
Dallass (I can never spell that city)

I'm in the Dallas, TX Comfort Suites, conveniently located in the middle of no where, out of sight. It took us way too long to find this place, since it wasn't where it said it would be. Anyway, I'm again on the road. Sorry to those of you who may have missed me over the past week. The comp was taken from me for a messy room. The room is still a mess, but I got the laptop back for vacationing purposes. So.... You'll hear from me when I get to Tennessee, my final destination. (UT2K4 is still being held captive, tho, so don't challenge me. Yet.)

Wait, what's that? You want more? Well... Okay. How's this: Deep Space Nine. Spike TV has started showing reruns of the show, and I'm beginning to enjoy it. I dunno why, really. It's just so... Different. If you live in a hole or something, DS9 is the only Star Trek series that doesn't take place on a starship. Instead, it occurs almost exclusively on a former Cardassian mining station that has been commandeered by the Federation, and is situated outside the strategically important Bajoran Wormhole. This change in dynamics alters the attitude of the show. Instead of being an adventurous team of star-faring explorers like all the others, the crew of Deep Space Nine have to be much more political in their dealings with the local peoples, the Bajorans, to whom the wormhole is like a sacred ground of sorts. It's complicated, and I feel like a total geek describing that, but I am, so bear with it.

On a somewhat related vein today, I saw an episode of Undergrads today (I have most of the series saved to my HD) that raised the issue of which was better, Star Wars or Star Trek. The show was heavily Wars-biased, but to my uber-geek mind (I've got a fucking Comp-Sci Letter Jacket; I AM the Uber-Geek) the two are not competing brands. Star Trek, a weekly series, is a vastly different experience from the 6 total Star Wars movies (except for the 10 Star Trek movies, which often fluxuate from good to bad and back again and are an odd experience themselves.) In any event, even the subject matter of the series is different. Star Wars is an Action/Fantasy movie at heart; Trek is more of a drama. The two need not be compared.

Other geek stuff: I FINISHED LOVE HINA! It was great, and is highly recommended by Greg. The question is, what do I read now? I'm still waiting for .Hack vol 3 to ship, and aside from that... I don't know. Clamp impressed me with Chobits, and I've considered somewhat attempting to begin CCS (Card Captor Sakura), but I'm nowhere near entirely sold on it. Any suggestions from you all would be nice. Okay, peace out.

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