
Woes Aplenty

So I've got some problems. I've also got some good things to talk about. I'll start with the good, since in my head the conversation flows better that way. I just watched a couple episodes of The West Wing. The first was one TiVo'd, and was basically the first part of a story arc(h?) where the Bartlet Administration decides to stop playing defensive and actually push some issues, damn the consequenses. It got me fired up, and I decided I didn't want to wait for the next one to air tomorrow. Then I remembered that I'd bought the first season on DVD, and had never actually watched it. I'm fucking retarded. But no matter, tonight I finally made use of my $22 investment.

Now usually I'm the last one to be a stickler about video quality. I care more about the story being presented than the presentation itself, for the most part. I can recognize people through light broadcast static, or at whatever quality media snobs are deeming "TOO LOW" for their HDTV's. Peh, I say. But I loaded up the West Wing DVD, and compared to the picture coming off my TiVo... Well, they're worlds apart. The DVDis just SO much better. I have now resolved to bring my laptop to New Jersey (though probably not both hard disks, and definitely not the 2nd monitor) and I'll use it to watch the whole season over the nine nights I'm down there. There-in lies my problem.

You see, I like to buy things. I just got a direct deposit of $355 from Target into my checking account, bringing the grand total up to... $360. Part of the problem is that it takes $75-80 to fill up my van's gas tank, and it needs to be filled at least once every 2 weeks. More than that if I'm driving a lot. I buy movie tickets for myself and occasionally Jackie whenever the mood hits me (this summer's movie season I've already seen Mission Impossible 3, and I'll see X-Men and Superman before it's over, and that's only the ones I know about now). I'm getting a LITTLE better at getting video games. I haven't gotten a PS2 game since Kingdom Hearts, and I had that paid for since before I was working at Target. I don't see much upcoming for the DS since New Super Mario Bros. (did I mention I beat it the other night?), and there's been very little out for the PSP in all of its short life (I think I convinced Dad to get me a copy of Field Commander for a belated birthday / X-mas Gift), and I know I've got a pretty big backlog of titles to finish, at least for the PS2, DS, and GBA, so I think that I should just start putting video games onto my Christmas Wish List from now on. Continuing down the list of things I like to buy, Transformers pop into my hands every now and again. Between the Beast Wars reissues, Alternators, spiffy Cybertron toys, next month's release of the Titanium figures, and the upcoming Classics line, not to mention the Movie tie-in Hasbro has planned for 2007, that's another thousand dollars at least I could be saving for other, less-transformable things. Working in the electronics section of Target always points out more than a few things I want to get, between computer accessories, software, and DVD's, including seasons 2-7 of the West Wing which I plan to buy. I've decided that I'm willing to splurge and get FF7: AC on UMD so I'll have something to watch on the plane next week. I'm gonna get at least a fat pack of Dissention, and hopefully I'll be able to get some Mini Masters games in with it.

Oh yeah, plus I've got to feed myself.

And then I've got an ambition to purchase a new desktop computer. I found a decent one at Best Buy for less than $600, and I think in about 2 more pay checks, if I can curb my spending a bit, I should be able to pick it up and take it home. That'll be fun. ^_^ YAY WORLD OF WARCRAFT WITH NO CLIPPING OR SLUGGISHNESS!!!

Sigh. Step one - Don't buy stuff you don't need. No more Transformers, DVDs, or video games until I've got that computer. As an added incentive, I've decided that one of the first things to play on that computer once I've got it running the way I want is gonna be the Transformers Movie teaser trailer set for release by July 4th. If I get it before then, huzzah! If not, I'm not gonna watch it until I have the computer. Now, all I need is a little energy, and a lot of luck.
More than you imagine, Optimus Prime...
Oh, fuck you, Megatron.

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