
Some Links

I love this stuff...

Also, in case any of you can't get enough of my writing, I've joined a forum role-play thread (based on poke`mon, no less) here. It's pretty deep (nerdy) stuff, so I don't expect many of you to be interested, but if you are, well, there it is. If you wanna find out what the hell is going on, well, here's the discussion thread.

Okay, that's enough for now. I got through my first final, barely. I have no idea how well I did, so don't ask. I'll prolly sell back any text books I have that weren't damaged in the flood for a little extra cash tomorrow, and hopefully not starve before Mom shows up and treats me to Fizoles, Olive Garden, IHOP, whatever. Yay real food. For now... I have no money in the university food account. Arby's and Subway it is. Yay fake food.

Okay, bye.

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