
Happy Groundhog's Day

So I was going over it in my head. Today is February 1st. That's 14 days until Valentines day, and I already have something for a present for Jackie. I feel smart. ^_^ Also, tomorrow, the first day I have off work, is Groundhog's day. Apparently, it's a religious holiday for my people. My people being, so far, me. Anyway, YAAAY.

Another thing bouncing around my head right now - Tri-Color lands. Actually, what it started with the thought that there weren't enough true Dual lands (Cards that have the line "Land - Mountain Forest" and such for a type) out there. The originals, and now the Ravnica Shocklands. But I think there can be more. Obviously, not more than one kind per type two, but it's worth looking into. What I started with was somthing like this:
Molten Orchard
Land - Mountain Forest
Whenever ~this~ becomes tapped, it deals one damage to you.
My base thinking was from the card City of Brass, which taps to add a mana of any color, but hits you for a point of damage. So what you end up with in the Molton Orchard is a more limited version of the City, with the exception that the land types allow for the same tricky interactions you get with Ravnica's Shocklands. It just begged the question, how much is that extra bit worth? My mind quickly sprang to this card:
Legendary Forbidden Temple
Land - Plains Island Swamp
Whenever ~this~ becomes tapped, it deals you one damage.
So there's a THREE color land, something never seen before. Out of idle curiosity, I wrote up all the combinations for tri-color lands there are:
Allied trios: WUB UBR BRG RGW GWU

Allies + enemy: WUR UBG BRW RGU GWB
I probably wouldn't release all 10 at once, probably the allied 5 first, then the enemy in the last set of the block. Anyway, it came to my attention that at this point, they may be getting TOO powerful. I mean, aside from the Planeshift Dragon-Lairs, which were pretty not-good, I don't think tri-color lands have really been attempted in Magic. The idea I had after that was to change the ability to this:
~this~ comes into play tapped.
Whenever ~this~ is untapped, it deals one damage to you.
Notice the subtle difference there? Aside from the comes into play tapped part, it's ALMOST the same card, except you have a slight delayed reaction to the mana you got. It could change a few interactions. I remember losing one game because I was at one, and couldn't pull the extra one mana I needed from a painland, so this ability would be pretty interesting I think.

Also, when I came up with the name (a play on the old Nick show "Legends of the Hidden Temple", natch) the idea to make the lands Legendary, as another drawback. I need to get an R&D together to test this. Or, better yet, find the real one. It's too bad that I can't give these ideas to Wizards, what with the legal red tape and all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

o.o you got me something? XD oh wait! does SCII and SCIII count as a valentines gift? o.O or did you get me a box of chocolate or something cheesy. I like cheesy things... I needa get you something. (damn being broke!!! -shakes fist-)