was just hold you in my arms and tell you you're gonna be alright
Effervescence 34: or just lend an ear and listen to what exactly was bugging you
Effervescence 34: i'd do that for you, no problem
B T M S SPARTAN: you are officialy the sweetest guy
Effervescence 34: ^_^
B T M S SPARTAN: *runs an hugs you*
Effervescence 34: *catches and hugs you gently*
Effervescence 34: and that's what i mean when i tell you that I love you, mike
B T M S SPARTAN: guys like you are awesome
B T M S SPARTAN: not the best looking
Effervescence 34: ._.
B T M S SPARTAN: yet still good looking
B T M S SPARTAN: not ugly
B T M S SPARTAN: and have amasing personalitys
Effervescence 34: i try
B T M S SPARTAN: passing you in the street you would pass of as a normal computer nerd
B T M S SPARTAN: but you are truely special
B T M S SPARTAN: *pushes you to the ground and curls up next to you and lays head on your stomach*
B T M S SPARTAN: that was all a compliment greg
Effervescence 34: i know
Effervescence 34: thanks
I nearly cried while writing it. And the songs that played while I was having the conversation, and then editing it a little (Sstupid HTML) and writing this commentary were so appropriate.
Nino & Round Table - New World (Slow version of the theme to .hack//Legend)
Utada Hikaru - Hikari (Slow version of the Kingdom Hearts theme, in Japanese)
DJ Sammy & Yanou - Heaven - Candlelight Remix (also slow, much piano)
If you ever want some nice soft, sensitive music to be sweet to or something (I don't have a good emotional vocabulary), those three are a good start.
I'm So Jealous
I found the new coolest blog ever: waiterrant.net
This is what my blog wants to be when it grows up.
Anyway, here's the story I wanted you all to see, really, if nothing else: waiterrant.net » All Hallows Eve
Here's to the service industry. *Leaves a tip.*
This is what my blog wants to be when it grows up.
Anyway, here's the story I wanted you all to see, really, if nothing else: waiterrant.net » All Hallows Eve
Here's to the service industry. *Leaves a tip.*
I found some Random Vin Diesel Facts on the Internet. They truly are awesome. Matt suggested that it could be done for The Rock, and while that's probably true, I dunno, I just don't see it. I mean, hell, if my name was Dwayne Johnson, I'd work out and tell people to call me "The Rock," too. Hehe. Anyway, check out those facts. They're good. And I'm randomly tired. I'm gonna lie down I think.
You Have No Chance To Survive Make Your Time
Ah, who remembers old fads better than old Greg? After innundating you with my tales of Pokemon Mastery, I've come to unearth yet another ancient relic. Zero Wing, and it's terrible translation. By the way, I've decided to leave all the extra linking and such to Wikipedia, but God, I love those video, and even the random techno song that was made by, apparently, the Laziest Men On Mars. It has been re-added to my playlist.
You know what you doing.
You know what you doing.
Okay, I'm listening to "The Circle of Life" as I post this (or I was when I started it), and it fits my current mood perfectly. I just finished the last class of XL I have to take. After working all night long to find the paper worth the final 200 points of my 1000 point grade, I turned it in, and then got to come back and check what exactly my grade was. I found this:
Also today I went diving back to the very beginnings of my archives, back in December of 2003. Those were some good posts. I enjoyed reading them still, today. And they made me miss my GBA and all the fun times I'd had playing with it. Why oh why was FFTA so short? Why oh why did I leave my power cord at home? Why oh why can't I save money to get a DS... Oh wait, that's what I hope to get for Christmas. But yeah... I got an urge to play Pokemon. I'll probably get my power cord over Thanksgiving break, so I'll be able to tell you where I am in the three currently ongoing journies I have: Ruby, Emerald, and Fire Red. And maybe with functioning L and R buttons I'll be able to finish Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. Shuffling decks is tech. I should also go back and redo a bunch of the lower levels, just to level up and be awesome like that. ^_^ Ah well.... Of course, during Thanksgiving break I'll probably be playing Kingdom Hearts through on hard for the fun of it. I don't really know why, I suppose I should work on finishing one of the other PS2 games I have yet to defeat. (*Cough*FFX and FFX2*Cough*) Ah well. Lazyness within lazyness. I'm amazing. ^_^;
Current points: 758/800 (PASS)You need to get 750/1000 to pass the class, so even without the paper (which I'm probably getting the full 200 points for, because it's a very good paper, and she just uses completion grades anyway), I passed. All I had to do today was show up for class and I was in. Or rather, out. *Dances*
Also today I went diving back to the very beginnings of my archives, back in December of 2003. Those were some good posts. I enjoyed reading them still, today. And they made me miss my GBA and all the fun times I'd had playing with it. Why oh why was FFTA so short? Why oh why did I leave my power cord at home? Why oh why can't I save money to get a DS... Oh wait, that's what I hope to get for Christmas. But yeah... I got an urge to play Pokemon. I'll probably get my power cord over Thanksgiving break, so I'll be able to tell you where I am in the three currently ongoing journies I have: Ruby, Emerald, and Fire Red. And maybe with functioning L and R buttons I'll be able to finish Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories. Shuffling decks is tech. I should also go back and redo a bunch of the lower levels, just to level up and be awesome like that. ^_^ Ah well.... Of course, during Thanksgiving break I'll probably be playing Kingdom Hearts through on hard for the fun of it. I don't really know why, I suppose I should work on finishing one of the other PS2 games I have yet to defeat. (*Cough*FFX and FFX2*Cough*) Ah well. Lazyness within lazyness. I'm amazing. ^_^;
My Life Sucks
Keira Knightley showed up on the Daily Show. She's 20. I'm turning 21 in less than a month. She has a resume of 24 film or TV shows, plus three more projects in the works (Kingdom Hearts II and a couple of sequels to Pirates of the Caribbean). I'm writing a three page essay about what I learned in the XL course at Tech during my second year as a freshman. X_X
She's hot though. I wonder what it'd take to hook up with her? Okay, back to work.
She's hot though. I wonder what it'd take to hook up with her? Okay, back to work.
It Figures
Right after I get in a big hoopla about having Jackie post on here because I have writers block, I get flooded with ideas. Just before I need to be working on a 3 page essay on how I'd change the XL class. Three pages? God... That's gonna be so annoying. I mean, it's an annoying class to begin with. I'm stuck there because I have issues with procrastination, and I never learned to study. High school was easy, so I never needed to study for anything. Never really put any time into homework either. But yeah, now I'm stuck in the class that tells me how to be a better citizen. Do I have values. Do I bathe. Do I have genital herpies. What the fuck does this shit have to do with learning at college? (Though the herpies may be somewhat distracting...) But yeah, all I wanna learn is how to study and stuff. Tell me how to make and keep a schedule, that's good. Tell me how to study, that'll help. Tell me how to take notes. But don't tell me how to respect different cultures, that's just filler, and you know it. Sigh. So that's what I'm gonna write about for three pages. Just not here.
Also on my mind, as I stall for time (what'd I tell you guys about procrastination?) I think the only reason I'm not a nudist is that it'd be inconvenient. That is, right now, nudists are restricted to reservations, and have to wear clothes in public. But public decency laws aside, I wouldn't mind walking around naked all day. It'd be fun. And unlike some people (*ahem* most hypersensitive girls *ahem*), I'm not ashamed of my body. I know I look good. I may not be "in shape" entirely, but I'm slim, and I think I look good. I need a shave or two, maybe, but that's it. And I'd like to not have totally white thighs, either. X_X. So who's with me? Legalize nudism? Let Greg live his life-long dream of being a nudist?
Ok. Gotta go.
Also on my mind, as I stall for time (what'd I tell you guys about procrastination?) I think the only reason I'm not a nudist is that it'd be inconvenient. That is, right now, nudists are restricted to reservations, and have to wear clothes in public. But public decency laws aside, I wouldn't mind walking around naked all day. It'd be fun. And unlike some people (*ahem* most hypersensitive girls *ahem*), I'm not ashamed of my body. I know I look good. I may not be "in shape" entirely, but I'm slim, and I think I look good. I need a shave or two, maybe, but that's it. And I'd like to not have totally white thighs, either. X_X. So who's with me? Legalize nudism? Let Greg live his life-long dream of being a nudist?
Ok. Gotta go.
Time Pirates Too
We also had some odd time pirates. I need to never give out my password again. X_X
Fear not, the timeline has been restored to the best of my ability, except that Biff Tannen is off far worse than he used to be. But that always happens.
"Take me away, I don't mind. But you better promise me I'll be back in time."
Ah, everyone loves Huey Lewis and the News.
Fear not, the timeline has been restored to the best of my ability, except that Biff Tannen is off far worse than he used to be. But that always happens.
"Take me away, I don't mind. But you better promise me I'll be back in time."
Ah, everyone loves Huey Lewis and the News.
I've been hijacked! Don't worry, that won't happen again. (today)
Anyway, so that was exciting. I've been sick lately, so I didn't have much to say on my own. Thanks Jackie for the added content. Btw, I think it's no small coincidence that those two little bits of random heaven were posts numbers 419 and 420 on my blog.
Anyway, so that was exciting. I've been sick lately, so I didn't have much to say on my own. Thanks Jackie for the added content. Btw, I think it's no small coincidence that those two little bits of random heaven were posts numbers 419 and 420 on my blog.
part two.
This is part two to my previous post, this is still Jackie, and she still pwns you. kay? kay.
Greg's awesome
be his friend kay?
he needs to do more random posts like I do. O.o I make a lot of random weird posts
ask him about it some time.
I'm awesome.
maybe if enough of you are like... OMG JACKIES SO COOL I WANNA BE HER FRIEND! he'll let me do a lot of posts or something. my blogs boring, don't go to it. ever. it sucks. I edit it way too much so it's hard to read cause of all of the different templates I've tried out.
yeah, I'm pathetic enough to steal my boyfriend's blog, but he's cool. and I heart him. ^.^
but yeah, I can't keep up a blog by myself because I don't post, ever. I just make changes to the template... yeah. I'm a loser.
Okay, this post was made possible by... THE INTERNET! yay internet! I heart the internet.
that is all.
Greg's awesome
be his friend kay?
he needs to do more random posts like I do. O.o I make a lot of random weird posts
ask him about it some time.
I'm awesome.
maybe if enough of you are like... OMG JACKIES SO COOL I WANNA BE HER FRIEND! he'll let me do a lot of posts or something. my blogs boring, don't go to it. ever. it sucks. I edit it way too much so it's hard to read cause of all of the different templates I've tried out.
yeah, I'm pathetic enough to steal my boyfriend's blog, but he's cool. and I heart him. ^.^
but yeah, I can't keep up a blog by myself because I don't post, ever. I just make changes to the template... yeah. I'm a loser.
Okay, this post was made possible by... THE INTERNET! yay internet! I heart the internet.
that is all.
Hi! I'm Jackie, Greg's girlfriend. He trusted me enough to give me his password... (Even though he didn't know it himself, and I kind of had to push him to let me know it...). So yes, I'm commandeering the blog, so you’re all underneath my control and the power of words right now. See, by doing this, I’m controlling your mind. Ooo… Ahh… Yes, amazing… -dances- I feel so special… I wonder how many people are going to read this and be like… “Greg, chu are going out with a freak” while I’ll be like… OMGWTFYAY!!!!
I pwn’d j00.
That is all.
I pwn’d j00.
That is all.
Random Music Bugs Me
Not that I have anything against your personal music tastes. Far from it, it's fine. I just hate going to peoples web sites, be they My Spaces, Xangas, Journals of whatever variety, or whatever else you're using to construct a website, and having a random song pop up and blare outta my speakers. Rawr. It's just annoying. I mean, I'm usually listening to something else. I appriciate that you want me to listen to your music, but I should get to choose when it starts, and when it finishes.
I just went to one Xanga and found no visible controls for the song. That was frustrating. All I could do was either mute my computer (and not listen to anything) or leave (what I did). Sigh. The problem gets even worse thanks to tabbed browsing. I'll often go onto MySpace outta bordem and open up three pages at once, so I end up with 3 songs (or more, because some people decide to link 2 or 3 videos at once, which just adds to the problem more.
You don't see any random music players on MY websites, do you? Lyrics maybe, but not actual music. Speaking of which...
I just went to one Xanga and found no visible controls for the song. That was frustrating. All I could do was either mute my computer (and not listen to anything) or leave (what I did). Sigh. The problem gets even worse thanks to tabbed browsing. I'll often go onto MySpace outta bordem and open up three pages at once, so I end up with 3 songs (or more, because some people decide to link 2 or 3 videos at once, which just adds to the problem more.
You don't see any random music players on MY websites, do you? Lyrics maybe, but not actual music. Speaking of which...
No matter what the timeIt works better in japanese, but I'd always wondered what "Hikari" was when literaly translated. It's very different from "Simple and Clean", which is interesting.
I`m just alone
Destiny forgotten,
Even though I kept going.
Inside of the sudden light I awaken
In the middle of the night
Stand in the exit way,
And, in the pitch-black, take the light
And about the recent promises,
Is it just that I`m so anxious?
A wish that`s wanting to be said, but shall be repressed
I`ll introduce my family,
You`ll surely get along well
No matter what the time
We'll always be together
No matter what the time
Because you`re by my side
The light known as "you" finds me,
In the middle of the night
Enter a noisy street
And put on the mask of destiny.
Thinking too much about the future.
Stopping things that have no meaning.
Today I`ll eat delicious things.
The future is always before us,
Even I don`t know it.
It`s not necessary to go right to the end,
Just keep going.
It`s okay if the scenes
Go on one by one.
The light known as "you"
reflects my scenario
Let`s talk more,
And about the tomorrow that`s before your very eyes.
Turn off the television,
And look only at me.
No matter how well we`re doing,
I don`t believe in us completely.
But at those sort of times,
Because you`re by my side,
The light known as "you" finds me,
In the middle of the night.
Let`s talk more,
And about the tomorrow that`s before your very eyes.
Turn off the television,
And look only at me.
Heh, I thought that it ate my last post. I'm so glad it didn't. Anyway, I'd like to dedicate this to all the beautiful people in my life, even the ones who won't admit it.
Every day is so wonderfulAnd yeah, I guess it includes me, too. *Shrugs.*
And suddenly, i saw debris
Now and then, I get insecure
From all the pain, I'm so ashamed
I am beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring me down
I am beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring me down
So don't you bring me down today
To all your friends, you're delirious
So consumed in all your doom
Trying hard to fill the emptiness
The piece is gone left the puzzle undone
That's the way it is
You are beautiful no matter what they say
Words can't bring you down
You are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring you down
Don't you bring me down today...
No matter what we do
(no matter what we do)
No matter what they say
(no matter what they say)
When the sun is shining through
Then the clouds won't stay
And everywhere we go
(everywhere we go)
The sun won't always shine
(sun won't always shine)
But tomorrow will find a way
All the other times
'cause we are beautiful no matter what they say
Yes, words won't bring us down, oh no
We are beautiful in every single way
Yes, words can't bring us down
Don't you bring me down today
Don't you bring me down today
Don't you bring me down today
Ever See Galaxy Quest?
I'm having something of an off day/week/year/lifetime. *Shrugs.* Anyway, a few bright notes on the horizon.
I told you about how I came in second at the tournament last night. It was confusing. I drafteda pretty mediocre deck. No enchantment removal, which was a bit of a mistake. X_X. But yeah, it was a double elemination tournament, which was fun. I ended up going nearly undefeated, except to one loss to a guy named Paul (who, nicely enough, also volunteered to be my ride, since he drives by campus every week). Someone else went completely undefeated, and left before I got to play him with the first place title, which doesn't quite seem fair, but whatever. I probably would have died if I'd played him anyway.
So I ended up in a match against Paul for 2nd place and the amazing prize of a booster pack (first prize was also a booster, which is kinda lame). I won first game with a fast hand and other exciting stuff, and the second game just got confusing. After a slow start to mana problems, I eventually managed to play a couple of Seige Wurms and start an offensive, but not before the ground got locked into a creature stall, with Paul controlling the only flyer. Eventually, I launched a last ditch alpha strike with both Wurms and a Watchwolf. I figured it was over, and I might as well see what I could do. He ended up playing Rally the Righteous, for some reason, so that it effected ALL the creatures on the field. It really just confused things. I had an active, though not attacking, Selesnaya(sp) guildmage to pump my things up a little more, though not enough for them to survive. He ended up conceding out of confusion, which just goes to further my point. Never give up. Never surrender.
I've played games of Starcraft where I thought I was on the losing end of an undending tide. It almost always seems like that. No matter how many units I through at him, he's always got enough to push me back. But I really don't like giving up unless he's in my base and I've got nothing to stop him. Of course, not everyone is like that. Like the one guy who apparently was in the same situation as me, and decided to concede to me. That was fun. ^_^ Anyway, yeah, don't call it quits till the fat lady sings.
Anyway, tonight I saw the Boondocks. I was impressed, really. I hope it doesn't make me a racist or something because I laugh at a black show. U_U Anyway, it's really funny, I'd reccommend watching it if you get a chance.
I told you about how I came in second at the tournament last night. It was confusing. I drafteda pretty mediocre deck. No enchantment removal, which was a bit of a mistake. X_X. But yeah, it was a double elemination tournament, which was fun. I ended up going nearly undefeated, except to one loss to a guy named Paul (who, nicely enough, also volunteered to be my ride, since he drives by campus every week). Someone else went completely undefeated, and left before I got to play him with the first place title, which doesn't quite seem fair, but whatever. I probably would have died if I'd played him anyway.
So I ended up in a match against Paul for 2nd place and the amazing prize of a booster pack (first prize was also a booster, which is kinda lame). I won first game with a fast hand and other exciting stuff, and the second game just got confusing. After a slow start to mana problems, I eventually managed to play a couple of Seige Wurms and start an offensive, but not before the ground got locked into a creature stall, with Paul controlling the only flyer. Eventually, I launched a last ditch alpha strike with both Wurms and a Watchwolf. I figured it was over, and I might as well see what I could do. He ended up playing Rally the Righteous, for some reason, so that it effected ALL the creatures on the field. It really just confused things. I had an active, though not attacking, Selesnaya(sp) guildmage to pump my things up a little more, though not enough for them to survive. He ended up conceding out of confusion, which just goes to further my point. Never give up. Never surrender.
I've played games of Starcraft where I thought I was on the losing end of an undending tide. It almost always seems like that. No matter how many units I through at him, he's always got enough to push me back. But I really don't like giving up unless he's in my base and I've got nothing to stop him. Of course, not everyone is like that. Like the one guy who apparently was in the same situation as me, and decided to concede to me. That was fun. ^_^ Anyway, yeah, don't call it quits till the fat lady sings.
Anyway, tonight I saw the Boondocks. I was impressed, really. I hope it doesn't make me a racist or something because I laugh at a black show. U_U Anyway, it's really funny, I'd reccommend watching it if you get a chance.
I'm A Sexy Slut
Ask anyone, they'll tell you the same.
You're an Expert Kisser |
You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable |
Absolutely No Wishing For More Wishes
So James put up a wish list. Now I guess I need to pick out something to get him for Christmas. The computer is too expensive for me to give him. I've got a personal vendetta against giving items of clothing, including jackets. Razors are even worse, I hate giving toiletries. The last one I'd be curious to see given, but I don't think I'll be the one to give it to him. Sounds like I'll either get him one of many Batman Begin's DVD's, or go with PJ and Dan on Soul Calibur III. Whee limited options! Or maybe I'll find something that just screams "James" at me (like a Pussy Galore pullstring doll).
To answer the question posed in his journal, people (I assume you were looking at my blog, but I may just be egotistical) don't put things on wishlists that they really "Need", just things they'd like to have, aka "Wishes." If I needed the things, I would a) call it a needlist or something, and b) probably not be able to wait till the end of the year. And lets face it, when you know that there's a lot of people who need to get you gifts, wouldn't you rather they got you something you'd like than just have them gessing randomly?
To answer the question posed in his journal, people (I assume you were looking at my blog, but I may just be egotistical) don't put things on wishlists that they really "Need", just things they'd like to have, aka "Wishes." If I needed the things, I would a) call it a needlist or something, and b) probably not be able to wait till the end of the year. And lets face it, when you know that there's a lot of people who need to get you gifts, wouldn't you rather they got you something you'd like than just have them gessing randomly?
I Am BatMan!!
Also, it turns out Magic cards are bad gifts for me, since I won't really treasure them as unique gifts or whatever. I suck at the secondary market.
But I DID place second in the 9 man draft tonight. Is that worth something?
Also, it turns out Magic cards are bad gifts for me, since I won't really treasure them as unique gifts or whatever. I suck at the secondary market.
But I DID place second in the 9 man draft tonight. Is that worth something?
Lookit This
Just wanted to put this link up before I closed the window. I agree, it's sad that the most innovative and spectacular games on the market are so violent and trashy.
No, this doesn't have anything to do with homosexuality.
I was reading this week's Saturday School on MagicTheGathering.Com and saw this question:
I was reading this week's Saturday School on MagicTheGathering.Com and saw this question:
Q: Is it possible to have five colors in one deck? --FaisalI'm thinking, "Possible? Yes. Advisable? Not really." So anyway, I went on to thinking about the few 5 color cards that have been made. Atog-Atog. Chromium. Karona, False God. Even the ever popular Last Stand. The one that always stood out in my brain though, is Coalition Victory. Basically, if you're supporting the full rainbow, you win. Getting a land of every type into play was a bit tricky, though. Now of course, we have the Ravnica block dual lands, which have two basic-land types each. Suck it, shakey mana base! Throw in some Farseeks and Wood Elves for land fetching, and then some big multicolored creatures for fun... I have a couple of Atog-Atog's, so I could go with that, and then a full compliment of little togs too for fun. I'll chew on this idea for a while, but yeah, it looks like fun. Yay Domain Deck!!!
A: Absolutely. Some formats, such as Prismatic and Rainbow Stairwell on Magic Online as well as 5-Color in the world of paper Magic require players to have all five colors.
All I Want For Christmas
Asking for Christmas and birthday presents is getting hard. I don't wanna ask for anime, because I don't want my family to think I'm a Japan-o-phile pervert. I mean, just cuz I AM is no reason for them to know. I asked for cash mostly on my birthday, but I know that a lot of them will still want to get me presents, and on Christmas, well, Santa Claus doesn't carry cash. So, without further ado, my Christmas / Birthday Wish List.
Greg's X-mas / Birthday Wish List
Nintendo DS Games-
Nintendo DS System (required)
Sonic Rush
Kirby's Crystal Canvas
Mario 64 DS
MarioKart DS
Advance Wars DS
Magic Cards-
Champions Of Kamigawa
Betrayers of Kamigawa
Saviors of Kamigawa
Magic Singles-
Birds of Paradise
Wrath of God
Watery Grave
Temple Garden
Sacred Forge
Overgrown Tomb
Gifts Ungiven
Uzemawa's Jitte
Meloku the Clouded Mirror
Kokusho, the Evening Star
Kiega, the Tide Star
Vinelasher Kudzu
Pernicious Deed
Life From the Loam
Polluted Delta
Jushi Apprentice
Grim Lavamancer
Arcbound Ravager
Quirion Dryad
Ink-Eyes, Servant of Oni
(I could go on, but I guess that's a good stopping point)
.hack//AI Buster
The Complete Calvin and Hobbes
Reissue Powermaster Optimus Prime
Reissue Astrotrain
Reissue Rodimus Prime
Reissue Ultra Magnus
Reissue Prowl
Alternators Shockblast
Alternators Wheeljack
Alternators Prowl
Alternators Dead End
Alternators Meister
Computer Games-
Half Life
Evil Genius
Star Wars Battlefront
PS2 games-
Slimline PS2 unit
Katamari Damacy
Batman Begins
The Daily Show with Jon Stewart - Indecision 2004
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
2 Gig iPod Nano
External USB Harddrive
USB Splitter
New Laptop, better for travel/mobility (this one won't be moved)
Note To Self
Oh, and all of you people, too.
This Sunday at 8(7 Central), NBC - live episode of the West Wing.
I'm watching it. Are you?
This Sunday at 8(7 Central), NBC - live episode of the West Wing.
I'm watching it. Are you?
The Lonliest Toy
My cousin Clara is turning 3 this month. For her birthday, instead of BUYING her a present, I wrote her a story, that Jackie offered to illustrate for me. I also told a friend in England that she could illustrate it and give that version to some kids in a nusery across the street from her. I'll post the full thing up here after her birthday, but for now, all I've got is the text. Enjoy:
The Loneliest Toy by Gregory T LeVineOkay, enough reminicing about pre-school (stupid yogurt x_x), I should get to work on my English essay.
At Oakengates Nursery, there was a toy bin filled with all sorts of marvelous and wonderful toys for the boys and girls to play with. Each year, the teachers would bring in more new toys to put in the bin. And each day, during playtime, the kids ran to the bin to get their favorite toys. There were bouncing balls and baby dolls and picture books and cops and crooks. There were heroes and robots and toy pans and pots. All the kids loved all the toys and had lots of fun playing with them.
But at the bottom of the bin there was one toy who hadn't been picked out in a long time. He was an old toy robot. His metal was heavier than the newer plastic robots. His batteries had gone dead, and his skin had begun to rust. His speaker had stopped speaking, and his arms and legs no longer moved. He was the first toy that had been put into the bin, and he watched as all the other toys were picked before him. He was always left alone in the bottom of bin.
One day, new boy joined the class. His name was Kevin, and he had just moved into town. He didn't know anyone in the class, and was very lonely all morning. When the teachers announced that it was playtime, all the kids ran straight to the toy bin except for Kevin, who didn't know where it was. By the time it was Kevin's turn to pick out a toy, the only toy left was the old robot. Kevin had never seen a robot quite like it. He ended up sitting by himself playing with the robot.
One of the other boys in the class, Trevor, had picked out a Lizard Monster from the bin. When he saw Kevin playing with the robot by himself, he got an idea. He went over to Kevin and said “Hi. My name's Trevor. Can my Lizard Monster fight your Robot?” “Sure Trevor,” Kevin smiled. “I'm Kevin.” The two started playing, and eventually all the other kids wanted to see the robot fighting the lizard. Most of them had never actually seen the robot out of the box before. They all got close and wanted to meet Kevin and his cool robot.
After that, Kevin was friends with all the other kids in his class. And later, after all the kids had gone home, one of the teachers pulled the robot out of the bin to clean up. The next day at playtime, when the kids first opened the bin, they found the robot sitting on top of all the other toys. Its metal was shining again, and its joints all moved like new. Fresh batteries had been put inside that made its lights light and its speakers speak. All the kids agreed that Kevin should get to play with the robot again, and after that day, neither Kevin nor the robot were lonely again.
Dissapointing Dreams
I had the weirdest dream last night. I was in a Wal-Mart or something with my family, and there was some sort of contest or something. By the freezer section, some sign said "If you can get a sponge to get frozen to the metal part at the bottom of the door, you'll win a prize." Sounded easy enoguh. So I put a sponge over the cold bar thing and began pouring water over it till it was frozen there. Or at least, the bottom layer was. So I went to talk to someone in charge and sure enough, I'd won the prize! A $1,000 gift certificate to Toys'R'Us. I didn't have a change to spend it all then, but oh well, I had money for toys and video games. I was happy. So we went back to our hotel/ dining hall / pool and celebrated. Whee.
It was about now that I was starting to wake up, and I started getting upset because somewhere in the back of my mind I knew it wasn't real. I fought with all I could to stay asleep and get the stuff, but even the dream was fighting against me. I was too old to get the $1,000. U_U
I woke up really kinda sad, which doesn't even make sense. I wanted that DS.
It was about now that I was starting to wake up, and I started getting upset because somewhere in the back of my mind I knew it wasn't real. I fought with all I could to stay asleep and get the stuff, but even the dream was fighting against me. I was too old to get the $1,000. U_U
I woke up really kinda sad, which doesn't even make sense. I wanted that DS.
It's A Bird! Who Cares?
This song showed up on Drawn Together, and I got an urge to listen to it, and then I realize I don't have it, so I decided to look up the lyrics. Enjoy.
Speaking of Clark Kent, what's up with all the alliterative superhero secret identities?
Clark Kent ------- Superman
Matt Murdock --- Daredevil
Peter Parker ---- Spiderman
Bruce Banner --- The Hulk
Wally West ------ The Flash
Reed Richards -- Mr. Fantastic
Sue Storm ------- Invisible Woman
J'onn J'onzz ------ The Martian Manhunter
I'm sure there are more, but you get the point. Also, what's with this disturbing trend?
Lana Lang -- Clark Kent's girlfriend youthful in Smallville
Lois Lane -- Clark Kent/Superman's girlfriend/wife
Lex Luthor - ??????????????????
It may just be a coincidence, but in the Teen Titan's comic book, Superboy is a human/Kryptonian hybrid clone combining the DNA of Superman and Luthor. O_O!
Oh yeah, and then there was this thing that came to me while watching Daredevil today:
I can’t stand to flyAnd then I got the weirdest thought... Whenever Superman shows up, you always see people shouting. "Look! Up in the sky!" "It's a bird!" "No, it's a plane!" "No! It's Superman!" Or something like that. What's up with the idiots shitting their pants over birds and planes? "Oh no, Lex Luthor has some sort of doomsday device! But don't worry, we'll be saved by that bird!" I suppose Metropolis really was hard up for help before Clark Kent moved in.
I’m not that naive
I’m just out to find
The better part of me
I’m more than a bird...i’m more than a plane
More than some pretty face beside a train
It’s not easy to be me
Wish that I could cry
Fall upon my knees
Find a way to lie
About a home I’ll never see
It may sound absurd...but don’t be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed
I may be disturbed...but won’t you concede
Even heroes have the right to dream
It’s not easy to be me
Up, up and away...away from me
It’s all right...you can all sleep sound tonight
I’m not crazy...or anything...
I can’t stand to fly
I’m not that naive
Men weren’t meant to ride
With clouds between their knees
I’m only a man in a silly red sheet
Digging for kryptonite on this one way street
Only a man in a funny red sheet
Looking for special things inside of me
Inside of me
Inside me
Yeah, inside me
Inside of me
I’m only a man
In a funny red sheet
I’m only a man
Looking for a dream
I’m only a man
In a funny red sheet
And it’s not easy, hmmm, hmmm, hmmm...
Its not easy to be me
Speaking of Clark Kent, what's up with all the alliterative superhero secret identities?
Clark Kent ------- Superman
Matt Murdock --- Daredevil
Peter Parker ---- Spiderman
Bruce Banner --- The Hulk
Wally West ------ The Flash
Reed Richards -- Mr. Fantastic
Sue Storm ------- Invisible Woman
J'onn J'onzz ------ The Martian Manhunter
I'm sure there are more, but you get the point. Also, what's with this disturbing trend?
Lana Lang -- Clark Kent's girlfriend youthful in Smallville
Lois Lane -- Clark Kent/Superman's girlfriend/wife
Lex Luthor - ??????????????????
It may just be a coincidence, but in the Teen Titan's comic book, Superboy is a human/Kryptonian hybrid clone combining the DNA of Superman and Luthor. O_O!
Oh yeah, and then there was this thing that came to me while watching Daredevil today:
Elektra Nachios (to Matt Murdock): The only reason I dressed up like this tonight was for you.Mmmmm..... Nachios...
Me (to Matt Hill): So, she's retarded?
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