

I just finished watching the Colbert Report from last night, thanks to TiVo. He signed off by telling me
"...and if you're watching this on TiVo and you fast forwarded through the commercials, you just stole money from our advertisers. Go back and re-watch them. You'll sleep better."
That's where TiVo stopped recording. It was so freaky I burst out laughing right there. This was also the episode where he interviewed the Congressman from the 8th district of New York. In reguards to who he would want to look over his email conversations, he said:
"It'd be okay if it were my wife or my girlfriend... Well, uh, I don't have a girlfriend, but."
Can you say Freudian Slip? I'm sure his wife had some questions for HIM last night. Hehe.

I went to the mall tonight. Didn't do much, met some nice people though, and that was fun. And then, as I was leaving, the theme to Back to the Future came up. If you haven't heard it, here's a link. Anyway, I was all excited, cuz it's nice driving music. It's all like... whee!!! I dunno, but yeah, it makes you feel like you're going the 88 miles per hour and flying and everything. I have this thing about how my music ends up functioning like a soundtrack for my life. Like that old Starburst commercial... You ever get the feeling that sometimes, everything just comes together? Well yeah, I start the car to the music, and things are just synching up. It's going great. Each gear shift (cuz I'm driving stick) goes along with it's musical cue. and when I get to the stop light, the music turns really soft. Then things took a turn for the worse. The music went up again, but the light was still red, so I just had to sit there, wishing I was moving, but I wasn't. It was kinda akward. By the time I got moving again, Mariah Carey was singing "All I Want For Christmas Is You."

Well lessee... I got another day off tomorrow. It's the Guildpact Release event at Pat's, so we'll see how that turns out. Also, I got WoW installed. Let's see how it goes, too. ^_^

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