
Free Money!!?

Probably not.
(11:10:32 PM) effervescence: hey look!
(11:10:53 PM) TriFrog77: NOOOO
(11:11:00 PM) effervescence: guess what today is!
(11:11:03 PM) TriFrog77: i just got rick roll'ed
(11:11:08 PM) TriFrog77: april fools
(11:11:21 PM) effervescence: international rick astley appriceation day
(11:11:28 PM) TriFrog77: waht? really?
(11:11:40 PM) TriFrog77: pop-up video lmao
(11:11:47 PM) effervescence: of course not
(11:11:49 PM) effervescence: its april first
(11:11:58 PM) TriFrog77: lmao
Happy April First! ((EDIT: Whoops! I'm on central time! X_X!!?))

Also, I need someone with Pokemon Diamond or Pearl to IV battle me. Plz?

And finally, I've decided that "!!?" is the best punctuation ever. Reminds me somehow of "Iie", which is Japanese for "No".

1 comment:

Acyd said...

yeah that's it.