
Tresk or Druck?

Matt's got this remote controlled truck thingy. It's not quite remote controlled, more like it's self-guiding. For his electronics or something project, he's got to hook it up to a GPS and get it to drive itself around a parking lot. He was testing it tonight. He had it hooked into his computer, and it was sitting in his desk drawer, propped up. From my angle, it looked like it was peeking over the edge. And then its motor started up, and the truck was like... HUMPING the drawer. So my only conclusion was that Matt is going to create some sort of desk/truck hybrid. So, either a Tresk.. or a Druck. Which is it? Anyway, fun.


Anonymous said...

I vote Tresk! 'Druck' registers with my dieing brain as a drunk duck of some kind. o_o!


Greg said...

Good call. Although, who knows. Truck + Desk could equal an intoxicated mallard... I mean, at that point, why not?