
Random Qustions

Question 1: I'm sure you've seen those videos of the Beatles being chased by crowds of screaming fans. Now, don't get me wrong, you want to be heard by the band, and especially during the concert, you need to make a lot of noise (just, please don't drown out the actual music, I wanna kinda hear what I paid to hear, not you asking Paul to marry you). So yeah, scream and yell all you want during the concert, and maybe while they're entering and exiting the building, with you standing behind the velvet rope. But when the guys are FLEEING the scene, do you really need to chase them? I think it's obvious they're trying to go away from the screaming.

And really.. what exactly did they plan on doing when and if they caught them? Sex? Right there on the streets of London? With 2000 other women? As said before, I'm not sure the Beatles were interested in that magnitude of pussy.

Question 2: How long are flags supposed to be kept at half mast? I'm sure it varies from event to event (President dying > Ambassador dying, and such), but isn't there at least a set time for each event? After Gerald Ford died, the flags in Austin were at half mast for like a month or more. I'm beginning to think that there is no set time for raising them. There are definite times for lowering them, but no one wants to be the first guy to say "Okay, who cares about V Tech any more?" and raise it back up. It's a rough job, but someone's gotta do it.

Meh, I thought I had another, but I'm out. Also, to anyone asking, no, my store does not have Pokemon in. Wait till Sunday. I know its hard, but we all have to do it, so suck it up.


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