
Wow. Accurate.

It's been a while since I did one of these. You'd think that'd mean I'd do a good one now, but I'm not gonna. Instead I'll show you this quiz I took:

Gnome Mage


Gnomes are strange little things. Fascinated with gadgets and shiny things, gnomes are often plotting and planning - but are pretty smart, despite all the explosions.

As a mage, you like blowing things up. Your favorite bit of technology is anything that goes, 'boom'. You live for that huge front-end KAPOW - but, after the dust has settled, you'll find yourself searching for something else to explode.

Find out your real-life WoW race and class at QuizGalaxy.com

And yes, that was on the first try. I even put on that my body type was "taller than average" as opposed to the other one that might have fit "Dead sexy" (cuz you know I am). For those of you that don't know, my main WoW character is a gnome mage. Flaathy, on the Kargath (edit: it's KArgath, not kOrgath; I do PVE) server. I had spent like a month or two break from the game, but just recently got in, and in the past week got myself over level 40 (just hit 42 earlier tonight). I still don't have the gold for a mount, and in fact after hitting 42, I went and bought a bunch of new spells I probably didn't need. Ah well, que sera and all that.

So yeah, if you wanna join me, feel free. I may even be able to invite you into my guild. That is, the guild I belong to, not the one I lead like I was aspiring to...

Anyway, bedtime now. If I don't say anything, happy Halloween guys.!


Oh Wow

Okay, I'm out. I can take transforming into robots. I loved the idea of robots turning into cars. I was less thrilled with them turning into animals, but the show was good, so I accepted it. Then we got not one, not two, but FOUR cheesy Anime-style spin offs, where the main characters were the children sidekicks. Not only were they worse than Spike ever was, they were the primary actors of the series. I mean, I stopped following it after Armada, so I'm guessing on the other two.

And now this shows up. "Kiss Play" is a new line of Japanese Transformers toys (with an accompanying Manga and radio drama) that is really just the Alternators line repackaged with tiny dolls. These dolls are human sidekicks (AGAIN WITH THE SIDEKICKS) who can kiss the Transformers to give them special powers. Observe the quality of the series.

You Gonna Get RAPED!

And a sample of the radio show:

"Oh, Convoy! Your shift lever is dirty," Marissa exclaims. "It must be from when I spilled soft serve ice cream on you before. I will wipe it clean for you now."

She giggles as Convoy gasps and moans. "It t-t-tickles!" he says.

"Is this the right spot?" Marissa playfully asks as he begs her to stop.

Convoy changes the subject and announces that they have reached the usual place. The truck rolls to a stop.
Wow... I'm out. No more please.

...Actually, I wouldnt mind one of the Atari X Autrooper models....

X-Fire and Other Gaming Stuff

I have X-Fire. Do any of you have X-Fire? Lemme know so I can add you to my X-Fire. Currently the only games I have that run with X-Fire are World of Warcraft and Day Of Defeat, but if I see a bunch of you on some other game, I may spring for that, too.

Also, I was thinking about making a more "professional" blog dealing with casual (as opposed to hardcore) gaming. I don't consider myself hardcode, but it seems to me that that is what most of the websites out there are targeting. The twinks, the power-levelers, the Twitch-reflex Sniper-rifles. I smell an untapped market niche. I wonder if "Casual Fridays" is taken yet....




I am worth $2,300,020 on HumanForSale.com

Just thought I'd share.

All my pokemon are going quite well, thanks for asking, and are now all between levels 50 and 60, which is a good range. I'll try to get them all to level 60, then see how they fare at a run through the Elite Four.

I had a busy day yesterday. Saw a couple of random movies: The Black Dahlia and Man of the Year. Neither was what I'd classify as "OMG THAT WAS SO COOL", but the Black Dahlia is definitely a good movie, if you're into the whole psychological mystery noir thing. Man of the Year was another in a long line of "Robin Willaims stars in a comedy movie that turns really dark and sad half way through." I've sorta gotten fed up with them.

One thing that REALLY pissed me off, though was this one woman laughing randomly in the movie. She had a really annoying laugh, too, so that you couldn't even ignore her. And she was laughing at random times. Inappropriate times, really. Like I said, the movie was one of those "Robin Williams is funny but the rest of the movie is utterly serious" things. Kinda hard to explain without spoilers, but basically, the movie was two-sided. There's the funny ha-ha comedian runs for and gets elected president plot, and then the serious corperate cover-up and scandal plot line running simultaneously. The two are interlinked, but there was literally NOTHING funny about the scenes meant for the serious plot line. There were serious aspects to the funny plot, but the serious plot was dead serious. If the serious plot wasn't so laughable (there was a glitch where the program alphabetized candidates and they couldn't fix it in time for the election - not gonna happen IRL), I could almost see that it woulda been a straight thriller without the comedian president angle at all. I actually think that's how it started, and they realized that it sucked, so they threw in Robin Williams to make up for it.

Okay, now that I've dished on the movie, lemme get back to the problem of that lady. The only thing I can think is either that she was retarded / crazy, and just didn't know what she was looking at, or she was sane, and thought she was seeing a straight comedy, and tried to see the serious plot line as humorous. In either case, it was stupid, and, more-over, distracting me from the movie. That said, what can I do about it? I couldn't really go over to her in the movie theater after she laughed wrongly and told her "NO! That's NOT funny, you shouldn't laugh at that!" Can you blame a person for their sense of humor? I mean, yeah, if she was innapropriately laughing at something in real life, something tragic, say, that's not good, but in a comedy movie, you really can't complain about an audience member laughing at the comedy. Maybe if someone was laughing annoyingly in The Black Dahlia, I could have called an usher or something and gotten her removed, or at least silenced, but not in the Robin Williams movie.

I dunno what my point was there. Just frustration, I guess.

After the movies, we went to Wal-Mart. No real reason, but while we were there I saw they had Time Spiral cards. I tried out my trick of bringing up a sealed box and getting it all for the price of one pack, but sadly, the guy wasn't falling for it. I felt guilty, actually. My Optimus Prime shirt caught the guys attention when I was looking at the cards, and we struck up a conversation about the new movie, so that, when it came time to check out, and he said "Oh, wow, $13 for a sealed box of tournament packs? That's a good price." I just sorta chuckled. "Yeah, I thought so." Luckily, I guess, the computer new better than the one at Borders. I still contend that I had to try, because a $100+ profit on Magic Cards was too good to pass up. Either way, I was punished for my greed. The one tournament pack I opened was full of junk, in all 6 rares. Somehow I even ended up with just one black uncommon. Weird.

Sigh.... I've been facing a huge sense of inertia, lately. I have had literally no will to do anything. It sucks to look back on a whole day and see that you haven't gotten ANYTHING done. You haven't even done anything to make it worth not doing the things you were supposed to do. I just sit here and veggitate. What's up with that? I need to get some order into my life. So, here's how it's gonna be from now on. No more getting online at the drop of a hat. I'm gonna put AIM and all my other messenger programs up on my laptop, so that I CAN still get to them, but it's easier to ignore them when I've got stuff to do. And I'm going to start getting to sleep at 12 at the lastest, every night except weekends. First thing after getting home from school, and when I'm between classes, I'm gonna work on papers or whatever else I need to work on. Once I get everything I know about done, or if I'm done with everything due for tomorrow (or Monday, if it's a Friday) and I've worked 2 hours (cuz seriously guys, that's long enough), I'll do my 30 minutes or so of exersize, then I can chill out or do whatever.

Also, now that I've moved all my communications to the other computer, I am free-er to play full screen games on my computer. See, I'm not just pissed about putting off about not doing school work. I'm pissed because I'm not doing ANYTHING. I'm just vegitating. My family thinks that I flunked out of college because I spent all my free time gaming when I should have been doing homework or some nonsense. And I wasn't. How fucked up do I have to be when I'm too lazy to GAME? AGH!!!! Okay, no more. I'm gonna start scheduling game time. I mean, there are gonna be some days when I'll just wanna cut loose and kick ass on Azeroth or in DoD, or whatever else comes out. But I'd also like to schedule at least one day a week that is my Warcraft afternoon / evening (right now I'm thinking Saturday), and an evening I go out to Magic draft. Some guys have poker night with the guys, some go out bowling, I'll have these nights. Maybe a night when I go lazer tagging

I'm also planning on going back to church, just to give me something to do on Sundays. I may drop that when I'm working again, but we'll see. (I'm too tired to get into a discussion of my beliefs on this right now.) And of course, I'm planning on getting a job, too, which'll put a cramp in my schedule, but nothing I can't work around. Okay, so here's hoping I can get my life back on track, or at least on some track.

Speaking of tracks, I've decided on my new long term goal. I want to run a moderately successful WoW guild. I stumbled upon AFK Gamer's blog a while ago, and pretty much got addicted to the guild politics and stuff. He treats it like an annoyance, but I think it sounds like fun. Earlier today I read a guide about running your own guild. Here's the line I found interesting:
If you really enjoy PLAYING the game that your guild is involved with, you may want to reconsider being the guild leader. You will find that as your guild grows and grows, you are the 'heavy' or the person that everyone comes to. You will be bombarded with email, ICQs, private messages in IRC, phone calls, etc. - and you CANNOT blow them off. You must answer and respond to everything sent to you, or be labelled a failure by your peers.
See, maybe it's just me, but I see all that "work" as part of the game, at a new level. Of course, I've never actually DONE it, so I don't know, but it's a bit like playing a really sophisticated version of Warcraft (without the World) or Starcraft or something. You are the general, in charge of a vast army of troops, except here, they aren't as obedient as the SCV you send to the top of the ramp as a speed bump. Basically, though, I consider managing a social network of people as a fun challenge. I'm looking forward to playing as the leader.

A few weeks ago, I was talking to a girl who's SN I'd found on /b/. Put there by an enemy and meant for raiding, but that's not how I operate. I quickly made friends with her, as I do with most people I meet online. I'm really friendly and easy to get along with online, as I'm sure you all know. Not so much in real life. I'm shy. But moving on. While she was trying to figure out who I was and why I'd contacted her, she read in my info that I game. (The line in my info was something like "If I'm gaming, try contacting me on LappyServ.) So she started calling me a gamer. I didn't really deny it, but (other than the info line I'd forgotten about) I couldn't figure out how she'd placed me as a gamer, so I quasi-denied it, if you get my meaning. Anyway, in the conversation she asked me if I was playing a game at that moment. despite having nothing running but the Firefox and messaging services, I told her yes, and left it at that. What remained unsaid was that I considered the conversation we'd been having a game. Not neccessarily one you can win or lose, but a game none-the-less.

I enjoy the dynamics of social networking and such. I'm shy in real life, but online, when I can be semi-anonymous and let my inhibitions free, I really like to get to know people and talk to them, etc. Also, I've found politics FACINATING from a player's point of view. From the outsiders viewpoint, there's tons of stuff wrong wtih it, but I want to be able to play politics. In short, I want to run a guild.

Maybe I'm not approaching it with the right level of seriousness, but really, Warcraft is only a game. And when I'm being a guild-leader, I'll treat it with the same seriousness I'd treat any other game. I think I've got what it takes. And what I don't have... Well, I've got 23-33 more levels till I hit the level cap (Burning Crusade will probably come out before I reach 60, but not by much if I keep my self to my schedule) and then I'll have to spend a while getting used to the endgame the way most people do. But eventually, once I've learned enough and gotten myself fully entrenched in the community, I'll start my own guild, probably for raiding, but I haven't left out the idea of starting a PVP guild on for fun on another server. That'd require starting a new character though, so.... I dunno.

ANYWAY! I've rambled long enough. Here's the bottom line.
Short Term Goals
Stick to my new schedule.
Finish school work early whenever possible.
Get a part time job.

Long Term Goals
Run a Warcraft Guild.
Graduate from college and get a fufilling job.
Have a happy life overall.


Special Spooky Edition

So I just noticed I'm posting this on Friday the 13th. Fun, huh? I suppose I should have some Halloween tips or something, but I've got nothing on my mind tonight about that. Just a couple random blurbs I wanted to write in before I went to sleep.

Here's how my day started off. After getting to bed late, I woke up to my alarm at 6:30. Then I went back to sleep, and when I checked my clock (actually my DS), it was 7:10. Time for me to leave for school. X_X. So I got up, rushed to get dressed, and decided that I should let the Windows Updates install so I could shut my computer down while I was off at school (something I've decided to do more and more often, so don't panic if you try to reach me and I'm not online.) That, of course, went as slow as possible, so I wasn't out the door until like 7:40, at the earliest. And, just so you know, my Japanese class on Tuesdays and Thursdays starts at 8:15. It's a 50 minute drive on a good day. And I had to stop and get gas.

So I get to the class door at 8:45, preparing myself for the embarassment of showing up thirty minutes late, when I see a little note on the door. "Class canceled. Reason: Instructor ill." Not exactly that, it was a little form thing, fill in the blanks, but that was the gist of it. Talk about a let-down.

I ended up going home and not working on any of the homework due for my other classes. I don't think tonights the night to talk about my recent lack of enthusiasm, but I'll get it off my chest sooner or later.

I had a couple of odd thoughts tonight. Before going to bed, as is my custom, I sat in front of the TV, ate a bag of popcorn, and watched recent episodes of The Daily Show and The Colbert Report on TiVo. Tonight I switched things up by playing Tetris online while doing so (Stephen's special on "Ladies" didn't have a word, so I didn't get too distracted.)

First, let me just say that the Daily Show's new feature, "THE SEAT OF HEAT," is a bad move for the show. If you don't know, they've added a section on the show with graphics and everything to ask the "one tough question" of their guest. It's a comedy show, so the questions aren't serious, but notable examples include asking Bill Clinton the one tip that would allow competitors to defeat his wife in an upcoming political campaign; having a former presidential advisor to numerous presidents choose who he would save in a boat accident, George H.W. Bush or George W. Bush; and asking the catch-phrase-less comedian David Cross what he would choose for his catchphrase. And the question asked is always funny, don't get me wrong, I'm just questioning whether, when having a semi-serious discussion with current and former heads of state and other serious figures, the graphical cheesyness is neccesary for the effect. Really, they could tone down the graphics and simply ask the ridiculous hard question. I mean, it's not like the segment alone will kill the show, but I hope it's not the start of a new trend for them.

On the DS front, I'm having an identity crisis. My screen name of choice from when I bought the system onward was "Effervescence", except it doesnt allow that many characters, so it was just "Effervesce." You can't name yourself a verb. It's just not done. So anyway, after my amazing Japanese lessons, I learned how to write my name in Hirigana. Gu-re-go-ri, more or less. So I was playing the game and noticed a bunch of other Japanese names. I figured that, since it was around midnight here, it must be players from Japan early in the morning. I honestly have no idea what the demographics are for Tetris players throughout the world. Then it hit me. How stupid must I look having an obviously American name written in Hirigana. I really am a Weeaboo. x_x So I need a new name. I just changed it over to Guregori, only written in Katakana, the Japanese alphabet for words taken from other languages. At the time I wrote my name, I only new Hirigana, so I couldnt do the Katakana version until now.

But still, I'm going to be getting online a lot more often, especially when Pokemon Diamond and Pearl come out, with Wi-Fi enabled battling and trading. And I'm not sure I want my username to be my real name, written in a language most people I'll be playing with can't read. Effervescence is too long, and hell, most people don't understand that word, either. (For the record, it means "having bubbles, or being light-hearted in nature.") I've been moving towards "Grotto." I like the word, for some reason. Not neccesarily the bodies of water named after it, but as a word, as a series of letters meant to convey meaning, I like the image produced. So if you ever run across a guy named Grotto with a level 100 Pochama (or whatever it evolves into, the giant steel penguin thing), it may just be me. Or not, who knows?