
My Wish List

It's 4AM. I should be sleeping, but instead I'll blog. I've mentioned that I need to stop buying stuff before Christmas, so my family can get me something for Christmas and my birthday (Christmas Eve, if you didn't know). So then, I need to make a wish list for my family to start shopping. Trouble is, a bunch of the items on my list aren't out yet. Anyway, if any of you wanted to be nice enough to get me something (like I deserve it, heh) then here's the list. And if not, well, you can read it as a list of things I'll be fiddling with in '05 (between classes, of course).

G1: Stunticons - The Decepticon car team. These guys kick ass, and I need them. So much. I just realized I'm really tired, so don't expect much of a discription in these. Also, any of the Toys'R'Us Reissues would be nice, especially Powermaster Prime.
Alternators: Hound, Dead End, others - The Alternators line, if i havent told you already, are the Transformers toys made after officially licenced Automobiles. They look absolutely STELLAR. Yes. Stellar!
Energon: ??? - I really need to look into this line more. Despite being the current major line, I really haven't been impressed by much. Actually, I like the little "Omnicon" things, which are the $5 models of the series. They're nifty. The Terrorcons aren't bad, either. And they're fun, cuz they're supposed to be like Decepticon Stormtroopers, so I could get like 20 of them, and it would just be more accurate. ^_^ However, I know I do NOT want the Energon Prime, he's just freaky. Oh, and none of the kiddy playtoy things. I'm too big. U_U...

Video Games:
GBA: Pokemon Leaf Green - I know, Pokemon is just for kids, and its old, but hell, I like it. Sides, I'm gonna get Fire Red for my 7 year old cousin, so we can play together. It'll be great! I'll catch them all!!! Plus, the wireless function looks fun.
Final Fantasy Advance - The original two FF games, for sale portably and upgraded graphics-wise. Can't go wrong.
Kingdom Hearts: Chain Of Memories - I LOVED Kingdom Hearts on PS2, I gotta get the Game Boy. No contest.
Others - I'm sure there are more. Metroid: Zero Mission, umm... I dunno, I can't think atm.

PS2: System - I was promised one if I got good grades. I'm going to get good grades. No questions asked. So therefore, I'm getting a PS2
GTA: San Andreas - This just looks cool. We all know how great gta 3 and Vice City were. If you don't, don't worry, I'm sure life under that rock is great, too.
Disgaea - Actually, and game by this developer. I can't think of the name, but yeah. It's supposed to be a nice tactics game, like FFTA, love of my life, and it's also rumored to contain humor. Humor? In a video game? I must see this. "For SCIENCE!!"

Okay, I know I want more things, but I really can't think of them. One thing not going on my list, of course, is manga. I love it with all my heart, but I'd just feel uncomfortable getting some explicit manga shit from my grandpa. It'd be... akward.

Speaking of manga, after moving in (and getting broken furniture replaced, FINALLY - took em 5 days) I've discovered that I have JUST BARELY enough room for my current manga collection (45 books for the curious). I couldn't fit any more. I will buy more, of course. I just don't know where I'll put it. o_0;...

Okay, I'm DEAD tired. I need to get my sleep schedule working. Good night readers.

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