
Made It

Well, I made it. I'm in New Jersey. Whee. I've spent about one full day here, and it was actually rather full. After arriving at about 6:30 (my flight was delayed somewhat,) Dad took me to TGIFridays for dinner with Wendy and James. It was odd, considering that apparently everyone except for me already ate. So I got a sandwich, I think Dad got something interesting, and Wendy got a brownie dessert. (Interesting side-note, there is no Chinese word for dessert, because they don't have dessert after meals.) James, meanwhile, just had a Coke, didn't eat. I don't know why, and I won't speculate. Anyway, after a semi-akward dinner of catching up, we went to Barnes and Noble's, and I feel like a failure, because I didn't find anything. Oh well. We came back, and I quickly did my best to set up an Internet connection. I'm on some guy named Hector's connection, so thanks Hector.

That night, James' listened to his headphones when I went to sleep.

Next day, at like 9am, we got a call from James' girlfriend Kaylee. He was supposed to meet her at the mall asap. So, way too early for my tastes, and I thought James' too, we went to Freehold. I always loved that mall. Two Kaybee Toystores, two gaming stores (at least), and quite frankly its HUGE. THERE'S A FUCKING CAROSEL IN THE FOOD COURT! Anyway, so I get there yesterday, and its not quite as big as I remember. I guess the Carosel is still there, but there was only one KayBee. In the good side of things, though, I found a place selling used PSP's for $200. I don't think that's too bad of a price, honestly, and pointed that out to my dad. He said he'd "think about it." Semi-good sign. Otherwise, I've got to save my money, but I think it's worth it for a tiny wireless web browser.

Then we went to the shore and worked on a collapsing porch. Did you know that the Home Depot rents tools? I didn't, until my dad rented a diamond tipped electric rotary saw and blade, so that was cool. We cut a hole into the side of the concrete porch, and found that it was entirely hollow. That was weird. Apparently it's not really collapsing, though, so that's good. So after we finished pouring a layer of concrete to help level out the hole, we went to the beach. That was fun, tho there was a layer of some weird tiny-jellyfish-thingies... Soam? I can't recall what they were called. But it was nice to take a dip in the water, which was just great aside from the floaty things.

So that's what I've been up to. I've spent most of today fiddling with my computer, trying to make it work on the local network, despite the continual failures which are no fun at all. x_x. I've also got other things to occupy me. I have my entire (though largely deminished) Magic collection which needs sorting, plus a number of PS2 games to work on. I suppose I should get off the Internet now. Yes. That's what I shall do. *Nods.* Okay, later. Or now, if I get my Internet more stable. Just a tip though, if you need to say something, and I'm not online, you can either email me, or, if you know my cell number, call that, if its REALLY urgent. Okay, so long.

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