
My Mind Is Reeling

Racing, really. I've got ideas out the wazoo. I've had half-completed stories surfacing on a near daily basis, getting into tiny swordfights with the half-completed stories I've already started on but, again, have not yet completed. I've had a rant going on in my head about how Magneto makes an interesting character from multiple perspectives. Along the way the Constructicons merged into that one, something about their dis-jointed nature of creation and destruction, and while I'm at that I might as well go on and do a little write up on every other childhood villian and how I think they "break the mold". No time for that, of course, but the ideas on Lencher and Devastator are good. Just tonight I got the idea for an experiment in how the MySpace community works, and whether or not a fictional person, completely foriegn to the world outside of MySpace, can be linked into their artificial community and generate her own fan base soley from the on-site presence. I've got a counter-idea that says that me mentioning the idea on this blog devoids the project, saying I don't make it ambiguous enough, but I suppose it's too late for that. I've had other thoughts, and though at the moment I've lost them, I'm sure they'll resurface, and you'll hear me whine about how I don't have enough time for them either.

I'm leaving for New Jersey this Friday. Depending on how you look at it, that's tomorrow. I have no idea what I'll do about that. I'm not packed. I have paperwork to get to ACC so that I can eventually persue academia once more, with hopefully more success this time around. This is retarded. I have a to-do list on my computer that has been empty since I reformatted, and hadn't been updated since last year even before that. I should really be using it. Instead, I spend my time bitching like this, and intermittantly looking for Lilo and Stitch wallpapers. Sigh. I really do need a vacation. From a lot of things. I'm so glad my dad doesn't have wireless at his house in PA, and I don't believe its at his shorehouse either. I'm gonna take a break from the Internet.

My computer won't run DVD's, oddly enough, so my plan to watch the West Wing over my break may have hit a snafu. I think I'll read instead. As for my computer, I'm probably going to leave it at home. Despite this, a statistical anomaly will occur. By the end of the month, this site will have posts dated for the days I was gone. I'll accomplish this using the high-tech device known as a notepad and pen. More news on these staggering technologies as they are developed. But yeah, I'm gonna sit on the porch after sunset and write about what's on my mind. Stream of consciousness stuff. Like this, only hand written, and then edited because I'm self-conscious. So, stream of selfconsciousness, I guess.

I'm gonna go to sleep now. So I won't be online starting... Well, I guess probably tomorrow afternoon, if not sooner. Let's say now, why not?

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