
On Religion, And What Not...

Hello. As promised, I shall now post my views of religion. Please hold whilst grab them...

Okay, back. Well, I found my old rant on the subject, but decided that I could do better than that. So, all that work was for nothing. Oh well. Here goes.

So, what is my take on religion? Well, this is a complicated subject, so I'll take it as carefully as I can. Ummm.... Everyone's right. Well, sorta. Obviously, the parts that say "Those who don't believe exactly what we say are wrong".. They don't fit. Or maybe they do. Think of it this way, and I like this metaphor a lot. God, or whatever, is SO immensely huge that no one man can fully comprehend his nature. The metaphor is this. Imagine a GIGANTIC, fixed rubik's cube. And by gigantic, I mean planet sized, if not more. So, you're standing on this cube, and all you can see are red squares all around you. Based on your limited knowledge of this cube (assuming no one had told you it was of the Rubik's variety), you would probably picture the cube as being entirely red. And see the other sides, your side's edges, as being dangerous, because they are all completely perpendicular to your environment. Any person on the other side, seeing, oh, say, white squares, would imagine the cube to have nothing but white squares. If the two of you were to see each other in some non-rubik place, you might get into heated arguments as to the nature of the cube.

Well, its not good perfect, but you get my drift. God, Allah, whatever is simply too big for there to be one correct answer as to his nature. Of course, the saying "Jesus (or whatever deity) is the only way" still remains true, because everyone is getting saved through the same thing, its just got a different name. It's all just different sides of the same whole.

So, here I am, going off about all this, without divulging my own secrets. What do I believe? I'll tell you what. We create our own order. There is no external God looking down on us and telling us what to do, aside from an everlasting spirit, connecting all people together. This spirit has no will of its own, only the collective will of life, to survive and perpetuate. It works for us, though, and we can bend it with our own will to make subtle changes. Or perhaps even great ones, if you believe in it enough. That is the key, of course. You need to believe with a 100% certainty that you can affect this change. If you do, you can do, quite literally, anything. I've often tried to circumvent gravity this way. Never succeeded, but I'll let you know when I do.

Okay, enough depth for now. In lighter news, the 'complicated' news from my last post involves me losing my girlfriend of three months. Right now, I'm feeling unloved, and I don't think one woman will be enough. So I am creating a harem for myself. If you would like to join, please let me know. I'll see if there's a place for you in my organization, and though I am definitely not racist, I do reserve the right to deny entry for other "non-Politically Correct" reasons. For instance, NO GUYS. I know its the 21st century and all, but too bad. Guys can go form their own harem, far from me. Anyway, I look forward to your responses. Coming soon: the Greg's Blog Premiere of "Sex, Lies, And Small Brown Rodents." It's a good read. Okay, later all.

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