
The Importance of Background Music

I've been bouncing the following thought around in my noggin lately: what would happen to a movie if you switched up the soundtrack? For example, playing the "Duel of Fates" song, the one from the lightsaber battle in The Phantom Menace, at the point where Anakin meets Padme for the first time. Or switching "Bring Me To Life" and "My Immortal" in Daredevil, with the faster song playing over the funeral, and the slow one happening during the scene where Elektra is slicing open sand bags (I do not envy the man who had to clean that up afterwards).

Anyway, for the main part of the thought, I'm gonna switch up the Amazon.com: Top Gun soundtrack, just switching up, song for song, part for part. For instance, throwing "Take My Breath Away" to one of the big battles in the air, possibly the one where it's just Maverick and Ice Man. (Btw, if you haven't seen the movie, I don't have the time to explain it to you just now, but go see it, it's good. Actually, it'd make a good PSP movie...) One of the problems I came across was that there are two songs that are actually sung by the characters: "That Loving Feeling" and "Great Balls of Fire" I think for that I'll just switch those two, and watch the hilarity ensue. But yeah, throw "Mighty Wings" in the background of the volleyball scene. That or "Take my Breath Away", which would be even more inappropriate...

I need to actually sit down and write out a list, and now I just don't have the time. I'll think about it at work, maybe. Later.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I've done it with Shin Megami Tensei: Digital Devil Saga 2's satan battle. o.0 and other thigns at that. It can be cool sometimes. ^_^