
Star Wars Remakes

Just a quick side note before I start. I just got off the phone with my litttle cousin. She turned 8 yesterday, so that's good. But she and her friend (I think he's 9 or 10 actually, so a little older) were talking about the new Star Wars movie. Oh God what a terrible movie to turn 8 on. This is going to be the heartbreaker movie of the Saga. Anakin, the great white hope of the Jedi, falls to the Dark Side, kills all the other Jedi, helps the Empire rise, etc. I tried to tell her mom not to take her to see it (it IS PG-13) at least until after she'd seen it first. And I'd urge all parents to do the same. It's gonna be a bloodfest. Be careful.


Okay, I'm not saying it's going to happen soon. I don't think George Lucas will do it. If it does happen, it's a while off. But I think that someone, somewhere down the line, will remake the classic Star Wars Trilogy. Not just to synch it further with the prequels, but also just to up the production values. The story is SOLID. Even as they are now, with the somewhat stilted dialogue, and hackneyed special effects (now sharply contrasted against the newer prequel and special edition effects), they still pound the prequels into the ground.

I'm not saying it should be done. I just think it's gonna happen. Probably in a few decades, but still. Here is what I propose. YOU are the casting director for Star Wars: A New Hope, and shooting starts in 3 weeks. Assume every actor/actress on the planet will drop what they are doing for the part, or whatever. You can assemble any cast, as they are on May 9th, 2005. Take your picks.

Here's my picks for the main characters, as best I can remember them:

Luke Skywalker - Toby Maguire: The kid from Spiderman can play the wide-eyed youth from Tatooine, and this time, he doesn't have a mask covering his face.
Han Solo - Matt Dameon: After his appearances in the Borne movies, I have no doubts of him as an action lead ((EDIT)) Wesley Snipes: As I say below, it's a color blind universe, and Snipes could pull a good brooding Solo.
Leia Organa - Jessica Alba: She's been the strong woman before, she can do it again.
Darth Vader (Voice) - James Earl Jones: He delivered his lines perfectly, I have no objections to keeping him on.
Chewbacca (Voice) - A Computer: He's a wookie. You cannot change the wookie.
C-3P0 (Voice) - Anthony Daniels: He does great in the prequels, and robots voices don't change.
Obi-Wan Kenobi - Anthony Hopkins: He made a good mentor in The Mask of Zorro.
Grand Moff Tarkin - Jean Luc Picard: I just love seeing him play the bad guy, and he could pull of a decidedly evil space commander. It would be fun.
Emperor Palpatine - Ian McDiarmid: He played him old, then he played him young. He can play him old again. Barring him (since I'm trying to keep the old faces off screen), maybe Ian McKellen, Magneto/Gandalf. You can't beat his amazing powers-ness
Lando Calrissian - Chris Rock: I wanted to say Sam Jackson, but obviously I can't do that. Chris has humor going for him, but I've seen him act serious at times, I think he'd be a good Lando. ((EDIT))Oh, or Edward Norton. Don't give me any "He's not black" crud, cuz Lando wasn't BLACK, he was just another guy in the Star Wars Universe, like Mace Windu. Just another guy in a colorblind galaxy.
Yoda (Voice) - Frank Oz: The man is good at what he does.

Okay, there they are. My dream team. I'll admit I cheated on the voices, but they're good, and I don't wanna mess with it. Plus... Voices are ambiguous. U_U Anyway, compare and contrast. I wanna see your lists. Now Now Now.

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