

As you may have read in my last post, I had some trouble with the way this thing reads apostrophes. Well, that's not the only part that's fucked up. Apparently, my emoting method, the brackets I use on AIM, don't appear here. After using them for, oh, 5 months, almost, I just now, tonite, discovered that they don't appear on the site. Apparently, Blogger catches them as HTML and hides them. How *twitch* nice of it.... *twitch**twitch* So, as you can see, I switched to the ** method, for Blogging, anyway. I'm too dead set in AIM to fix anything else. But yeah, I just went back through all 50+ posts (I know its more than 50 because the maximum number it would let me see is 50 at a time without searching for blankness) and switched them. Which is hard, basically I just went back and re-read all of my old posts. It was kinda fun. Heh. That's the old Greg you all know and love. Can't be put down by anything. I'm just too perky. It's almost... Scary. Hrmm... *Considers letting Vikki write a guest post...* >.n (Oh god, I hope the wink shows up, at least.)

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