
Wow. Accurate.

It's been a while since I did one of these. You'd think that'd mean I'd do a good one now, but I'm not gonna. Instead I'll show you this quiz I took:

Gnome Mage


Gnomes are strange little things. Fascinated with gadgets and shiny things, gnomes are often plotting and planning - but are pretty smart, despite all the explosions.

As a mage, you like blowing things up. Your favorite bit of technology is anything that goes, 'boom'. You live for that huge front-end KAPOW - but, after the dust has settled, you'll find yourself searching for something else to explode.

Find out your real-life WoW race and class at QuizGalaxy.com

And yes, that was on the first try. I even put on that my body type was "taller than average" as opposed to the other one that might have fit "Dead sexy" (cuz you know I am). For those of you that don't know, my main WoW character is a gnome mage. Flaathy, on the Kargath (edit: it's KArgath, not kOrgath; I do PVE) server. I had spent like a month or two break from the game, but just recently got in, and in the past week got myself over level 40 (just hit 42 earlier tonight). I still don't have the gold for a mount, and in fact after hitting 42, I went and bought a bunch of new spells I probably didn't need. Ah well, que sera and all that.

So yeah, if you wanna join me, feel free. I may even be able to invite you into my guild. That is, the guild I belong to, not the one I lead like I was aspiring to...

Anyway, bedtime now. If I don't say anything, happy Halloween guys.!

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