Part one
Apparently I more than doubled my limit. Yay.
"It's An Apple! It's FRUIT!!!"
Kittens don't eat fruit.
Sorry, the above conversation between myself and my kittens was too funny to not mention. Tonight I've been re-bitten by the writer's bug. Dunno why. But I do have a bit to share.
Okay, back. Hadda get my burrito out of the microwave. More on that later.
So, I dunno if I told you, but I bought a kilt. I like it. It's different. It's comfy. It feels like "me", somehow. Unfortunately, "me" is very shy. I don't do well in social situations, and so I had a hard time calling attention to the new "me" kilt. As in, I didn't wanna be seen in public wearing something like it. So the only times I wore it out of the house, I stayed in my car doing drive through.
Until last night. Yay me, I went out and bought batteries at CVS with it on. At like 945, just before they closed, so really no one was there, and I probably looked like some kinda freak who needed batteries for his camera so he could take pictures of himself in his kilt (which was totally the case, but I didn't really wanna admit to it), but I did it. I say yay for me.
Wearing the kilt makes me feel more attractive some how. I mean, no one ever sees me in it, but still. I feel sexy. Partly that's because, up until very recently, my wardrobe has been similar to that of a 10 year old boys. I love t-shirts with Transformers logos on them. And that's about it. T-shirts and cargo pants. And sneakers (Heelys now!) But a t-shirt and a kilt looks silly. And the period appropriate garment I bought with the kilt is silly as well, when not at a renaissance fair. So, I actually went out and bought some nice shirts. With buttons! Yay me again.
So, I have the wardrobe, and I'm getting to where I'm feeling brave enough to wear it in public. What's next? I need to get in shape. I mean, yeah, I'm skinny, and I know I'm dead sexy like an anorexic bitch, but I'm weak and scrawny and I don't really want to be. I don't wanna be fucking Arnold Strongman with pecs up to my eyeballs, but I could use a little meat on my bones, without getting fat. I've seen pictures of my Grandfather when he was my age. I look exactly like him. I've also seen what he looks like now. Metabolisms stop. I need to get in shape now so I won't be a lazy sack of fat when I'm his age. (Not that he's a lazy sack of fat, he's just got a bit of a gut. But I'M lazy. And when my body starts keeping more fat than it needs, I'll end up a lazy sack of fat. Or I could work out.)
Today I began my quest for fitness. I started by doing 10 pushups. It's been way too long. The first five were kinda easy, and then they got harder. Also, I might be doing them wrong. I added in some jumping jacks and crunches. All told, I got 20 push-ups, 20 crunches, and 100 jumping jacks in. Then, I decided I'd put on Podrunner (a podcast of hour long workout mixes) and go for an hour run. I ended up running about 5 minutes, then walking about 20. I grabbed my mail, and a bite to eat while I was out, though. It's a start, I say!
So here's my new years resolution. First: Buy a calendar (Yeah, I know it's November still, so what?) Second: Apply to and complete spring and summer semesters for the Video Gaming program. Third: Run a mile in 10 minutes. I know that's not very impressive, but considering I can't run a mile period right now, 10 minutes would be nice.
My doctor once told me that, because of my heart condition, I am always on my "second wind", and never really had a first one. Makes running long distances hard. I should work on that, huh?
Sorry, the above conversation between myself and my kittens was too funny to not mention. Tonight I've been re-bitten by the writer's bug. Dunno why. But I do have a bit to share.
Okay, back. Hadda get my burrito out of the microwave. More on that later.
So, I dunno if I told you, but I bought a kilt. I like it. It's different. It's comfy. It feels like "me", somehow. Unfortunately, "me" is very shy. I don't do well in social situations, and so I had a hard time calling attention to the new "me" kilt. As in, I didn't wanna be seen in public wearing something like it. So the only times I wore it out of the house, I stayed in my car doing drive through.
Until last night. Yay me, I went out and bought batteries at CVS with it on. At like 945, just before they closed, so really no one was there, and I probably looked like some kinda freak who needed batteries for his camera so he could take pictures of himself in his kilt (which was totally the case, but I didn't really wanna admit to it), but I did it. I say yay for me.
Wearing the kilt makes me feel more attractive some how. I mean, no one ever sees me in it, but still. I feel sexy. Partly that's because, up until very recently, my wardrobe has been similar to that of a 10 year old boys. I love t-shirts with Transformers logos on them. And that's about it. T-shirts and cargo pants. And sneakers (Heelys now!) But a t-shirt and a kilt looks silly. And the period appropriate garment I bought with the kilt is silly as well, when not at a renaissance fair. So, I actually went out and bought some nice shirts. With buttons! Yay me again.
So, I have the wardrobe, and I'm getting to where I'm feeling brave enough to wear it in public. What's next? I need to get in shape. I mean, yeah, I'm skinny, and I know I'm dead sexy like an anorexic bitch, but I'm weak and scrawny and I don't really want to be. I don't wanna be fucking Arnold Strongman with pecs up to my eyeballs, but I could use a little meat on my bones, without getting fat. I've seen pictures of my Grandfather when he was my age. I look exactly like him. I've also seen what he looks like now. Metabolisms stop. I need to get in shape now so I won't be a lazy sack of fat when I'm his age. (Not that he's a lazy sack of fat, he's just got a bit of a gut. But I'M lazy. And when my body starts keeping more fat than it needs, I'll end up a lazy sack of fat. Or I could work out.)
Today I began my quest for fitness. I started by doing 10 pushups. It's been way too long. The first five were kinda easy, and then they got harder. Also, I might be doing them wrong. I added in some jumping jacks and crunches. All told, I got 20 push-ups, 20 crunches, and 100 jumping jacks in. Then, I decided I'd put on Podrunner (a podcast of hour long workout mixes) and go for an hour run. I ended up running about 5 minutes, then walking about 20. I grabbed my mail, and a bite to eat while I was out, though. It's a start, I say!
So here's my new years resolution. First: Buy a calendar (Yeah, I know it's November still, so what?) Second: Apply to and complete spring and summer semesters for the Video Gaming program. Third: Run a mile in 10 minutes. I know that's not very impressive, but considering I can't run a mile period right now, 10 minutes would be nice.
My doctor once told me that, because of my heart condition, I am always on my "second wind", and never really had a first one. Makes running long distances hard. I should work on that, huh?
Zombie Photographers?
In my computer?
It's more likely than you think.
The prompt
And that's exactly what I did!!!
The Afterlife and Aftertimes of Nadar, French Photographer
In 1910, Gaspard-Félix Tournachon, also known as Nadar, the revolutionary European photographer, was put to rest in Le Père Lachaise Cemetery. Though it was a fitting end to a long and fruitful life, one that inspired a character in author and friend Jules Verne's From Earth to the Moon, Nadar's rest would not be peaceful for long. Before the year was out, Nader would need to be buried again.
As Tournachon's body lay in the dirt beneath the blooming lights of Paris, strange and foul machinations were taking place. Although many theories regarding the photographer's reanimation have been suggested throughout the ages, few have been replicated, and none have successfully raised another soul. The current leading presumption, according to researchers at Berkly and Oxford, is that as the Earth passed through the cosmic trail of Halley's Comet, some bizarre and unknown combination of chemicals and other-worldly radiation affected the dormant portions of Nadar's frontal lobe. It is unknown exactly how wide-spread this phenomenon actually was, but anecdotal evidence puts the number of awakened “zombies” in 1910 anywhere from 1 to 10 to 100.
Nadar's initial reappearance was seen by many observers as a stunt pulled by a man known for his outrageous life. Clearly, they believed, Nadar had faked his own death, and was now rising up to watch their reaction. Many dismissed his speech and movement impediments as side effects from whatever chemicals he had used to fake his death. Reporters interviewed Hatian voodoo wizards, African witch doctors, and others known for raising the dead. One newspaper headline exclaimed “Nadar's Greatest Work To Date!”
Gripped in a haze of undeath, Nadar's corpse sought to complete the works he'd started in his lifetime. Returning to his home, he managed to retrieve his camera, and began taking new pictures. Before anyone had realized that his zombification was not a prank, but in fact a serious condition, Nadar's come-back tour across Europe was already booked, with gallery exhibits set up from London to Moscow.
The tour never got farther than its first stop in Paris, France. While entertaining guests in the main hall of the Louvre, Nadar became perturbed by some critics opinions. Already, several articles had been written criticizing Nadar's newest works, noting the lack of a general composure, or overreaching theme, or even proper exposure. Other critics were so baffled they actually praised the gallery of works as legitimate art.
Still, some critics refused to pay lip service, even to an artist as well renouned as Nadar had been in life. “There's nothing groundbreaking about it,” wrote Jean Doublet-Ree, the most vocal critic of Nadar's new series. “It's just a mess. A drunk could have created better art than this.” Besmirching common courtesy, Doublet-Ree refused to bite his tongue in the presence of Nadar himself, and instead he attempted to goad the photographer right to his face. Doublet-Ree soon found that he had under-estimated the photographer, whose reanimation had made him both incalculably mad and superlatively strong. Witnesses gasped in horror as the hunched form of Nadar pounced on his critic, and bit a solid chunk out of Doublet-Ree's neck. Though little is known about what happened immediately afterwards in the ensuing chaos, a few short hours later, Paris had decreed a state of emergency, and it found itself in the five of what would be five twentieth century Zombie outbreaks.
Though the French Army fought valiantly to contain the crisis, the ultimate victory would not come until several members of Nadar's former club, The Society for the Encouragement of Aerial Locomotion by Means of Heavier than Air Machines, or SEALMHAM (pronounced “Seal, Ma'am”, which would later be shortened to just SEAL and adopted into the United States Military Command) took control of the streets, erecting barriers ironically similar to the ones Nadar himself had set up to protect himself from crowds. These so-called Nadar barriers were used to corral the hordes to a controlled location, and then funnel them into the labyrinthine Paris Catacombs. That was the last anyone ever saw of Nadar on record, though every so often, a photo album is found on the streets just in front of the Louvre, a chilling reminder to the chaos that ensued almost 100 years ago, and occasionally a good source for a filler event between headlining galleries. Many suspect that Nadar changed his first name to Ralph and attempted a few bids at the United States Presidency in the late 20th Century, but thus-far there has been no known proof that the undead Photograper and the unsuccessful politician were related.
It's more likely than you think.
The prompt
Her: yeah but i hate writng
Me: when I write, its always hard to get started, but for me, really, the problem is keeping it under control
Me: otherwise I'll ramble about stupid stuff for pages and pages
Me: which is kinda fun
Me: but silly
Her: im sure your teachers love that
Me: not so much
Me: also, I suck at using sources
Me: I'd much rather make shit up
Her: Felix Nadar devoted photographer. Stars are big and fun to look at
Her: me too
Me: In 1824, Felix broke free of his coffin, and started a post-mortem cross-continental photography tour
Her: lol
Me: his critics found his newer photos to be rather dull compared to the first set, and poorly lit
Her: he was only 3 in 1824
Me: Felix hunted down the critics, and bit them, starting the French Zombie infestation that still remains in the paresian catacombs to this day
Me: I don't care
Me: he time traveled
Her: wow if i wrote that i would fail so bad
Me: but you'd be laughing the whole way to summer school
Me: if I wrote it, would you turn it in along with your own paper, just to see what the teacher said?
Her: probally
And that's exactly what I did!!!
The Afterlife and Aftertimes of Nadar, French Photographer
In 1910, Gaspard-Félix Tournachon, also known as Nadar, the revolutionary European photographer, was put to rest in Le Père Lachaise Cemetery. Though it was a fitting end to a long and fruitful life, one that inspired a character in author and friend Jules Verne's From Earth to the Moon, Nadar's rest would not be peaceful for long. Before the year was out, Nader would need to be buried again.
As Tournachon's body lay in the dirt beneath the blooming lights of Paris, strange and foul machinations were taking place. Although many theories regarding the photographer's reanimation have been suggested throughout the ages, few have been replicated, and none have successfully raised another soul. The current leading presumption, according to researchers at Berkly and Oxford, is that as the Earth passed through the cosmic trail of Halley's Comet, some bizarre and unknown combination of chemicals and other-worldly radiation affected the dormant portions of Nadar's frontal lobe. It is unknown exactly how wide-spread this phenomenon actually was, but anecdotal evidence puts the number of awakened “zombies” in 1910 anywhere from 1 to 10 to 100.
Nadar's initial reappearance was seen by many observers as a stunt pulled by a man known for his outrageous life. Clearly, they believed, Nadar had faked his own death, and was now rising up to watch their reaction. Many dismissed his speech and movement impediments as side effects from whatever chemicals he had used to fake his death. Reporters interviewed Hatian voodoo wizards, African witch doctors, and others known for raising the dead. One newspaper headline exclaimed “Nadar's Greatest Work To Date!”
Gripped in a haze of undeath, Nadar's corpse sought to complete the works he'd started in his lifetime. Returning to his home, he managed to retrieve his camera, and began taking new pictures. Before anyone had realized that his zombification was not a prank, but in fact a serious condition, Nadar's come-back tour across Europe was already booked, with gallery exhibits set up from London to Moscow.
The tour never got farther than its first stop in Paris, France. While entertaining guests in the main hall of the Louvre, Nadar became perturbed by some critics opinions. Already, several articles had been written criticizing Nadar's newest works, noting the lack of a general composure, or overreaching theme, or even proper exposure. Other critics were so baffled they actually praised the gallery of works as legitimate art.
“Untitled Works 5-8”, which appear to be simply over exposed blurs of nonsense, make more sense when juxtaposed to the next quartet, “Untitled Works 9-12” which are if anything underexposed, as though the pictures were taken with a lens cap on. Together, these eight photographs starkly contrast the duality of nature, light against dark, and the fuzzy, blurred nature of emotion, with the crisp, solid rigidity found in the abyss. ... Without a doubt “Untitled Work 92”, the last work in Nader's newest series, is his most telling... [What] simply appears to be a slaughtered goat with Nader himself feasting over it... reveals mankind's true harsh nature.
Still, some critics refused to pay lip service, even to an artist as well renouned as Nadar had been in life. “There's nothing groundbreaking about it,” wrote Jean Doublet-Ree, the most vocal critic of Nadar's new series. “It's just a mess. A drunk could have created better art than this.” Besmirching common courtesy, Doublet-Ree refused to bite his tongue in the presence of Nadar himself, and instead he attempted to goad the photographer right to his face. Doublet-Ree soon found that he had under-estimated the photographer, whose reanimation had made him both incalculably mad and superlatively strong. Witnesses gasped in horror as the hunched form of Nadar pounced on his critic, and bit a solid chunk out of Doublet-Ree's neck. Though little is known about what happened immediately afterwards in the ensuing chaos, a few short hours later, Paris had decreed a state of emergency, and it found itself in the five of what would be five twentieth century Zombie outbreaks.
Though the French Army fought valiantly to contain the crisis, the ultimate victory would not come until several members of Nadar's former club, The Society for the Encouragement of Aerial Locomotion by Means of Heavier than Air Machines, or SEALMHAM (pronounced “Seal, Ma'am”, which would later be shortened to just SEAL and adopted into the United States Military Command) took control of the streets, erecting barriers ironically similar to the ones Nadar himself had set up to protect himself from crowds. These so-called Nadar barriers were used to corral the hordes to a controlled location, and then funnel them into the labyrinthine Paris Catacombs. That was the last anyone ever saw of Nadar on record, though every so often, a photo album is found on the streets just in front of the Louvre, a chilling reminder to the chaos that ensued almost 100 years ago, and occasionally a good source for a filler event between headlining galleries. Many suspect that Nadar changed his first name to Ralph and attempted a few bids at the United States Presidency in the late 20th Century, but thus-far there has been no known proof that the undead Photograper and the unsuccessful politician were related.
I'm A Conspirasy Nut
Questions raised over terror exercise
Now, I'd like to assume that this is just a drill, and I'm just being my usual paranoid self here. But apparently, and I'm too lazy to look up the actual details right now, but similar drills were scheduled for the mornings of the September 11th attacks and the London Metro Bombings. I actually heard the radio communication from the British officer who couldn't believe that the "fictional scenario" he was supposed to be prepring for was actually happening, in the same place his drill was scheduled, in the same time his drill was scheduled, and in the same way it was scheduled.
So yeah, don't plan any trips to Guam next week, k?
Oh yeah, and copy the article, so that if it gets pulled down before the attacks for "some reason", you'll be able to show them wrong.
By EILEEN SULLIVAN, Associated Press WriterWed Oct 3, 6:46 AM ET
The nation is preparing for its biggest terrorism exercise ever next week when three fictional "dirty bombs" go off and cripple transportation arteries in two major U.S. cities and Guam, according to a document obtained by The Associated Press.
Yet even as this drill begins, details from the previous national exercise held in 2005 have yet to be publicly released — information that's supposed to help officials prepare for the next real attack.
Now, I'd like to assume that this is just a drill, and I'm just being my usual paranoid self here. But apparently, and I'm too lazy to look up the actual details right now, but similar drills were scheduled for the mornings of the September 11th attacks and the London Metro Bombings. I actually heard the radio communication from the British officer who couldn't believe that the "fictional scenario" he was supposed to be prepring for was actually happening, in the same place his drill was scheduled, in the same time his drill was scheduled, and in the same way it was scheduled.
So yeah, don't plan any trips to Guam next week, k?
Oh yeah, and copy the article, so that if it gets pulled down before the attacks for "some reason", you'll be able to show them wrong.
I've got to make a wish list for my family. That is, a list of things I would like to get for my birthday or Christmas (Dec. 24th and 25th, respectively), so my family will have ideas on what to buy me. Last year I made my wish list on it's own blog, and I'll probably do that again. I'll give you the link when I do, but for now I'm just gonna spitball a few ideas for things I'd like to get, without the formatting.
Top on the list is usually Transformers. First and foremost, the Michael Bay film comes out on DVD in October, so that's on there. The Widescreen format, obviously, preferably the 2-Disk deluxe version. As far as toys go, I'm still trying to get my hands on the Concept Camero version of Bumblebee, as well as the Eighty Dollar(!!) Ultimate Bumblebee, which is simply so over the top I need it in my collection. Speaking of over the top things, I'm still looking for the Cybertron Primus, because there aren't enough Transforming planets in my house. (Current count: 1 - Unicron.) I need some more from the movie line. I was thinking about putting Ironhide, Rachet, Blackout and the leader-class Brawl, to set up a huge action diorama like that scene from the climax. I also wanna grab the ten buck Arcee toy, cuz I've never had a real female Autobot before, and I think I need one, don't you? There's also a scattering of the Titanium class figures I'd like, like G1 Ultra Magnus and War Within Grimlock. I loves me some War Within figures.
So, moving on from there, what else do I want?... Eh, I suppose video games would be a good category. I've got a few things showing up on the Wii I'm very interested in. Super Smash Bros Brawl and Mario Galaxy both pop up to mind. Also, I never got a copy of Pokemon Battle Revolution, so I should ask for that... This is ridiculous, I work in the video game department. Why can't I think of games I'd like? Ummm... I got nothing. Oh! Metal Slug Anthology. I mean, other big stuff for it, I'm not so sure about. Mario Party 8 I wouldn't say no to, but I'm not sure who I'd play it with once all the family left town. (/me pulls up List of Wii games on Wikipedia) Ooh! Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. I managed to wait out all the other Lego Star Wars games, so this should be good. Nothing else really leaps out at me, though. ._.
So, uh, 360 games, maybe? I've got the system, but just two games. What else is there I want? Actually, the 360 adds a new problem to the list. Can I ask for games that aren't really "family appropriate"? For instance, I've been eyeing DOA: Extreme 2, the Dead or Alive bikini volleyball game. It's cheapish, and if it were $20, I'd probably have picked it up already. But its still hovering at $30 for now, and really, aside from being a very silly thing to pull out when I feel like some cornball gaming, I'm not sure if I need it that bad. Probably not enough to ask my family for the soft core porn game. But Crackdown and Dead Rising are a bit more of a grey area. I may also put Air Combat 6 on there, but again, not too much. The curse of working in the video game deptartment, when something comes out that I'm interested in, I know about it, and am constantly reminded about it WHILE DOING ACTIVITIES THAT EARN ME MONEY. Thus, I see game while working, and spend that hard earned money on it within a week or two.
PSP has a few bright spots - Jeanne D'Arc, Disgaea, and Final Fantasy Tactics, and maybe Air Combat. I'll probably snatch up the PSP 2000 myself at work, but other than that, I'm prolly gonna stop buying things until Christmas. In fact, I may just hold off on buying it until after Christmas, using the gift cards I'm sure to get.
I'm kinda sad there's nothing on DS that leaps to mind (I saw Sonic Rush Adventure, that may go on the list), but really, I'm too tired to search that list any more.
I'm trying to figure out some books too, but jeez, it's 2:30 now. Sleep time now. Gnight.
See, didn't I tell you it'd be a rough draft?
Top on the list is usually Transformers. First and foremost, the Michael Bay film comes out on DVD in October, so that's on there. The Widescreen format, obviously, preferably the 2-Disk deluxe version. As far as toys go, I'm still trying to get my hands on the Concept Camero version of Bumblebee, as well as the Eighty Dollar(!!) Ultimate Bumblebee, which is simply so over the top I need it in my collection. Speaking of over the top things, I'm still looking for the Cybertron Primus, because there aren't enough Transforming planets in my house. (Current count: 1 - Unicron.) I need some more from the movie line. I was thinking about putting Ironhide, Rachet, Blackout and the leader-class Brawl, to set up a huge action diorama like that scene from the climax. I also wanna grab the ten buck Arcee toy, cuz I've never had a real female Autobot before, and I think I need one, don't you? There's also a scattering of the Titanium class figures I'd like, like G1 Ultra Magnus and War Within Grimlock. I loves me some War Within figures.
So, moving on from there, what else do I want?... Eh, I suppose video games would be a good category. I've got a few things showing up on the Wii I'm very interested in. Super Smash Bros Brawl and Mario Galaxy both pop up to mind. Also, I never got a copy of Pokemon Battle Revolution, so I should ask for that... This is ridiculous, I work in the video game department. Why can't I think of games I'd like? Ummm... I got nothing. Oh! Metal Slug Anthology. I mean, other big stuff for it, I'm not so sure about. Mario Party 8 I wouldn't say no to, but I'm not sure who I'd play it with once all the family left town. (/me pulls up List of Wii games on Wikipedia) Ooh! Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga. I managed to wait out all the other Lego Star Wars games, so this should be good. Nothing else really leaps out at me, though. ._.
So, uh, 360 games, maybe? I've got the system, but just two games. What else is there I want? Actually, the 360 adds a new problem to the list. Can I ask for games that aren't really "family appropriate"? For instance, I've been eyeing DOA: Extreme 2, the Dead or Alive bikini volleyball game. It's cheapish, and if it were $20, I'd probably have picked it up already. But its still hovering at $30 for now, and really, aside from being a very silly thing to pull out when I feel like some cornball gaming, I'm not sure if I need it that bad. Probably not enough to ask my family for the soft core porn game. But Crackdown and Dead Rising are a bit more of a grey area. I may also put Air Combat 6 on there, but again, not too much. The curse of working in the video game deptartment, when something comes out that I'm interested in, I know about it, and am constantly reminded about it WHILE DOING ACTIVITIES THAT EARN ME MONEY. Thus, I see game while working, and spend that hard earned money on it within a week or two.
PSP has a few bright spots - Jeanne D'Arc, Disgaea, and Final Fantasy Tactics, and maybe Air Combat. I'll probably snatch up the PSP 2000 myself at work, but other than that, I'm prolly gonna stop buying things until Christmas. In fact, I may just hold off on buying it until after Christmas, using the gift cards I'm sure to get.
I'm kinda sad there's nothing on DS that leaps to mind (I saw Sonic Rush Adventure, that may go on the list), but really, I'm too tired to search that list any more.
I'm trying to figure out some books too, but jeez, it's 2:30 now. Sleep time now. Gnight.
See, didn't I tell you it'd be a rough draft?
Daily Double
Alex Trebek is the smartest man alive. People constantly ask him questions, but he always has the answers.
The Simcity Board of Advisors
The Simcity Board of Advisors
Someone should make a tool to let you make these on your own. Like the Motivator or ThreatDown Generator. Something that would let you insert your text, and either choose one of the default faces, or upload an image of your own. Much lawls would be had.
Someone should make a tool to let you make these on your own. Like the Motivator or ThreatDown Generator. Something that would let you insert your text, and either choose one of the default faces, or upload an image of your own. Much lawls would be had.
Ever Heard Of The Jena Six?
Well, now you have.
Damn. That's pretty much all I have to say right now. Damn. Damn the system, damn the man, damn me for not being able to do anything more about this than sitting here and telling you that right now, in some tiny town in Louisiana, six people are being treated grossly unfairly. This story borders on an abomination of everything that I stand for as a human being, and what I believe this country should be about.
I had an interesting phrase pop into my head earlier today. It had nothing to do with this, but it seems relevant. "When is the American Dream going to stop being just a dream and actually be America." Or words to that effect. Basically, when is this country going to stop dreaming about the truths our forefathers held to be self evident, and actually live them out.
I need to find a bus to Jena, or just drive there some weekend and... Do what, exactly? Sit under the "White Tree" in protest? I'm too white. It would probably just get me beat up. Sigh. I don't have any money to donate, either. I'm too poor. I dunno, though. I should find a petition or something. I wonder if they'd let me wear a button to work that said "Free the Jena Six." Probably not. ._.
Words this true are not spoken often enough, and are heard even less.
P.S. - Add this to the list of stories they should put on the news: Stories of true injustice. Not "I didn't know the coffee would be hot," or "No one told me to remove my baby from the stroller before closing it." The kind where innocent people are being punished for being born. Being born is never a crime, no matter who you are.
Damn. That's pretty much all I have to say right now. Damn. Damn the system, damn the man, damn me for not being able to do anything more about this than sitting here and telling you that right now, in some tiny town in Louisiana, six people are being treated grossly unfairly. This story borders on an abomination of everything that I stand for as a human being, and what I believe this country should be about.
I had an interesting phrase pop into my head earlier today. It had nothing to do with this, but it seems relevant. "When is the American Dream going to stop being just a dream and actually be America." Or words to that effect. Basically, when is this country going to stop dreaming about the truths our forefathers held to be self evident, and actually live them out.
I need to find a bus to Jena, or just drive there some weekend and... Do what, exactly? Sit under the "White Tree" in protest? I'm too white. It would probably just get me beat up. Sigh. I don't have any money to donate, either. I'm too poor. I dunno, though. I should find a petition or something. I wonder if they'd let me wear a button to work that said "Free the Jena Six." Probably not. ._.
Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.-Rev. Martin Luther King Jr.
Words this true are not spoken often enough, and are heard even less.
P.S. - Add this to the list of stories they should put on the news: Stories of true injustice. Not "I didn't know the coffee would be hot," or "No one told me to remove my baby from the stroller before closing it." The kind where innocent people are being punished for being born. Being born is never a crime, no matter who you are.
Viva El Presidente
Family Security Matters:
Everyone else who thinks this is scary bullshit, please raise your hands.
I decided a rebuttal was in order.
President Bush can fail in his duty to himself, his country, and his God, by becoming “ex-president” Bush or he can become “President-for-Life” Bush: the conqueror of Iraq, who brings sense to the Congress and sanity to the Supreme Court. Then who would be able to stop Bush from emulating Augustus Caesar and becoming ruler of the world? For only an America united under one ruler has the power to save humanity from the threat of a new Dark Age wrought by terrorists armed with nuclear weapons.
Everyone else who thinks this is scary bullshit, please raise your hands.
I decided a rebuttal was in order.
Mr Atkinson,Edit Number 2 - Electric Boogaloo: I just noticed what the post below this one was. I feel a little bit comforted by it.
I noticed your article was taken down. Did you guys realize it wouldn't work, too?
Americans, as much as we enjoy not being blown up, have a much deeper love of freedom. Think of such classics as: "Give me Liberty or give me death," "They can take our lives, but they can never take our freedom," and "Those who would sacrifice essential liberty for temporary security deserve neither." I think that Henry and Franklin, and even Mr. Gibson, would be shocked at your proposal. It violates the very freedoms President Bush, and the military men and women at his command, swore an oath to protect.
While the Roman people, by way of their Senate, might have buckled to Caesar's personal army, Bush would have a much harder time controlling the American population with our volunteer-army. Convincing the troops who had just committed genocide in a harsh desert that they must now come home and police their friends and neighbors would be no easy task.
Also, you can't forget how the story of Julius Caesar ends. He is killed, not by an invading enemy, but his own countrymen. Much like those back-stabbing Romans, Americans will not stand for a dictator. If the United States becomes a police state, the terrorists they will have to fight will bear less in common with Osama bin-Laden and more with Timothy McVeigh. The Colorado Rockies, much like bin-Laden's Middle-Eastern series of caves, will be a constant thorn in Bush's side, a nagging pest that you can always feel but never quite find. Freedom-loving Americans would band together and fight back, as much as possible, in very much the same way that the Iraqis are doing now - They wouldn't have to defeat the military outright, just make the operation too costly to continue. Unless Bush decides to nuke the Rockies, but even that would create more disloyalty, more anger at our new dictator, etc....
So, did your article get removed because you decided it wasn't realistic after all? Or, and this is what I truly hope, did you realize what you wrote was an atrocity that shouldn't have been said at all.
By the way, don't think I'm trying to tell you that you shouldn't be allowed to write that Bush should pull a Caesar (or a Hitler, to flip the coin), but when you do write something so insulting to America as a whole, expect to be called on it.
-Greg L
Psalm 23
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil: For thou art with me;
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
I will fear no evil: For thou art with me;
Thy rod and thy staff, they comfort me.
No News Is Good News
I guess I'm on a writing kick tonight?
At work, we don't get cable. Our breakroom TV only gets over the air signals, so roughly 5 and a half channels. During the daytime, when most of my shifts are, those channels are dominated by Jerry Springer, Divorce Court, and some sort of all knowing paternal expert telling elated vagrants "You are NOT the father!" In short, shit. And even worse, soap operas. But there's one show that I can count on to sort of be at least somewhat helpful to my daily life. The local news, with its local weather and, occasionally, traffic reports.
I remember from my youth, the catch phrase "News You Can Use", a segment during some news (half)hour show. The implication being, I suppose, that the other 25 minutes of news is information that I can't use. So, why am I tuning in? Entertainment? I don't find tales of police drug busts or car accidents from hours ago very useful. Nor do I find the details of a social controversy over in Ohio or whatever very helpful in my day to day life. Studies have shown that, for instance, people who watch Fox News are more likely to be misinformed about the facts, so this moves the problem from a waste of my time (news I can't use) to an actual detriment to my being (news that hurts me).
There is a problem here.
So, why isn't news simply news I can use? Who decided that they needed to fill the other twenty-five minutes after the weather and traffic was done? Just run another program or something. That seems to be the most cost effective route. Granted, knowing these channels its likely to be a paid advertisement for the Spammerator, a knife that slices fake meat AND sends enticing letters penned by fictitious African Kings offering large sums, but at least it'll be, theoretically, something I COULD use, if I wanted. (This way, I'll have something to eat while I wait for help transferring my obscenely huge fortunes.)
Actually, there was one thing on the news today that was helpful. They talked about a recall on several toys. Working in the toy department of Target, I had already been made aware of the risk (by the way, if you or anyone you love has bought the Disney's Cars toys - the ones about the size of Hot Wheels - you should take them back, there's something wrong with them), but for anyone who didn't work for a toy store, this is important information. Old ladies turning 100, a beauty pageant for kittens, and a turtle who got flipped upside down until local neighbors flipped him back; these stories are certainly not news-worthy, and yet they make headlines on my local news.
So, then, back to the question: what, exactly, should be reported. Obviously, weather and traffic are important. The same goes for public service messages like the toy recall, or possible medical alerts (ISSUED BY PROPER AUTHORITIES - I don't need to hear about every sick kid with the sniffles and how it could be an outbreak of Possum/Opossum flu). Political issues and races directly affecting me classify somewhat as news, though not to the extent they are currently covered. I actually saw a piece about whether or not candidates' hair made them appear "gay". That is news I cannot use. I, for one, do not care what my president looks like, as long as he gets the job done and doesn't screw up too badly. I don't need to know every notch in the polls because of every little happening in every nook and cranny of the nation, especially not 14 months before the election. Give me state by state primary results, maybe. Highlight key notes said at each candidates speaking events, but don't over do it. I don't need a 24 hour news channel devoting 72 hours to a botched joke or a weird shirt.
I'm okay with opinions. Believe it or not, I'm fine with The O'Reilly Factor. I tend to lean a little more towards the Kieth Olberman side of the spectrum myself, but to each his own, and I'm sure there's a place out there for all opinions. In fact, opinions are probably more useful to me than facts. Interpretation, even wrong interpretation, can help to get the process moving along. True, it can also lead a bunch of dittoheads to vote off a cliff like lemmings, but that's simply how people will work.
I also think it's interesting to see how the internet will affect all this stuff. With the internet, there's a place I can go to get specialized news. For instance, most people wouldn't care about when the next Transformers toys are due out, but I am very interested in such things. Obviously, while this information is news to me (news I can use, at that!) it's not really relevant to 99% of the population.
Anyway, I need to sleep now. Laters.
At work, we don't get cable. Our breakroom TV only gets over the air signals, so roughly 5 and a half channels. During the daytime, when most of my shifts are, those channels are dominated by Jerry Springer, Divorce Court, and some sort of all knowing paternal expert telling elated vagrants "You are NOT the father!" In short, shit. And even worse, soap operas. But there's one show that I can count on to sort of be at least somewhat helpful to my daily life. The local news, with its local weather and, occasionally, traffic reports.
I remember from my youth, the catch phrase "News You Can Use", a segment during some news (half)hour show. The implication being, I suppose, that the other 25 minutes of news is information that I can't use. So, why am I tuning in? Entertainment? I don't find tales of police drug busts or car accidents from hours ago very useful. Nor do I find the details of a social controversy over in Ohio or whatever very helpful in my day to day life. Studies have shown that, for instance, people who watch Fox News are more likely to be misinformed about the facts, so this moves the problem from a waste of my time (news I can't use) to an actual detriment to my being (news that hurts me).
There is a problem here.
So, why isn't news simply news I can use? Who decided that they needed to fill the other twenty-five minutes after the weather and traffic was done? Just run another program or something. That seems to be the most cost effective route. Granted, knowing these channels its likely to be a paid advertisement for the Spammerator, a knife that slices fake meat AND sends enticing letters penned by fictitious African Kings offering large sums, but at least it'll be, theoretically, something I COULD use, if I wanted. (This way, I'll have something to eat while I wait for help transferring my obscenely huge fortunes.)
Actually, there was one thing on the news today that was helpful. They talked about a recall on several toys. Working in the toy department of Target, I had already been made aware of the risk (by the way, if you or anyone you love has bought the Disney's Cars toys - the ones about the size of Hot Wheels - you should take them back, there's something wrong with them), but for anyone who didn't work for a toy store, this is important information. Old ladies turning 100, a beauty pageant for kittens, and a turtle who got flipped upside down until local neighbors flipped him back; these stories are certainly not news-worthy, and yet they make headlines on my local news.
So, then, back to the question: what, exactly, should be reported. Obviously, weather and traffic are important. The same goes for public service messages like the toy recall, or possible medical alerts (ISSUED BY PROPER AUTHORITIES - I don't need to hear about every sick kid with the sniffles and how it could be an outbreak of Possum/Opossum flu). Political issues and races directly affecting me classify somewhat as news, though not to the extent they are currently covered. I actually saw a piece about whether or not candidates' hair made them appear "gay". That is news I cannot use. I, for one, do not care what my president looks like, as long as he gets the job done and doesn't screw up too badly. I don't need to know every notch in the polls because of every little happening in every nook and cranny of the nation, especially not 14 months before the election. Give me state by state primary results, maybe. Highlight key notes said at each candidates speaking events, but don't over do it. I don't need a 24 hour news channel devoting 72 hours to a botched joke or a weird shirt.
I'm okay with opinions. Believe it or not, I'm fine with The O'Reilly Factor. I tend to lean a little more towards the Kieth Olberman side of the spectrum myself, but to each his own, and I'm sure there's a place out there for all opinions. In fact, opinions are probably more useful to me than facts. Interpretation, even wrong interpretation, can help to get the process moving along. True, it can also lead a bunch of dittoheads to vote off a cliff like lemmings, but that's simply how people will work.
I also think it's interesting to see how the internet will affect all this stuff. With the internet, there's a place I can go to get specialized news. For instance, most people wouldn't care about when the next Transformers toys are due out, but I am very interested in such things. Obviously, while this information is news to me (news I can use, at that!) it's not really relevant to 99% of the population.
Anyway, I need to sleep now. Laters.
To Want And To Be Wanted, And To Want To Be Wanted
I just wanna be loved unconditionally. I yearn for physical contact, someone to hold me at night when I go to sleep, and to lie next to me when I wake up. Someone to talk to me when it's quiet. Someone to watch dumb movies with me, or play video games with. Someone to tell me I'm awesome for being me, to find beauty in my flaws, and to let me know when I'm being an idiot (it happens more often than I think).
I want to be that for someone else, too. I want to love them unconditionally. I want to be their warm pillow, to hold them when they're tired, to wake up with them in the morning. Someone to have a conversation with, whether it's about religion or politics or the Transformers or the religion and politics of the Transformers. I want someone to want to watch dumb movies with me, or play video games with. I want to tell someone they're awesome because they are, to find beauty in ever part of them, and someone who won't hate me if I point out they're being an idiot (you women are so sensitive).
I like mirrors. I wonder, do they like me?
I want to be that for someone else, too. I want to love them unconditionally. I want to be their warm pillow, to hold them when they're tired, to wake up with them in the morning. Someone to have a conversation with, whether it's about religion or politics or the Transformers or the religion and politics of the Transformers. I want someone to want to watch dumb movies with me, or play video games with. I want to tell someone they're awesome because they are, to find beauty in ever part of them, and someone who won't hate me if I point out they're being an idiot (you women are so sensitive).
I like mirrors. I wonder, do they like me?
Emergencies And Other Trivialities
Someone's window just crashed in near my house. I'm not sure why. I feel like I should do something, but what? Call 911?
As I was driving around earlier tonight, I realized my Zune doesn't have any lights when it's on after the 15 second wait before the backlight goes off. Same goes for iPods and, I just noticed, my cell phone. I find this somewhat weird. Before this, whenever I had something electronic in my hands, I could tell at a glance if it was on or off. But in fact, as near as I can tell, iPods and Zunes NEVER really turn off, they just go into a standby mode. I wonder how this affects plane traffic. They say they want all your electronic devices shut off. How do I do that with my Zune? Or, for that matter, a wrist watch? I dunno, but whoever figures out a way to make an airplane-safe MP3 player will make a mint. I dunno if it's even possible, though. I'd have to do more research into figuring out why they ask you to turn off electronics in the first place.
Speaking of things I need to figure out, I've decided I need an "Oh Shit" backpack. By that, I mean a backpack I can pick up, put on, and run out the door with. Btw, I just finished watching the Bourne Identity, so that may be playing a big part of that. But I've got a few ideas for what I'm gonna need.
Also from watching the movie, mostly from the line " this altitude, I can run flat out for a half mile before my hands start shaking." This strikes me as a useful talent. The fact that he knew it just instinctively maybe less so, but I need to work on my own personal fitness. I'm not ashamed to admit that Matt Damon is an attractive man, and if I ever wanna be that good looking, an exercise regimen is in order. I'll probably start jogging. I wonder what the local high school would think if I just started jogging around the track every day...
Not tonight, though. Too dark, and I'm too tired.
-911, what's your emergency?God bless the hardworking men and women of Texas' ECS, who give their lives in the never ending battle against termites.
-Uh, yeah, I think my neighbor's glass door may be broken.
-So do you want us to send some police over to look at it, or what?
-Yeah, I guess. Texas has emergency carpenter service, right?
As I was driving around earlier tonight, I realized my Zune doesn't have any lights when it's on after the 15 second wait before the backlight goes off. Same goes for iPods and, I just noticed, my cell phone. I find this somewhat weird. Before this, whenever I had something electronic in my hands, I could tell at a glance if it was on or off. But in fact, as near as I can tell, iPods and Zunes NEVER really turn off, they just go into a standby mode. I wonder how this affects plane traffic. They say they want all your electronic devices shut off. How do I do that with my Zune? Or, for that matter, a wrist watch? I dunno, but whoever figures out a way to make an airplane-safe MP3 player will make a mint. I dunno if it's even possible, though. I'd have to do more research into figuring out why they ask you to turn off electronics in the first place.
Speaking of things I need to figure out, I've decided I need an "Oh Shit" backpack. By that, I mean a backpack I can pick up, put on, and run out the door with. Btw, I just finished watching the Bourne Identity, so that may be playing a big part of that. But I've got a few ideas for what I'm gonna need.
Cash - Probably about $500 in small bills, not too much, but enough that I can get to a motel for a few days till I figure something else out.My left eye is twitching up a storm; I should probably get to bed.
Flash Drive - loaded up with it's own little goodies, mostly an instance of Portable Firefox with a homepage set to a fresh and clean Gmail account and a specialized foxmarks account that includes stuff like 10 minute mail and other stuff. Basically, the flash drive is there to serve as a separate digital identity for me aside from my normal one. I'll probably also keep images of important documents and such on there.
Digital Camera - Taking pictures of stuff, obviously. Hopefully something that I can use to take pictures quickly without being noticed.
Pre-Paid Phone - I'll need to check and see if the minutes expire on stuff like this. If not, I'll just activate the phone and leave it there so it's good to go, otherwise I'll have to get to an Internet Cafe and activate it then and there. I'd obviously prefer the first option, though.
Swiss Army Hammer - I've seen these before. It's like a Swiss Army knife (lots of little tools, knives, corkscrews, screwdrivers, etc) but with a hammer on the end. Seems like it could come in handy.
Duct Tape - Oh yeah, I'm going the full MacGuyver here.
Battery-less Flashlight - Target has one of these. You shake it back and fort and a little magnet generates your power. I've seen ones that you pump a handle to go, but those are noisy. Not sure if I'd wanna make so much noise when I'm trying to hide. Unfortunately, the one I saw at Target was sorta broken, and also very cheap looking. I'll have to keep my eyes open for more like this.
Clothes - Whatever I've got on my back, plus a light hoodie, a jacket (I'd wear one or the other out the door), white t-shirt, jeans, socks, underwear, etc. Plain stuff, nothing eye catching. Also a ball cap, plain as well.
Eyewear - I usually wear glasses, so I'd probably want a spare pair in the bag. I'd also wanna pack some contacts and sun glasses.
More - I'm sure I've forgotten something, but I'll get to it later.
Also from watching the movie, mostly from the line " this altitude, I can run flat out for a half mile before my hands start shaking." This strikes me as a useful talent. The fact that he knew it just instinctively maybe less so, but I need to work on my own personal fitness. I'm not ashamed to admit that Matt Damon is an attractive man, and if I ever wanna be that good looking, an exercise regimen is in order. I'll probably start jogging. I wonder what the local high school would think if I just started jogging around the track every day...
Not tonight, though. Too dark, and I'm too tired.
Moved In
So I moved in finally. Not completely, of course, but enough that I am now living at my new apartment full time. I've got the Internet and a bed. I need no more.
Actually setting up the Internet was relatively easy. I got a random telemarketer calling from AT&T asking if I wanted to get DSL. I did. I was actually trying to apply online, but since the phone line wasn't in my name, it was difficult. On the phone, though, they took my word as the decision maker for the house, which was nice. I'd set up DSL at home, and now this time I'd sprung for the wireless router package (rather, my grandfather did, so thank him very much), which made setting up a network that much easier. The HARD part was reformatting my computers. They both are reformatted now, and working fairly well. Once I get my computer desk moved in to my upstairs study, I'll probably leave my laptop on up there 24 7 as basically a network server for all my files. I hope I can do that, anyway... I haven't gotten it to work yet.
Reformatting my computer allowed me to finally get a working Zune Pass. I wasted the 2 week pass that came with my Zune earlier by trying it at home, then discovering that it wouldn't connect to the marketplace for whatever reason. Anyway, I did that now, but I've discovered that I've got some pretty eccentric tastes in music. Feel free to replace "eccentric" with your own adjective phrase of choice, such as "bad" or "like a 12 year old girl." *Hums Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend" to himself...* But anyway, I've got 30 gigs of Zune to fill up over here. I've been peeking at the stuff microsoft recommends, but it's been pretty lackluster so far. My "all you can eat" Zune Pass didn't include anything by Evanescence, or Ace of Bass, or any of a dozen soundtracks... Huzzah music piracy!
Anyway, I'm off to bed. Before the week is out, though, I'd like to post something about the new Transformers Movie, and other media involving transforming robots from Cybertron, as well as the only two customers (excuse me, "guests") I've had at Target that I wish I'd never met. Interesting stories, I'm sure.
Actually setting up the Internet was relatively easy. I got a random telemarketer calling from AT&T asking if I wanted to get DSL. I did. I was actually trying to apply online, but since the phone line wasn't in my name, it was difficult. On the phone, though, they took my word as the decision maker for the house, which was nice. I'd set up DSL at home, and now this time I'd sprung for the wireless router package (rather, my grandfather did, so thank him very much), which made setting up a network that much easier. The HARD part was reformatting my computers. They both are reformatted now, and working fairly well. Once I get my computer desk moved in to my upstairs study, I'll probably leave my laptop on up there 24 7 as basically a network server for all my files. I hope I can do that, anyway... I haven't gotten it to work yet.
Reformatting my computer allowed me to finally get a working Zune Pass. I wasted the 2 week pass that came with my Zune earlier by trying it at home, then discovering that it wouldn't connect to the marketplace for whatever reason. Anyway, I did that now, but I've discovered that I've got some pretty eccentric tastes in music. Feel free to replace "eccentric" with your own adjective phrase of choice, such as "bad" or "like a 12 year old girl." *Hums Avril Lavigne's "Girlfriend" to himself...* But anyway, I've got 30 gigs of Zune to fill up over here. I've been peeking at the stuff microsoft recommends, but it's been pretty lackluster so far. My "all you can eat" Zune Pass didn't include anything by Evanescence, or Ace of Bass, or any of a dozen soundtracks... Huzzah music piracy!
Anyway, I'm off to bed. Before the week is out, though, I'd like to post something about the new Transformers Movie, and other media involving transforming robots from Cybertron, as well as the only two customers (excuse me, "guests") I've had at Target that I wish I'd never met. Interesting stories, I'm sure.
Transformers Peeves
So, over the last month, I've been getting around, and so has word about the new Transformers movie. Of course I've heard of it. I've gotta say, I think it's really cool to see a whole bunch of media attention to the tiny robots that defined my childhood and much of my adult life, but just because you first heard about it when you went to see Shrek doesn't mean I haven't known about it since Stephen Speilburg was still fishing around for a director. I've tried to keep myself from any totally major spoilers - the ending, major details, and stuff, but things leak in, especially for someone in my position. Transformers IS my life, or enough of it that I can't avoid hearing about it. So, here now, I will share some of my thoughts about the movie so far.
1. They changed the character designs. This is the most noticeable thing about the film from it's cartoon counterparts. At first, my only thought was that they looked different, and, at first, different was bad. Optimus didn't used to have a flame paint job. Megatron shouldn't be a jet. Etc. But, again, I've been exposed to this stuff for years now. It's old hat. And, looking at them now, I can see Optimus behind the flames. I know what they were trying to accomplish. The designs are more alien than before, and look, to my mind, the way I would expect it to look if we (humanity) actually built a car that turned into a robot, rather than a toy car that turned into a toy robot. There's a slight difference there. Honestly, I would have preferred it if they'd looked somewhat more like the Alternators line, but even those toys were toys. They were hollow, and not really funtionally sound. Bay's bots are, or at least, look it, which is something you need if you're going to have them act alongside real actors.
2. The plot line is going to be a little bit junky. I mean, the emotional plot of Sam discovering that his car turns into Bumblebee, along with Earth finding itself in the middle of an extraterrestrial war, those could be okay, but the reason the Transformers are here in the first place... I still see toys on the shelf at target saying "WE MUST FIND THE ENERGON CUBE!" THE Energon cube, as if there was only one. Someone decided that the reason the Transformers arrived at Earth was because they are looking for something. A McGuffin, I believe the technical term is. The Energon Cube has since been renamed The AllSpark, the source of all Transformer life, but its still a bit cheesy. I realize it's too late now, but I much preferred the Decepticons when they were stealing resources on Earth. The IDW Infiltration storyline is pretty close to what they should be doing right about now. Decepticons hide in their undercover alt forms, causing havoc and eventually subjugating the planet, Autobots fight back, undercover at first, and eventually full scale as the conflict rises. Or, you know, SOMETHING, anything other than "O hay guys, we lost our cube thingy, so we're gonna rip up your planet to find it." Sigh... Just imagining the Havoc that Barricade could play. One police car that starts running down pedestrians in an urban area, that's about all it takes to get a huge sense of distrust towards authorities... man, it would have been great.
3. I REALLY a lot of the new characters, first and foremost being Barricade, the police car I mentioned earlier. I love the idea of an evil police car. It's so delicious. I could watch a whole movie about just him.
But a lot of the returning characters, I'm not so sure about. I don't like the fact that Starscream is as wide as he is tall. That strikes me as wrong. Scorponok used to be a giant battle station with a head that transformed into a smaller robot whose head ALSO transformed into an even smaller robot. Now, he's just a 5 meter long metal scorpion... I don't even see the point in him transforming. At least when the Dinobots did it, they could fly/glide (cept maybe Swoop, he just transformed when he had to land, pretty much). But Scorponok in the movie is pretty much all you need from him. A giant metal scorpion that hides in the sand and kills people. Scary as hell, I'm sure, but not really a "transformer." I really liked the idea that he was something like one of Soundwaves tapes, and instead of turning into a robot, he just turned into a robotic animal, like Ravage. I read somewhere that Blackout, the helicoptor, was supposed to be Soundwave in an earlier draft. I could get behind something like that. Soundwave drops a bomb or something, bomb unravels to reveal Scorponok, and I'm happy. I suppose Blackout/Scorponok still have that same vibe, but I still don't like Scorponoks robot mode.
4. "We are facing war against a technological civilization far superior to our own." This is a line I think is spoken by the President of the USA in the movie, in a speech to the public about why cars and planes and iPods are turning into robots all of a sudden. I don't approve of it. Sure, the Transformers may be cool and all, and they may be far more technologically advance than we are, but their civilization leaves much to be desired.
5. They gave Optimus his fucking ax again. I haven't seen that thing since Sherman Dam. I wonder if Megatron gets his energy mace, too.
1. They changed the character designs. This is the most noticeable thing about the film from it's cartoon counterparts. At first, my only thought was that they looked different, and, at first, different was bad. Optimus didn't used to have a flame paint job. Megatron shouldn't be a jet. Etc. But, again, I've been exposed to this stuff for years now. It's old hat. And, looking at them now, I can see Optimus behind the flames. I know what they were trying to accomplish. The designs are more alien than before, and look, to my mind, the way I would expect it to look if we (humanity) actually built a car that turned into a robot, rather than a toy car that turned into a toy robot. There's a slight difference there. Honestly, I would have preferred it if they'd looked somewhat more like the Alternators line, but even those toys were toys. They were hollow, and not really funtionally sound. Bay's bots are, or at least, look it, which is something you need if you're going to have them act alongside real actors.
2. The plot line is going to be a little bit junky. I mean, the emotional plot of Sam discovering that his car turns into Bumblebee, along with Earth finding itself in the middle of an extraterrestrial war, those could be okay, but the reason the Transformers are here in the first place... I still see toys on the shelf at target saying "WE MUST FIND THE ENERGON CUBE!" THE Energon cube, as if there was only one. Someone decided that the reason the Transformers arrived at Earth was because they are looking for something. A McGuffin, I believe the technical term is. The Energon Cube has since been renamed The AllSpark, the source of all Transformer life, but its still a bit cheesy. I realize it's too late now, but I much preferred the Decepticons when they were stealing resources on Earth. The IDW Infiltration storyline is pretty close to what they should be doing right about now. Decepticons hide in their undercover alt forms, causing havoc and eventually subjugating the planet, Autobots fight back, undercover at first, and eventually full scale as the conflict rises. Or, you know, SOMETHING, anything other than "O hay guys, we lost our cube thingy, so we're gonna rip up your planet to find it." Sigh... Just imagining the Havoc that Barricade could play. One police car that starts running down pedestrians in an urban area, that's about all it takes to get a huge sense of distrust towards authorities... man, it would have been great.
3. I REALLY a lot of the new characters, first and foremost being Barricade, the police car I mentioned earlier. I love the idea of an evil police car. It's so delicious. I could watch a whole movie about just him.
But a lot of the returning characters, I'm not so sure about. I don't like the fact that Starscream is as wide as he is tall. That strikes me as wrong. Scorponok used to be a giant battle station with a head that transformed into a smaller robot whose head ALSO transformed into an even smaller robot. Now, he's just a 5 meter long metal scorpion... I don't even see the point in him transforming. At least when the Dinobots did it, they could fly/glide (cept maybe Swoop, he just transformed when he had to land, pretty much). But Scorponok in the movie is pretty much all you need from him. A giant metal scorpion that hides in the sand and kills people. Scary as hell, I'm sure, but not really a "transformer." I really liked the idea that he was something like one of Soundwaves tapes, and instead of turning into a robot, he just turned into a robotic animal, like Ravage. I read somewhere that Blackout, the helicoptor, was supposed to be Soundwave in an earlier draft. I could get behind something like that. Soundwave drops a bomb or something, bomb unravels to reveal Scorponok, and I'm happy. I suppose Blackout/Scorponok still have that same vibe, but I still don't like Scorponoks robot mode.
4. "We are facing war against a technological civilization far superior to our own." This is a line I think is spoken by the President of the USA in the movie, in a speech to the public about why cars and planes and iPods are turning into robots all of a sudden. I don't approve of it. Sure, the Transformers may be cool and all, and they may be far more technologically advance than we are, but their civilization leaves much to be desired.
5. They gave Optimus his fucking ax again. I haven't seen that thing since Sherman Dam. I wonder if Megatron gets his energy mace, too.
Jay Leno wrote something about how satisfied Americans are with the country. And he's right on a lot of things. We have so much food we are going obese with it, and a steadily rising industry ready to deal with that problem, too. We are a country of excess, and it's terrifyingly wonderful to live here. I suppose that some portion of the 67 unhappy percent are upset because we don't give enough to the rest of the world, but I doubt it.
I'm not angry at Bush for forcing our troops to fight in Iraq. As Leno said, any troops over there chose to enlist and serve the president. I suppose I should rephrase that. I'm not angry at Bush for forcing our troops to fight; I'm angry because he pointed them to Iraq. Something needed to be done after 9/11, that much is true, and Bush did a great job of focusing our power, anguish and rage, and directing it towards one place. Afghanistan was a good start. Other places, though, were not such wise choices, such as the USA PATRIOT ACT, secret prisons for anonymous "enemy combatants," and in general a disdain by the Executive branch for the rule of law in this country. Whenever anything comes up, 9/11 changed everything, we must fight terrorism, etc etc...
I'm glad I live in America, and the general scope of the country, when taken over the last century (let's face it, no matter how bad a job Bush did, he can't remove supermarkets in 8 years) has been good. But Iraq is, as many have described it, a quagmire. Actually, I think it seems much more like a tar baby - we attacked it due to a perceived threat, and the more we fight it, the harder it is to escape. Bush says that, given a chance to do it all over again, he would do it the same way. This is why I am dissatisfied with Bush's presidency. He has demonstrated on seemingly every possible occasion that he is unable to adapt or learn. Something tells me that he learned how to President (v) from his father, who rode the country through generally peaceful times, and invaded Iraq in a 30 day "war". Bush isn't trying to avenge his father. He is trying to mimic him, and he's doing a pretty poor job of it.
We should have stayed in Afghanistan, and that's all I'm going to say about the subject for tonight.
I'm not angry at Bush for forcing our troops to fight in Iraq. As Leno said, any troops over there chose to enlist and serve the president. I suppose I should rephrase that. I'm not angry at Bush for forcing our troops to fight; I'm angry because he pointed them to Iraq. Something needed to be done after 9/11, that much is true, and Bush did a great job of focusing our power, anguish and rage, and directing it towards one place. Afghanistan was a good start. Other places, though, were not such wise choices, such as the USA PATRIOT ACT, secret prisons for anonymous "enemy combatants," and in general a disdain by the Executive branch for the rule of law in this country. Whenever anything comes up, 9/11 changed everything, we must fight terrorism, etc etc...
I'm glad I live in America, and the general scope of the country, when taken over the last century (let's face it, no matter how bad a job Bush did, he can't remove supermarkets in 8 years) has been good. But Iraq is, as many have described it, a quagmire. Actually, I think it seems much more like a tar baby - we attacked it due to a perceived threat, and the more we fight it, the harder it is to escape. Bush says that, given a chance to do it all over again, he would do it the same way. This is why I am dissatisfied with Bush's presidency. He has demonstrated on seemingly every possible occasion that he is unable to adapt or learn. Something tells me that he learned how to President (v) from his father, who rode the country through generally peaceful times, and invaded Iraq in a 30 day "war". Bush isn't trying to avenge his father. He is trying to mimic him, and he's doing a pretty poor job of it.
We should have stayed in Afghanistan, and that's all I'm going to say about the subject for tonight.
Money Money Money Muh-ney.... MONEY!
I've reached the end of my Spring term at ACC. Yay for that. Also, I'm apparently less than a week away from a promotion to "Electronics Specialist" at Target, which is a step up from my old position: Salesfloor Team-member who specializes in Electronics. Whoo pay raise!
Interestingly enough, I think I've already started spending my pay before I get it. In my head at least. I've decided (deep breath) to finally move out into my own place. It doesn't look like I'm going anywhere big for a while, I've got a steady job (and a shiny new promotion, as I mentioned), gonna probably do another semester or two of ACC until I find something that really grabs me more than the jangle of the games case keys in my pocket. So yeah, I'm gonna move out. And I've got my eyes on a big-ass HD TV set: only $600 for a 32" flat-screen - score! I'm also thinking of getting an X-Box 360 Elite, once the price drops. I'll check out this "HAY-LOW" thing all the kids are talking about, and also use X-Box Live as a sort of DVR for TV programs. That Zune I talked about earlier is still something I'm looking forward to, too...
Speaking of money, though... I walked in the door and saw a stack of twenties next on top of my Mom's checkbook. Any sane person would assume that she had simply gone to the ATM and taken out some cash for shopping the week. My mind immediately jumped to the idea that she had passed a large tile marked "Go," possibly at a right angle.
Interestingly enough, I think I've already started spending my pay before I get it. In my head at least. I've decided (deep breath) to finally move out into my own place. It doesn't look like I'm going anywhere big for a while, I've got a steady job (and a shiny new promotion, as I mentioned), gonna probably do another semester or two of ACC until I find something that really grabs me more than the jangle of the games case keys in my pocket. So yeah, I'm gonna move out. And I've got my eyes on a big-ass HD TV set: only $600 for a 32" flat-screen - score! I'm also thinking of getting an X-Box 360 Elite, once the price drops. I'll check out this "HAY-LOW" thing all the kids are talking about, and also use X-Box Live as a sort of DVR for TV programs. That Zune I talked about earlier is still something I'm looking forward to, too...
Speaking of money, though... I walked in the door and saw a stack of twenties next on top of my Mom's checkbook. Any sane person would assume that she had simply gone to the ATM and taken out some cash for shopping the week. My mind immediately jumped to the idea that she had passed a large tile marked "Go," possibly at a right angle.
I Am Enjoying Pokemon
EDIT: This post originally had two images embedded - Trainer cards. But the site I made them on underwent a reset, so they were lost. Hope theres not too much confusion.
Yeah, I picked a female character. (Note: The sprite in that picture is not the one that actually represents me in game, but I wish it did.) Why? Because the default boy looks like a total dork. Admittedly, I AM one, but when I'm playing a game, I want to pretend to be something I'm not. And I want to feel good knowing that I don't look like such a dork. Maybe in the next game Nintendo will let you pick from two or three sprites of each gender.
But I have been enjoying the game, regardless of gender confusion issues. I've even been doodling out a pokemon team to use once I've beaten the game and am ready to step out into the wide wide world of WiFi battling (they're on this second card, if you want a preview.) So yeah, I've got my friend code on there and everything. You should come battle me.

How can you say no to that face?
EDIT: This post originally had two images embedded - Trainer cards. But the site I made them on underwent a reset, so they were lost. Hope theres not too much confusion.
Yeah, I picked a female character. (Note: The sprite in that picture is not the one that actually represents me in game, but I wish it did.) Why? Because the default boy looks like a total dork. Admittedly, I AM one, but when I'm playing a game, I want to pretend to be something I'm not. And I want to feel good knowing that I don't look like such a dork. Maybe in the next game Nintendo will let you pick from two or three sprites of each gender.
But I have been enjoying the game, regardless of gender confusion issues. I've even been doodling out a pokemon team to use once I've beaten the game and am ready to step out into the wide wide world of WiFi battling (they're on this second card, if you want a preview.) So yeah, I've got my friend code on there and everything. You should come battle me.
How can you say no to that face?
Unhappy Endings
There's an episode of Star Trek: Voyager where the ship starts melting randomly. Also, the equipment, and the crew. All of these are important parts of the mission of Voyager: to get back home. So, naturally, they do everything possible to solve this. They eventually figure out WHY they're melting. They are not the real Voyager, they are a copy made years ago when Voyager landed on a "Demon" class planet, and leaving their home for such a long time has caused them to lose structural integrity. The original planet is too far away, so they scan the surrounding area for something that can match, all the while melting away. So this carries on for like an hour. until they eventually realize they are going to melt before they get there. Captain Janeway records the ships log into a relay beacon for posterity, before she, like the rest of the crew and ship, melt away. The relay beacon also melts away.
What the fuck, man?
My mom commented after watching that episode that it was completely contrary to the spirit of the original series. On Captain Kirk's Enterprise, the good guys always won, the bad guys always lost, and justice was served in nice simple one hour chunks (with room for commercials). The Voyager ep, on the other hand (Course: Oblivion if you're interested). is nothing like that at all. Good people do good things and end up obliterated anyway, and no record of their existence is left at all.
I guess I bring this up because I just watched an episode of House where they diagnose a woman with an auto-immune disease, and decide to irradiate her immune system to cure her. Then, once her immune system is gone, they realize "Oops, it was an infection after all," and with her immune system shot, the patient has nothing left to do but die. They reach this decision a little more than half way through the episode, and the rest is just Foreman (the one who recommended radiation) sitting next to the girl, watching her die. It's all very touching. It literally moved me to tears. But I kept hanging on, hoping against hope that House would find out that the disease that didn't look like an infection at the start really WASN'T an infection... But nothing happened. The girl died, and Foreman's only absolution came from his Alzheimer's suffering Mom, who didn't even recognize him.
Bad things happen to good people. I know this. Good people make mistakes, and hurt or kill people. I'm not going to deny that this kind of thing happens in real life. But when I'm watching television, I want to watch something that doesn't resemble real life that much. I want escapism. I want a hero to swoop in when everything looks its worst and make it better again. Not all of it, necessarily, but... well, more than just "Oh, House kept Wilson's ex's dog because he was guilty."
I'm just a sucker for an unhappy ending, I guess.
What the fuck, man?
My mom commented after watching that episode that it was completely contrary to the spirit of the original series. On Captain Kirk's Enterprise, the good guys always won, the bad guys always lost, and justice was served in nice simple one hour chunks (with room for commercials). The Voyager ep, on the other hand (Course: Oblivion if you're interested). is nothing like that at all. Good people do good things and end up obliterated anyway, and no record of their existence is left at all.
I guess I bring this up because I just watched an episode of House where they diagnose a woman with an auto-immune disease, and decide to irradiate her immune system to cure her. Then, once her immune system is gone, they realize "Oops, it was an infection after all," and with her immune system shot, the patient has nothing left to do but die. They reach this decision a little more than half way through the episode, and the rest is just Foreman (the one who recommended radiation) sitting next to the girl, watching her die. It's all very touching. It literally moved me to tears. But I kept hanging on, hoping against hope that House would find out that the disease that didn't look like an infection at the start really WASN'T an infection... But nothing happened. The girl died, and Foreman's only absolution came from his Alzheimer's suffering Mom, who didn't even recognize him.
Bad things happen to good people. I know this. Good people make mistakes, and hurt or kill people. I'm not going to deny that this kind of thing happens in real life. But when I'm watching television, I want to watch something that doesn't resemble real life that much. I want escapism. I want a hero to swoop in when everything looks its worst and make it better again. Not all of it, necessarily, but... well, more than just "Oh, House kept Wilson's ex's dog because he was guilty."
I'm just a sucker for an unhappy ending, I guess.
Look! Up In The Sky!
I finally got the video posting thing to work! Yay me! And I coudn't have picked a better movie to link with it. ^_^
So, yeah, Pokemon Diamond and Pearl launched today. Rough day at work, though not for the reasons I expected. I was anticipating a huge crowd of kids looking to catch them all, and I figured I'd spend all day running back and forth between the games case and the cash register. Unfortunately, fate had a different hand in store for me. The ad set up was horribly mis-managed, so (long boring technical rant you really don't need to hear - I was basically setting up signs to show what was on sale).
But after that got set up, I managed to spend a couple hours selling games. ^_^ One family in particular stuck out in my memory, partially because I recognized them from one of my mom's old Sunday School classes, though I don't think they recognized me (I was just another faceless adult to them... Sigh). Anyway, the interesting thing about their visit was that, while the older brother (maybe 8-10? I'm bad with names) was getting his hands on Diamond, the little sister (couldn't be older than 6) wasn't getting anything, it seemed. Instead, their mom was telling them that they would share. Now, anyone who's played a Pokemon game knows what a mistake that is. I actually got myself hooked on the game by borrowing James' old Game Boy Red Version and just seeing how far I could get (usually I'd get the 2nd badge before it was time to cut it out), but the point is the games have never supported a second save slot - and for good reason, considering the collectible nature of the game. I pointed this out to them, that they really couldn't share the game, and the little girl started tearing up. I swear, she looked like she was gonna cry right there because she couldn't play with big brother. Being the quick thinker I am, I asked if they wanted to go ahead and grab pearl version for her, and mom said "No, why don't you just watch brother play." That didn't seem like a good option, so I offered another thing. "We've got last years version available for $20." She could try that, and if she liked it, save her money and upgrade to the next one later. This seemed acceptable to everyone, so I grabbed Fire Red and Leaf Green (why on earth are they Players choice, but not Ruby or Sapphire?), little sister chose LG, and we had a happy family. ^_^
I'm good at my job, the way I see it. Target wants me to sell "Red Cards," which are Visa credit cards run by Target. If you get one, you receive a 10% discount on an entire day's shopping at Target, which can be a fair amount if you're buying, say, a big screen TV or a full set of patio furniture. But they're asking me to be sure to ask "EVERY" guest, and honestly, I don't wanna. I think it bothers the customer, because they usually either already have one, or they have enough credit cards and don't need another. So, I drop it when I get a no. I've heard tell that at least one of our "Team Leads" has a great record because, and this is pretty much true, he will not shut up about the "benefits" of the card until the guest gets one. That just seems rude to me, and it's not what I signed on for, I think.
Target feels it's my job to earn money for the company, by selling products, and also by getting those credit cards sold. On the other hand, I feel my job is to aid the guest in making the best decision and getting the best deal possible for them. More often than not, our goals are similar enough that they cross over, but I refuse to simply act as a mouthpiece for the corporation. It is my real and honest belief that if I give good guest service, people will enjoy coming to Target, and want to come back, even if our stuff is 13 cents more expensive than Wal-Mart (seriously, they have stuff for like 13.84 that's 13.99 at Target... And that's their "Low Price" X_X)
Anyway, enough rambling. I'm enjoying Diamond (Pearl is saved so Jackie can do the quest for herself, and we'll probably trade version exclusives and the like), though I'm feeling a little guilty that I'm JUST SHY of beating Emerald - I just got the 8th Gym badge today, and can probably beat the Elite Four soon. I may do that once I've beaten the first gym in Diamond, just so I can say I'm done... There's also the Battle Frontier in Emerald, and Battle towers in Fire Red and Ruby, so I'll have to see what else I can do in those areas. I'll probably need to train up a kick-ass team in 3rd generation, one I WON'T be sending into the 4th gen later on (once I've beaten THAT games Elite Four). So much to do...
In the mean time, here's my friend code: 1590 1166 1789 I've written it down here as much for myself as for all of you. Lemme know if you want me to add you for something. ^_^
But after that got set up, I managed to spend a couple hours selling games. ^_^ One family in particular stuck out in my memory, partially because I recognized them from one of my mom's old Sunday School classes, though I don't think they recognized me (I was just another faceless adult to them... Sigh). Anyway, the interesting thing about their visit was that, while the older brother (maybe 8-10? I'm bad with names) was getting his hands on Diamond, the little sister (couldn't be older than 6) wasn't getting anything, it seemed. Instead, their mom was telling them that they would share. Now, anyone who's played a Pokemon game knows what a mistake that is. I actually got myself hooked on the game by borrowing James' old Game Boy Red Version and just seeing how far I could get (usually I'd get the 2nd badge before it was time to cut it out), but the point is the games have never supported a second save slot - and for good reason, considering the collectible nature of the game. I pointed this out to them, that they really couldn't share the game, and the little girl started tearing up. I swear, she looked like she was gonna cry right there because she couldn't play with big brother. Being the quick thinker I am, I asked if they wanted to go ahead and grab pearl version for her, and mom said "No, why don't you just watch brother play." That didn't seem like a good option, so I offered another thing. "We've got last years version available for $20." She could try that, and if she liked it, save her money and upgrade to the next one later. This seemed acceptable to everyone, so I grabbed Fire Red and Leaf Green (why on earth are they Players choice, but not Ruby or Sapphire?), little sister chose LG, and we had a happy family. ^_^
I'm good at my job, the way I see it. Target wants me to sell "Red Cards," which are Visa credit cards run by Target. If you get one, you receive a 10% discount on an entire day's shopping at Target, which can be a fair amount if you're buying, say, a big screen TV or a full set of patio furniture. But they're asking me to be sure to ask "EVERY" guest, and honestly, I don't wanna. I think it bothers the customer, because they usually either already have one, or they have enough credit cards and don't need another. So, I drop it when I get a no. I've heard tell that at least one of our "Team Leads" has a great record because, and this is pretty much true, he will not shut up about the "benefits" of the card until the guest gets one. That just seems rude to me, and it's not what I signed on for, I think.
Target feels it's my job to earn money for the company, by selling products, and also by getting those credit cards sold. On the other hand, I feel my job is to aid the guest in making the best decision and getting the best deal possible for them. More often than not, our goals are similar enough that they cross over, but I refuse to simply act as a mouthpiece for the corporation. It is my real and honest belief that if I give good guest service, people will enjoy coming to Target, and want to come back, even if our stuff is 13 cents more expensive than Wal-Mart (seriously, they have stuff for like 13.84 that's 13.99 at Target... And that's their "Low Price" X_X)
Anyway, enough rambling. I'm enjoying Diamond (Pearl is saved so Jackie can do the quest for herself, and we'll probably trade version exclusives and the like), though I'm feeling a little guilty that I'm JUST SHY of beating Emerald - I just got the 8th Gym badge today, and can probably beat the Elite Four soon. I may do that once I've beaten the first gym in Diamond, just so I can say I'm done... There's also the Battle Frontier in Emerald, and Battle towers in Fire Red and Ruby, so I'll have to see what else I can do in those areas. I'll probably need to train up a kick-ass team in 3rd generation, one I WON'T be sending into the 4th gen later on (once I've beaten THAT games Elite Four). So much to do...
In the mean time, here's my friend code: 1590 1166 1789 I've written it down here as much for myself as for all of you. Lemme know if you want me to add you for something. ^_^
Insert Star Trek Fight Music Here
(01:43:22 PM) effervescence:,,2062486,00.html?=rss
(01:43:29 PM) effervescence: this is the most terrible thing ever
(01:43:33 PM) effervescence: and they didn't even sell any tickets
(01:46:14 PM) Kitty Kyriaki: I know, they should have at least uploaded it to youtube
(01:46:30 PM) effervescence: i'll bet its there somewhere
(01:46:32 PM) effervescence: if not
(01:46:58 PM) effervescence: wanna kidnap some children from a local playground and see what happens when you toss them in a ring with a couple of bat'leths?
(01:47:42 PM) Kitty Kyriaki: sure
(01:47:57 PM) Kitty Kyriaki: get your party van ready
(01:48:19 PM) effervescence: i'll bring the camera if you bring the candy
This chat has been brought to you by the association for making horrible things seem less horrible through comparison.
(01:43:29 PM) effervescence: this is the most terrible thing ever
(01:43:33 PM) effervescence: and they didn't even sell any tickets
(01:46:14 PM) Kitty Kyriaki: I know, they should have at least uploaded it to youtube
(01:46:30 PM) effervescence: i'll bet its there somewhere
(01:46:32 PM) effervescence: if not
(01:46:58 PM) effervescence: wanna kidnap some children from a local playground and see what happens when you toss them in a ring with a couple of bat'leths?
(01:47:42 PM) Kitty Kyriaki: sure
(01:47:57 PM) Kitty Kyriaki: get your party van ready
(01:48:19 PM) effervescence: i'll bring the camera if you bring the candy
This chat has been brought to you by the association for making horrible things seem less horrible through comparison.
What the fuck is going on in this video? Its some ninja who makes card float in mid-air. I'm sure, like all magic tricks, theres some sort of chicanery involved, but I am obviously too tired to figure it out.
Random Linking!
Super Columbine Massacre RPG! I've talked about it before, but for whatever reason I never bothered to link it (or for that matter, to download it and try it myself. I'm not sure if I want to (I'm actually not sure if I can on my computer...) but I'll give it a spin over Summer break I bet.
Random Qustions
Question 1: I'm sure you've seen those videos of the Beatles being chased by crowds of screaming fans. Now, don't get me wrong, you want to be heard by the band, and especially during the concert, you need to make a lot of noise (just, please don't drown out the actual music, I wanna kinda hear what I paid to hear, not you asking Paul to marry you). So yeah, scream and yell all you want during the concert, and maybe while they're entering and exiting the building, with you standing behind the velvet rope. But when the guys are FLEEING the scene, do you really need to chase them? I think it's obvious they're trying to go away from the screaming.
And really.. what exactly did they plan on doing when and if they caught them? Sex? Right there on the streets of London? With 2000 other women? As said before, I'm not sure the Beatles were interested in that magnitude of pussy.
Question 2: How long are flags supposed to be kept at half mast? I'm sure it varies from event to event (President dying > Ambassador dying, and such), but isn't there at least a set time for each event? After Gerald Ford died, the flags in Austin were at half mast for like a month or more. I'm beginning to think that there is no set time for raising them. There are definite times for lowering them, but no one wants to be the first guy to say "Okay, who cares about V Tech any more?" and raise it back up. It's a rough job, but someone's gotta do it.
Meh, I thought I had another, but I'm out. Also, to anyone asking, no, my store does not have Pokemon in. Wait till Sunday. I know its hard, but we all have to do it, so suck it up.
And really.. what exactly did they plan on doing when and if they caught them? Sex? Right there on the streets of London? With 2000 other women? As said before, I'm not sure the Beatles were interested in that magnitude of pussy.
Question 2: How long are flags supposed to be kept at half mast? I'm sure it varies from event to event (President dying > Ambassador dying, and such), but isn't there at least a set time for each event? After Gerald Ford died, the flags in Austin were at half mast for like a month or more. I'm beginning to think that there is no set time for raising them. There are definite times for lowering them, but no one wants to be the first guy to say "Okay, who cares about V Tech any more?" and raise it back up. It's a rough job, but someone's gotta do it.
Meh, I thought I had another, but I'm out. Also, to anyone asking, no, my store does not have Pokemon in. Wait till Sunday. I know its hard, but we all have to do it, so suck it up.
It's a mashup of Halo and Metriod! Wow, it's well made, though a REAL fan-wank. I love the fact that Master Chief can jump around like Neo. Never mind the fact that half of the choreography in that movie is ripped directly from the Matrix, almost frame for frame (bullet time and everything, synched up to the music even), just the idea that Master Chief could ever preform such an acrobatic maneuver is laughable. Halo is a first person shooter - you look forward, occasionally you jump. You don't do midair cartwheels, or kung fu melee combat, or THROW FRIGGING CARS AROUND. >_< I'll give Samus the benefit of the doubt on her moves - she actually DOES flip around in the games, but the whole time I was just expecting Master Chief to come out on top, simply because the video was obviously made by a huge Halo fan, more-so than a Metroid fan, anyway. I give it an A for effort, as far as the animation goes, but in terms of what you animated... HD Pong is still Pong, and Blu-Ray clarity on the Pokemon movie is still the Pokemon movie. Bleh.
I've also been watching The Power of Nightmares, a documentary on the rise of both NeoConservatives in America and Islamic Terrorists in the Middle East, and how both parties use fear and scare-tactics to attempt to control the masses. I think Grand Moff Tarkin said it best:
If you're not afraid of something by now, you're not paying attention. The trick is to not be afraid of what they tell you to fear, but rather the ones who use fear to their advantage. Fear them, and do everything in your power to stop them.
I had a weird rant planned out, but the gist is a hypothetical situation. The Union lost the Civil War, and was eventually conquered by the Confederacy. For the next 140 years America was ruled by a tyrannical dictatorship until the European Powers decided to "spread democracy," expecting that freed Americans would all be the same, not noticing the differences between Red- and Blue-Staters, and then violence broke out between the two groups and.. well, anyway, that's what Iraq is like.
Lets do it again! In Iran this time, okay?
I've also been watching The Power of Nightmares, a documentary on the rise of both NeoConservatives in America and Islamic Terrorists in the Middle East, and how both parties use fear and scare-tactics to attempt to control the masses. I think Grand Moff Tarkin said it best:
Governor Tarkin: The Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us. I have just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the council permanently. The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept away.
General Tagge: But that's impossible. How will the Emperor maintain control without the bureaucracy?
Governor Tarkin: The regional governors now have direct control over their territories. Fear will keep the local systems in line. Fear of this battle station.
If you're not afraid of something by now, you're not paying attention. The trick is to not be afraid of what they tell you to fear, but rather the ones who use fear to their advantage. Fear them, and do everything in your power to stop them.
I had a weird rant planned out, but the gist is a hypothetical situation. The Union lost the Civil War, and was eventually conquered by the Confederacy. For the next 140 years America was ruled by a tyrannical dictatorship until the European Powers decided to "spread democracy," expecting that freed Americans would all be the same, not noticing the differences between Red- and Blue-Staters, and then violence broke out between the two groups and.. well, anyway, that's what Iraq is like.
Lets do it again! In Iran this time, okay?
300 Pokemon
When I first clicked the link, I thought it was actually a video showing three hundreds of kinds of Pokemon. Instead, I got a trailer spoof. Much more entertaining.
Dammit, Youtube needs to let me embed.
Dammit, Youtube needs to let me embed.
"World of Warcraft Teaches the Wrong Things"
This is old, but I decided to link it anyways. It basically says that WoW teaches the wrong lessons, such as "time spent is more important than what was actually done" and "group play is better than solo."
Interestingly enough, I was linked there from a Pokemon thread dealing with EV Training in an open, Online envirnment. For those of you who don't know, EV training is the practice of beefing up a particular stat by having it battle only certain Pokemon. There are lists out there that tell you which monsters you should battle to give a boost in Attack, Defence, Speed, etc. It's a fairly time consuming process, and without a great deal of algebra (thankfully done by other people) completely hidden from view. So while it's fairly well-known in fanboy circles, to the thousands of grade-schoolers who don't check out Pokemon websites (i.e. the majority of the market-share) aren't aware of it. In the thread, I mention that to an uninformed viewer, an EV trained Pokemon battling a non-trained member will seem to be "hacked" because of the difference in power.
I dunno, it's late and I've got work in the morning. I suppose I'll end up with three teams, though, when I get my WiFi team ready:
1: A competitive, EV trained team (well balanced, pretty much the strongest set I can find).
2: An EV trained team of Ubers (all the legendary Pokemon that are already head and shoulders above the rest; considered cheap by most competitive players).
3: A goofy, non-trained "show team" (probably just 6 Eevee evolutions doing whatever I feel like).
Oh, one last thing, this guy Sirlin has some pretty cool things written on the rest of his site. I recommend checking it out.
Interestingly enough, I was linked there from a Pokemon thread dealing with EV Training in an open, Online envirnment. For those of you who don't know, EV training is the practice of beefing up a particular stat by having it battle only certain Pokemon. There are lists out there that tell you which monsters you should battle to give a boost in Attack, Defence, Speed, etc. It's a fairly time consuming process, and without a great deal of algebra (thankfully done by other people) completely hidden from view. So while it's fairly well-known in fanboy circles, to the thousands of grade-schoolers who don't check out Pokemon websites (i.e. the majority of the market-share) aren't aware of it. In the thread, I mention that to an uninformed viewer, an EV trained Pokemon battling a non-trained member will seem to be "hacked" because of the difference in power.
I dunno, it's late and I've got work in the morning. I suppose I'll end up with three teams, though, when I get my WiFi team ready:
1: A competitive, EV trained team (well balanced, pretty much the strongest set I can find).
2: An EV trained team of Ubers (all the legendary Pokemon that are already head and shoulders above the rest; considered cheap by most competitive players).
3: A goofy, non-trained "show team" (probably just 6 Eevee evolutions doing whatever I feel like).
Oh, one last thing, this guy Sirlin has some pretty cool things written on the rest of his site. I recommend checking it out.
ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR CHRISTMAS! I'm just sad it's so short. I would have loved to see what else was going on.
YouTube's been frustrating me lately. There's a video there where Bill O'Reilly and and Geraldo Rivera have a shouting match over immigration. It's pretty nuts stuff. I always thought of Geraldo as Bill's little buddy, after the way the two of them went after Comedy Central's fake news. But to see these people so angry over this... It's just frightening. My thoughts are that Geraldo was right (they're disagreeing; I HAD to side with one of them): the death of a girl to a drunk driver should not be used as a political springboard about immigration. Yes, Bill, he shouldn't have been here. And I'm sure that after this event, he's been deported. (If not, then shockingly, Bill's right too - immigration policy is a mess.) But to turn a tragedy for this family into a "Talking Points Memo" does a disservice to everyone involved.
Anyway, I looked on YouTube for some more videos of him. I'm still looking for the bastion of literate, smart, Bill O'Reilly fans. I'm sure they're out there. They must be. There's no way there's not at least one Bill O'Reilly fan-site out there. If you find it, please let me know.
Anyway, a lot of the videos I found dealt with the anti-War protesters. Bill doesn't seem to like them that much. But they got me thinking. What the hell do we do now in the Middle East? I think it's pretty clear that the war was started somewhat unjustly. "Iraq is arming WMD's." Not so. "Freedom is on the march." Just as long as they vote in the guys we like, right? The insurgents don't get to be free. So now the only justification for the War is "We had to get rid of Saddam."
You'll often hear conservatives criticize the Anti-War crowd with the jab "Would you prefer it if Saddam were still in power?" And they love to compare him to Hitler, even if the comparison is merely implied. I'm going to take a giant flying leap here and say the following: "I THINK EVERYTHING WOULD BE BETTER OFF IF SADDAM WERE STILL IN POWER." As politicians are now finding out, the population of Iraq is not as streamlined as, say, China, or Japan, or even the vastly divided United States. Inside of the European-drawn borders of Iraq, we have found the warring Sunnis, Shias and Kurds. And these guys HATE each other. So, why then, are we just now noticing this? Saddam kept them in line.
Metaphor time: Saddam was like a barbed knife, plunged in the chest of Iraq. Yeah, its bad. Its a fucking knife plunged in there. But you don't just rip it out. That makes things worse. The same thing happened here. Saddam kept three waring factions from killing each other through fear. Yeah, it's bad, but the alternative was worse. Obviously, the answer is "don't take out the knife". For whatever reason, people now-a-days don't want to admit they messed up. And because they believe they did the right thing, they refuse to accept that things aren't going well. Their logic flows such that doing a good thing = getting good results. And that makes perfect sense. Except, they DIDN'T do a good thing. They made a bad thing worse.
So, step one, then, in fixing this mess, is admitting that mistakes were made. Admit that removing Saddam was not the right solution. Maybe not publicly, but at least to yourselves. Realize that there IS a civil war going on in Iraq. You are not just fighting a small resistance group in its final throws. Once you move more in line with reality, it will be that much easier to fix the problems of reality.
Okay, theres an hour I'm never getting back. Time for homework.
Anyway, I looked on YouTube for some more videos of him. I'm still looking for the bastion of literate, smart, Bill O'Reilly fans. I'm sure they're out there. They must be. There's no way there's not at least one Bill O'Reilly fan-site out there. If you find it, please let me know.
Anyway, a lot of the videos I found dealt with the anti-War protesters. Bill doesn't seem to like them that much. But they got me thinking. What the hell do we do now in the Middle East? I think it's pretty clear that the war was started somewhat unjustly. "Iraq is arming WMD's." Not so. "Freedom is on the march." Just as long as they vote in the guys we like, right? The insurgents don't get to be free. So now the only justification for the War is "We had to get rid of Saddam."
You'll often hear conservatives criticize the Anti-War crowd with the jab "Would you prefer it if Saddam were still in power?" And they love to compare him to Hitler, even if the comparison is merely implied. I'm going to take a giant flying leap here and say the following: "I THINK EVERYTHING WOULD BE BETTER OFF IF SADDAM WERE STILL IN POWER." As politicians are now finding out, the population of Iraq is not as streamlined as, say, China, or Japan, or even the vastly divided United States. Inside of the European-drawn borders of Iraq, we have found the warring Sunnis, Shias and Kurds. And these guys HATE each other. So, why then, are we just now noticing this? Saddam kept them in line.
Metaphor time: Saddam was like a barbed knife, plunged in the chest of Iraq. Yeah, its bad. Its a fucking knife plunged in there. But you don't just rip it out. That makes things worse. The same thing happened here. Saddam kept three waring factions from killing each other through fear. Yeah, it's bad, but the alternative was worse. Obviously, the answer is "don't take out the knife". For whatever reason, people now-a-days don't want to admit they messed up. And because they believe they did the right thing, they refuse to accept that things aren't going well. Their logic flows such that doing a good thing = getting good results. And that makes perfect sense. Except, they DIDN'T do a good thing. They made a bad thing worse.
So, step one, then, in fixing this mess, is admitting that mistakes were made. Admit that removing Saddam was not the right solution. Maybe not publicly, but at least to yourselves. Realize that there IS a civil war going on in Iraq. You are not just fighting a small resistance group in its final throws. Once you move more in line with reality, it will be that much easier to fix the problems of reality.
Okay, theres an hour I'm never getting back. Time for homework.
Stardust, and Other Fictions
I found this trailer off, which I have to reccomend if you're ever bored and looking for something fun. It shows the top rated links from a variety of sources, such as YouTube, as well as cites like Digg and Reddit, which are user submitted and rated. I've found a bunch of interesting random articles there, and actually have it set as one of my home pages on Firefox.
I have never heard of this movie, Stardust, but it looks pretty cool. If nothing else, it looks like it might be worth a rental to sit down and watch with Clara or something. I don't have anything to add about the trailer itself that you couldn't gather from watching it, but I also thought it was cool that the main page had a link to the Resident Evil: Extinction trailer, which was fun when I saw it in theaters back a while. I think it's a well done trailer, starting with a cliche ad, then the sudden appearance of the Umbrella logo... Anyway, check that trailer out. I'll let you judge whether or not you wanna see the film, but I'm probably gonna. I enjoyed the first two, definitely. I haven't played the games for Resident Evil, but they're up there with Mortal Kombat as "Best Video Game Movies." Granted, there's not a lot of fierce competition in that category (Doom, Super Mario Brothers, Tomb Raider, I could go on and on...), but they were definitely enjoyable movies.
Sigh, so many tempting movies upcoming. Aren't there always, though? Aside from those two, I've got on my radar (in no particular order other than the order they pop into my head):
- 28 Weeks Later (Sequel to 28 Days Later, neither of which have anything to do with Sandra Bullock's 28 Days.)
- Aqua Teen Hunger Force Colon Movie Film For Theaters (I guess Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan made long titles funny?)
- Transformers (I'm obligated by sheer fandom.)
- Spider-Man 3 (Why is Spider-Man the only superhero with a dash in his name?)
- Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (Eh, maybe, maybe not...)
- Grindhouse (Awesomeness on top of awesomeness.)
- Hot Fuzz (I loved Shaun of the Dead -apparently I have a thing for zombies- but these guys have earned my viewership)
The Return
Hey, you all ready for bed? Brushed your teeth, washed up? Good, good. Oh, a bedtime story? Sure, I've always got time for one of those. And today I've got a great one for you. You see, today, on my way home, I saw a dragon. She was shining white, and enormous. It had to be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. As I was stepping out side, she landed softly in front of me. "Hello, Greg," she spoke, with a voice that rang through my mind like a chorus. "My name is Leona. Come, let me show you my kingdom."
Now, I've never been one to turn down a dragon, so I got on her back, and found a nice little seat snuggled in between two of her vertebrae, right below her neck. She beat her huge wings and in a heartbeat we were among the clouds, looking down on the city, the whole state, and then, eventually, the ocean was rushing past beneath us.
Soon, an island came into view. It was a lush paradise, verdant and green, with dragons soaring through the clouds. Hundreds of dragons, in every color of the rainbow, and of every shape and size imaginable. Cerulean dragons playing in the water, emerald dragons darting though the trees, and crimson dragons soaring in and around the smoking volcano at the center of the island.
It was then that the whole island started to shake, and suddenly, the mountainside burst open. A huge black smoking dragon soared outward and roared a horrible roar that echoed across the island. All the other dragons looked at this dragon in terror. I turned to Leona to ask her what was going on, when all of a sudden, I knew.
In my head, memories filled in. Memories of a time long past, when this horrible dragon, Blackmaw, ruled over the dragons' island with tyranny and hatred. It was like this for centuries, until one fateful day, when all the dragons, as one, rose up and defended their freedom from Blackmaw. I saw the battle as it was waged, like it was yesterday. I felt Leona's sadness as she witnessed her friends being slain at the dragon-kings hand. I felt her triumph when the good dragons finally defeated in battle. And I witnessed in awe the sight of twelve dragon elders, near-gods themselves, sacrificed their power to seal Blackmaw in the volcano.
Now, the seal had been broken. No one knew why, or how, or what to do now. There were no longer twelve dragon elders who could seal Blackmaw away. The only outcome seemed to be defeat. Again, I felt Leona's sadness, this time not as a memory but a current emotion. Hope seemed to be lost amongst the dragons.
In frustration I reached for whatever I could to attack Blackmaw with. Even if the dragons were going to give in to his rule, I refused to go down without a fight. I began picking up rocks, and threw them at the black dragon with all my might. I felt somewhat dismayed as they bounced harmlessly of his ebony scales, but I did manage to attract his attention. The large dragon snorted, and turned to look at me. His nostrils flares and he puffed thick smoke in annoyance. His eyes burned into me like hot embers. I was paralyzed, partly by fear, and partly just in shock at what a powerful creature now stood before me, its powerful back legs extended as it prepared to take me out with a single breath of hot flame.
I could feel the heat emanating from Blackmaw's mouth, and prepared myself for the worst, when I felt a sudden bump. All of a sudden, I was mounted on Leona again, soaring away from Blackmaw. "Thank you!" I cried to her.
"Don't thank me yet," came the responce, "I'm going to need a favor from you, Greg."
"Name it." I was now willing to give my life to save the dragon who had fearlessly risked hers for mine.
We alighted at the top of the mountain. Rather than the black ash of the volcano I had seen from the ground level, at the peak was a verdant valley, filled with natural beauty. Right in front of Leona and me stood a chest. "Open it." Leona nudged me forward, and when I turned to look at her I was glad to see that hope had returned.
With a heave I pushed the lid off the chest. Inside I found a shimmering white sword. I picked it up by the hilt, and even though it was light, far lighter than it looked, I could still sense a great sensation of power emanating from the blade. Leona no longer had to vocalize her wish. With this sword, I would slay Blackmaw.
We rode out of the valley and dove down to find the island covered in flames. Water dragons who tried to put the fires out with bursts of cool water found themselves vulnerable themselves to a jet of flame from Blackmaw. Still, the dragons valiantly fought against Blackmaw. The hope I had seen in Leona's eyes now radiated throughout them all.
I stood on her back as we neared the great onyx beast, and took a soaring leap from Leona onto Blackmaw. The monster never even knew what hit him. I landed tip first, digging my blade deep into his ribcage. He let out an abominable scream, the ugliest sound I'd ever heard, before finally collapsing on the beast. His mighty lungs let out one last puff of smoke before coming to their eternal rest.
Dragons across the island sang my accolades. I stayed with them throughout the night, enjoying their hospitality and friendship. Eventually, as the sun rose the next morning, I bade my farewells to my new friends, wondering if I would ever see them again. Leona gave me a ride back home, and then vanished into the sky, too sad at the thought of leaving me to even hear me tell her goodbye. I wiped a tear from my eye, because I would miss her so much, but I still do have the happy memories of my adventure with her, and that makes me glad.
So anyway, that's why I missed your class play yesterday. Gnight!
Now, I've never been one to turn down a dragon, so I got on her back, and found a nice little seat snuggled in between two of her vertebrae, right below her neck. She beat her huge wings and in a heartbeat we were among the clouds, looking down on the city, the whole state, and then, eventually, the ocean was rushing past beneath us.
Soon, an island came into view. It was a lush paradise, verdant and green, with dragons soaring through the clouds. Hundreds of dragons, in every color of the rainbow, and of every shape and size imaginable. Cerulean dragons playing in the water, emerald dragons darting though the trees, and crimson dragons soaring in and around the smoking volcano at the center of the island.
It was then that the whole island started to shake, and suddenly, the mountainside burst open. A huge black smoking dragon soared outward and roared a horrible roar that echoed across the island. All the other dragons looked at this dragon in terror. I turned to Leona to ask her what was going on, when all of a sudden, I knew.
In my head, memories filled in. Memories of a time long past, when this horrible dragon, Blackmaw, ruled over the dragons' island with tyranny and hatred. It was like this for centuries, until one fateful day, when all the dragons, as one, rose up and defended their freedom from Blackmaw. I saw the battle as it was waged, like it was yesterday. I felt Leona's sadness as she witnessed her friends being slain at the dragon-kings hand. I felt her triumph when the good dragons finally defeated in battle. And I witnessed in awe the sight of twelve dragon elders, near-gods themselves, sacrificed their power to seal Blackmaw in the volcano.
Now, the seal had been broken. No one knew why, or how, or what to do now. There were no longer twelve dragon elders who could seal Blackmaw away. The only outcome seemed to be defeat. Again, I felt Leona's sadness, this time not as a memory but a current emotion. Hope seemed to be lost amongst the dragons.
In frustration I reached for whatever I could to attack Blackmaw with. Even if the dragons were going to give in to his rule, I refused to go down without a fight. I began picking up rocks, and threw them at the black dragon with all my might. I felt somewhat dismayed as they bounced harmlessly of his ebony scales, but I did manage to attract his attention. The large dragon snorted, and turned to look at me. His nostrils flares and he puffed thick smoke in annoyance. His eyes burned into me like hot embers. I was paralyzed, partly by fear, and partly just in shock at what a powerful creature now stood before me, its powerful back legs extended as it prepared to take me out with a single breath of hot flame.
I could feel the heat emanating from Blackmaw's mouth, and prepared myself for the worst, when I felt a sudden bump. All of a sudden, I was mounted on Leona again, soaring away from Blackmaw. "Thank you!" I cried to her.
"Don't thank me yet," came the responce, "I'm going to need a favor from you, Greg."
"Name it." I was now willing to give my life to save the dragon who had fearlessly risked hers for mine.
We alighted at the top of the mountain. Rather than the black ash of the volcano I had seen from the ground level, at the peak was a verdant valley, filled with natural beauty. Right in front of Leona and me stood a chest. "Open it." Leona nudged me forward, and when I turned to look at her I was glad to see that hope had returned.
With a heave I pushed the lid off the chest. Inside I found a shimmering white sword. I picked it up by the hilt, and even though it was light, far lighter than it looked, I could still sense a great sensation of power emanating from the blade. Leona no longer had to vocalize her wish. With this sword, I would slay Blackmaw.
We rode out of the valley and dove down to find the island covered in flames. Water dragons who tried to put the fires out with bursts of cool water found themselves vulnerable themselves to a jet of flame from Blackmaw. Still, the dragons valiantly fought against Blackmaw. The hope I had seen in Leona's eyes now radiated throughout them all.
I stood on her back as we neared the great onyx beast, and took a soaring leap from Leona onto Blackmaw. The monster never even knew what hit him. I landed tip first, digging my blade deep into his ribcage. He let out an abominable scream, the ugliest sound I'd ever heard, before finally collapsing on the beast. His mighty lungs let out one last puff of smoke before coming to their eternal rest.
Dragons across the island sang my accolades. I stayed with them throughout the night, enjoying their hospitality and friendship. Eventually, as the sun rose the next morning, I bade my farewells to my new friends, wondering if I would ever see them again. Leona gave me a ride back home, and then vanished into the sky, too sad at the thought of leaving me to even hear me tell her goodbye. I wiped a tear from my eye, because I would miss her so much, but I still do have the happy memories of my adventure with her, and that makes me glad.
So anyway, that's why I missed your class play yesterday. Gnight!
"These Are the stakes"
I finally found it! The Lyndon B. Johnson Presidential campaign ad! The one where the little girl gets blown up! Oh wow, I've honestly never seen it before. Powerful stuff. Apparently it was so disturbing they only ran it on TV once. Good thing, too. I dunno if I would wanna watch that thing during every half hour of TV during an election cycle. I watched the network news while staying with my Dad during the 2006 midterms, and that was just terrible. I think by 2008 I'll just swear off TV entirely.
Did I talk about that, actually? My plan for the future? I don't think I'll get cable or satellite or whatever when it comes time for me to get my own place. Internet, yes, and a decent cell phone service, but no TV. I'll probably rather get "season passes" to things like you can do now on iTunes or the Xbox 360, and watch only the shows I'm interested in, and only when I want. Similar to my Zune Pass setup. I wonder if I'll be able to get some sort of "TV Pass" system, and if that would ever be cheaper than buying series individually. Let's see... shows I'd be interested in: Heroes, Lost, House, South Park (maybe), The Daily Show and the Colbert Report, Studio 60 if it's still on the air... I think that's really it, I guess.
Hrmm.... this comic seems like a good way to end the post.
Did I talk about that, actually? My plan for the future? I don't think I'll get cable or satellite or whatever when it comes time for me to get my own place. Internet, yes, and a decent cell phone service, but no TV. I'll probably rather get "season passes" to things like you can do now on iTunes or the Xbox 360, and watch only the shows I'm interested in, and only when I want. Similar to my Zune Pass setup. I wonder if I'll be able to get some sort of "TV Pass" system, and if that would ever be cheaper than buying series individually. Let's see... shows I'd be interested in: Heroes, Lost, House, South Park (maybe), The Daily Show and the Colbert Report, Studio 60 if it's still on the air... I think that's really it, I guess.
Hrmm.... this comic seems like a good way to end the post.
All You Can Eat...

So yeah, Zune. Microsoft's iPod. I have never owned an MP3 player with more than a gig of storage. I haven't completely felt the urge, though I've got to say, wandering up and down the aisles of CD's at Target, the temptation grows. I can only imagine the terror that grips employees of Best Buy, Frys or (collective gasp) Waterloo Records. I've really become enamored with the idea of the Zune Pass. Assuming that per year, there are more than 12 CDs I would ever want to listen to, $15 a month works out to be a good deal. I also feel it would be convenient to just download any music I want off the Internet, without stopping to pay the piper or whatnot. I could even load songs to my 60 gig (do they make a 60? apparently not yet) music player, and not really listen to them if I didn't want to. I could bask in the luxury of having access to music that I hadn't pared down to less than 200 songs. I could even try listening to entire albums by artists, shock of shock. Or just make multiple playlists for multiple occasions, and not really have to worry about space or cost of legality. Naturally, I could do all this with equipment and services that don't have the word "Zune" in the name, but somehow the Zune plan and Zune hardware and Zune software working together seems like it would produce fewer headaches.
I ran this idea by a friend of mine, and the first thing he told me was "the sharing thing is useless", like that's a big reason to go with an iPod instead. I'll agree with him, theres really no one else around with a Zune, and the "three listens in three days" limitation kinda bites, though I can see the rationale for it. Of course, the Zune Pass means that, mostly, the limitation doesn't apply to me (I'm already "renting" the song anyway), but really, either way, I don't care about sharing. My question to him remains, though, how does a bad sharing plan make the Zune worse than something with no sharing plan at all? Surely the advantages must be noted that, though its currently a useless feature, the Zune does have WiFi connectablitly. And, for the same price as an equal sized iPod, I can see myself investing in the POTENTIAL of this magic uplink protocol.
The dream scenario, of course, is this: I'm walking through the mall at some point in the not so distant future, and a song plays over the intercom that I enjoy. I pull out my Zune, connect to the hypothetical mall's hypothetical wireless network, and transfer the song (or indeed, the whole album, and possibly other works in the artist's discography) directly to my Zune, adding it to my shuffle list, where it will pop up randomly and surprise me.
Speaking of added features, the thing also has a radio receiver. And it's got a widescreen (tallscreen?) display. I suppose the only possible downside to the device over Apple's offering is the Microsoft branding, but I've even found myself looking at the X-Box 360 with lusty eyes, and I've resigned myself to buying a new computer with Vista in the future. Microsoft may be evil, but they're good at being evil, so who am I to judge?
As near as I can tell, the only advantage the iPod has over the Zune, other than Kleenex level brand recognition, is the fact that iPods do not come in BROWN. iPods, like most other Apple devices, come in either black or white, or a Starburst-like assortment of colors if you buy one of the nano or mini or electron microscope models. The Zune launched in three colors, differentiating itself from the competition. They chose the iPod mimicing Ivory White; the edgy and cool Charcoal Black; and a color that can only be described as TURD BROWN. Seriously, BROWN electronics? Even disregarding the fact that it's the color of excrement (and it really is, shade and everything, like if you'd passed a white Zune through your colon), since when are we making brown machines? They didn't even do that when we were using real wood for cases. We painted them, so it wasn't brown. I mean, when you're rushing to compete with a product that defines an industry, you shouldn't make the case that your product is comparable to poop FOR THE ENEMY. Leave that to your half assed Wi-Fi implementation, please.
By the way, I picked up The WarSun Prophecies, the third book of Penny Arcade compilations, so this post may have been channeling my inner Tycho. I love the way the guy writes. And heck, he's even one of the more vocal independant (i.e. not Bill Gates) fans of the Zune.
But seriously, I got the idea to get one on my own, because the display model at work taunts me.
Uncomfortable Questions
So I found this awesome article online. Uncomfortable Questions: Was the Death Star Attack an Inside Job? I couldn't help but
write a response (after I was prompted by my friend Dan to do so). The submissions form isn't working just now, but I thought I'd share my thoughts here:
In other news, last night I got together with a bunch of classmates from Japanese to help each other complete the workbook. When we realized exactly the scope of that project, we decided it would be easier to just photocopy the pages we all needed. After test printing off two random pages (one twice, because two people needed it) we decided to just start off at the front and work our way through the book. Before we started THAT endeavor (btw, we need close to 124 pages done by Monday), we remembered that the teacher had given us an answer key for at least the first few pages. We decided to pull out the packet and see just how far the key went, so we'd know when to start. At about that point, we noticed that the guide actually had ALL the answers we needed, so copying the pages was just a waste of time and money, and we called it a night.
What's the point of that story? I dunno. Self-depreciation, I guess. I just found it an interesting little adventure.
Gah, I don't have time to write about how random and pointless this blog is... Maybe later, if you're lucky.

Point by point here:From what I could see, the original article was written from the point of view of an average Imperial citizen, or possibly an underground news reporter (I can't imagine that the Empire has free speech), and so my response was written from a similar point of view.
1) As anyone who's studied the Death Star blueprints will tell you, shielding something as large as a small moon is no easy task. Without a planetary based shield, the best you can do is a wide mesh of shielding, which will deflect most large turbo-laser blasts, and prevent ramming from any capitol-class ships. Unfortunately, at a scale as large as the Death Star, the magnetic has holes in it large enough for a snub-fighter to barely squeeze through, with maybe a little "bouncing"
2) Grand Moff Tarkin's over-confidence is legendary. His last recorded words on the station are of him turning down an offer to evacuate the station, even after top advisors aboard had discovered a flaw (see point 8). If it had been an inside job, and he was aware of the station's impending doom, wouldn't he have evacuated long before someone had ever thought to ask him? The delay in launching fighters was merely his own arrogance, and discounting the rebel threat as weak and insignificant. There is also evidence that he and (fleet command) Admiral Motti were not on the best of terms.
3) The individuals in Storm Trooper uniforms have easily been identified as the Rebels themselves, wearing stolen uniforms. There are numerous photographs of them with their helmets removed. They had been lured on board by the presence of Ambassador Princess Leia Organa, who was proving un-useful for interrogation. The Ambassador's dipomatic immunity ruled out execution as an option, so she was allowed to escape, and then she was tracked back to the true location of the rebel base.
4) The allegations that Darth Vader and former Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker are one and the same are completely unfounded. Sure, it's easy to make the claim that since you can't see his face, he must be the famed rogue Jedi Knight of the Republic, but any hard evidence about the Jedi died away in the purge. Any investigation into the Jedi Order during a time of war would be a gross misuse of resources.
5) Contrary to popular belief, Lord Vader's TIE fighter was not unshielded. It may have been the most heavily armored and armed one man fighter in the Yavin System that day. Also remember that Vader's primary role in the Imperial command structure was not an administrative one; he has been recognized numerous time for his willingness and capability in the heat of battle. Remember, this is the man who has been refered to as "The best starpilot in the Galaxy." Who better to lead the defense against the rebel forces?
6) Depending on your religious views, this was either an incredibly lucky shot, or one that was divinely guided. I really can't say more than that for fear of offending readers.
7) Again, this claim relies on the idea of point 4, that Darth Vader is truly Anakin Skywalker. Without that link, there are no papers documenting that Vader ever encountered the droids.
8) Finally, I need only refer you to the Death Star blue prints. The "two meter port" you mentioned in point 6 was the primary exhaust port for the Death Star, leading straight into the central core of the station. The missile obviously set off a chain reaction, a huge series of explosions that rocked the entire station until eventually detonating the main power core. As you can see on the newly released and cleaned up footage of the explosion, there is a bright ring emanating from the equator of the Death Star, similar to the one you see if your speeder's power core were to explode, only on a much larger scale.Obviously, all the facts available back up the official story: the Death Star was destroyed by rebel terrorists. However, and interestingly enough, if one were to accept that Lord Vader were in reality Anakin Skywalker, and that the rebel known as Luke Skywalker is his son, then the case could be made that Vader set up the attack as an attempt to eliminate the higher-ups in Imperial command and get a promotion for himself. I look forward to seeing what Vader does with his newly appointed command ship, the Executor.
In other news, last night I got together with a bunch of classmates from Japanese to help each other complete the workbook. When we realized exactly the scope of that project, we decided it would be easier to just photocopy the pages we all needed. After test printing off two random pages (one twice, because two people needed it) we decided to just start off at the front and work our way through the book. Before we started THAT endeavor (btw, we need close to 124 pages done by Monday), we remembered that the teacher had given us an answer key for at least the first few pages. We decided to pull out the packet and see just how far the key went, so we'd know when to start. At about that point, we noticed that the guide actually had ALL the answers we needed, so copying the pages was just a waste of time and money, and we called it a night.
What's the point of that story? I dunno. Self-depreciation, I guess. I just found it an interesting little adventure.
Gah, I don't have time to write about how random and pointless this blog is... Maybe later, if you're lucky.
I've Been Busy!
Okay, not really, but kinda. I've managed to do two semesters in a row, without failing too much. (Yay!) I guess that's a little overzealous, I'm still in the second semester, but I am, as always (over)confident. You shut up, parenthetical notations. (u_u) Anyway, This semester I'm taking Japanese (again, it was the only course I failed last semester) along with Psychology (which I managed to brain fart my way into, because when I signed up for it I honestly thought it was Philosophy) Macro-Economics, and US History.
Those last two classes are taught by some guy from New York, as it turns out. You hear a lot about people being proud to be from Texas, and I suppose a lot of people are. Definitely, there are people like that, but not so much in Austin. Austin is the part of Texas that wishes it were in California. But New Yorkers are SERIOUSLY proud of being from New York. I don't really know why either. I mean, I suppose after 9/11, they can claim that they had planes hit their town, so that makes them tough, but they've had the same attitude the whole time. My teacher in particular, Dr. Jack Bucco, is REALLY proud of it. He's reminded us like 5 times, between the two classes, that he used to play baseball right across the river from Manhattan. It's weird, because it he's not really FROM New York. He's from Jersey City, New Jersey. That is, the part of New Jersey that wishes it was in New York. The same part that makes New Yorkers think New Jersey is nothing but a wannabe version of New York.
Oops, got on a bit of a tangent there. Anyway, so yeah, school's doing well. Also, I've gotten myself a job. Or rather, I regot my job at Target. Part time, with (hopefully) enough time between work and class for a little relaxation. I had my first full day yesterday, from 8AM to 4PM working the register (required training for stuff they should know I already know how to do), and then Japanese class from 545 to 8 that night. Yay 12 hours of nonstop work. Sigh. Still, I need the money, and it's not like its really HARD work. Especially once I get out on the floor where all I have to do is walk around and make sure stuff gets up up on shelves and customers (I mean, "Guests") can find what they're looking for. I actually enjoy that. Cashiering gets kinda boring, though. Either way, I need to get to sleep earlier than I did last night, or possibly find a time to take a nap. I was falling asleep in class just now. Not a good sign.
So anyway, the exciting news I have to share with you today: I have discovered the ultimate cure for hiccups. You see, it all started with a clinic scene from a recent episode of "House":
So yeah, some guy was faking hiccups in hopes of getting something shoved up his ass. Now, don't worry, that's not the hiccup cure I'm recommending. But last night, my friend had the hiccups, and so I told her the story, pretty much the way you read it (I edited it some to make it more readable). After she heard the story, her hiccups were gone. I don't know how, or why. But that story about a bogus cure for hiccups is itself a somewhat less bogus cure for the hiccups. Exciting, huh?
Okay, I need a nap. It's good to be back though.
Edit: Also, Blogger changed itself around, so you may see a few new changes here, including the fact that I changed email addresses. It's a pain to switch over, though. ._.
Those last two classes are taught by some guy from New York, as it turns out. You hear a lot about people being proud to be from Texas, and I suppose a lot of people are. Definitely, there are people like that, but not so much in Austin. Austin is the part of Texas that wishes it were in California. But New Yorkers are SERIOUSLY proud of being from New York. I don't really know why either. I mean, I suppose after 9/11, they can claim that they had planes hit their town, so that makes them tough, but they've had the same attitude the whole time. My teacher in particular, Dr. Jack Bucco, is REALLY proud of it. He's reminded us like 5 times, between the two classes, that he used to play baseball right across the river from Manhattan. It's weird, because it he's not really FROM New York. He's from Jersey City, New Jersey. That is, the part of New Jersey that wishes it was in New York. The same part that makes New Yorkers think New Jersey is nothing but a wannabe version of New York.
Oops, got on a bit of a tangent there. Anyway, so yeah, school's doing well. Also, I've gotten myself a job. Or rather, I regot my job at Target. Part time, with (hopefully) enough time between work and class for a little relaxation. I had my first full day yesterday, from 8AM to 4PM working the register (required training for stuff they should know I already know how to do), and then Japanese class from 545 to 8 that night. Yay 12 hours of nonstop work. Sigh. Still, I need the money, and it's not like its really HARD work. Especially once I get out on the floor where all I have to do is walk around and make sure stuff gets up up on shelves and customers (I mean, "Guests") can find what they're looking for. I actually enjoy that. Cashiering gets kinda boring, though. Either way, I need to get to sleep earlier than I did last night, or possibly find a time to take a nap. I was falling asleep in class just now. Not a good sign.
So anyway, the exciting news I have to share with you today: I have discovered the ultimate cure for hiccups. You see, it all started with a clinic scene from a recent episode of "House":
The patient is complaining about hiccups. House tells him it's fine, it'll go away on its own eventually, but the guy isn't satisfied. "Isn't there something you can do?" he asks. "I'd read about a new treatment for hiccups..." At this point, House notices that the guy is no longer hiccuping. "You don't actually have the hiccups, do you?" "*Hic*" comes the reply.
House walks out of the exam room and drops down the patients folder "'Drug Seeking Behavior,'" he notes. "What, for narcotics?" "Nope - ANAL STIMULATION."
So yeah, some guy was faking hiccups in hopes of getting something shoved up his ass. Now, don't worry, that's not the hiccup cure I'm recommending. But last night, my friend had the hiccups, and so I told her the story, pretty much the way you read it (I edited it some to make it more readable). After she heard the story, her hiccups were gone. I don't know how, or why. But that story about a bogus cure for hiccups is itself a somewhat less bogus cure for the hiccups. Exciting, huh?
Okay, I need a nap. It's good to be back though.
Edit: Also, Blogger changed itself around, so you may see a few new changes here, including the fact that I changed email addresses. It's a pain to switch over, though. ._.
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