
Pet Peeves - P Alliteration Gone Awry

I have two pet peeves on my mind right now - Punctuation, and its lack of use; and the upcoming election, and people who support Bush. Paint also showed up, but ignore it.

Punctuation is crucial to the internet. I just read a large Xanga entry, that was all one gigantic, non capitolized sentence. It was hard to read. Don't do that people, please. For my sake. Fix it.

Politics. The topic makes my head spin. Really. This is my first election that I'll get to vote in. I'm honestly bummed. No matter how I vote, Bush will win my district, simply because he used to be governor. Don't get me wrong, I'm not a huge Kerry supporter, but I completely disagree with Bush's last term. Pre 9-11, he was on vacation most of the time. It was funny, watching him spend month long sabbaticals at his Crawford Ranch. Then, the WTC got hit by planes. Bush sprung into action. Homeland Security! Airport Security! All sortsa Security! Things were being DONE. Quite frankly, though. I'm scared. Not because of the terror alerts they keep putting out. I think we're at Orange now, for some reason. I don't really know, nor do I care. I'm more scared of the power Bush and his administration have garnered from their War on An Abstract Noun. I've heard rumors that the elections may be postponed due to terror threats. Quick note: who's deciding what counts as a terrorist threat? The Bush Administration. The prospects scare me.

My personal beef with Bush is the fact that he lied to send our nation to war. There are no WMD's in Iraq. Iraq is nowhere NEAR the largest threat to us right now. Sigh. Its not that I think Kerry will be better than Bush. I just don't believe that Lying in that manner should be rewarded. For reference, look at Clinton. For lying about a personal sexual affair, he nearly got kicked out of office. Meanwhile. Bush and Co. testify before Congress, convincing them to take us to war, and spending billions of dollars, all on, as near as I can tell, Bush's personal Vendetta against Saddam.

Anyway, I'm tired. I'm voting Nader, by the way, unless something else comes up. Green Party 100% yo.

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