
A Few Odd Choices

Today I was driving along and all the FM stations were playing commercials. I swear they time it so they're all doing commercials at the same time. Anyway, I decided, what the hell, I'll switch to AM, and see what the conservative talk radio peoples were saying. And Sean Hannity (of Hannity and Colmes, which deserves its own little paragraph, but I can't figure out how to segue into it well) was on, and blah, I dunno. I switched it. Some other guy. Meh. I switch again. And the guy's saying things I like. I keep it there.

Turns out his name is Michael Savage. I guess he's a Republican, but he's a pretty independant minded one, not afraid to sway from the party lines every now and again. It's also pretty clear (from my 15 minutes of listening to the guy) he doesn't agree with Hannity or the ever-popular Rush Limbaugh, for mostly the same reason: they just spout the Republican agenda. So I may switch back from time to time, if I can ever figure out what time its usually on. There was one thing in particular that caught my attention. I don't have this exact, but the gist of it is this. Yesterday afternoon, Bush announced John Roberts as his pick for the new supreme court justice. Naturally, the democrats are ready to create a shitstorm about the whole process, cuz apparently Roberts isn't the most moderate of peoples. Anyway, Savage says the whole process is just an easy out for Rove and his whole mess over there. Which it is. The media is fiendishly one-minded about its stories, and has an attention span like a riddlin kid. They leap onto the newest story at the first hint that it may be bigger, and this one looks bigger. Meanwhile, Rove gets off the hook, and once the Democrats make a big deal about how terrible Roberts would be, Bush can step in and say "Oh, hey, maybe you're right. In the spirit of bi-partisanship, I will instead nominate (insert moderate judge here)." He comes out as the hero, and everyone wins. YAY.

It's like watching a train wreck.

In other news, I'm still undecided about DS vs PSP... I thought I had it, but really no system has the upper hand. Here's the comparison:

-Higher end tech
-MP3/MP4 Playback
-Wireless web browsing
-Load times on games.
-Most expensive
-Most games likely to be the same as or similar to PS2 titles
-Nothing much other than Lumines in the near future

-Unique set-up
-Unique games
-Able to play GBA titles (though not GB or GBC u_u)
-Lower specs
-Less functionality
-3rd party titles less likely to use amazing tools
-Stylus may not work well when I'm on the move
-Nintendogs - WTF?

So I'm sorta stuck. Really no system is pulling me strongly towards it. Maybe by Christmas, they'll both come down $50 or so and have at least 3 titles each worth getting. So far, neither does. By the way, if you'd like to help sway me to your particular camp, here's the kinds of games I'm looking for.

-A puzzle game. One I can start for a minute or two while waiting in line or something. (Tetris)
-An action game. Something when I feel like kicking ass and taking names, or really just doing something tangible. (Metroid, SMB)
-A slow working RPG style game, something with a story I can sink my teeth into and invest a lot of time in, when I know I'll be somewhere a while (Final Fantasy:Tactics Advance, Advance Wars)

Actually, the DS has Metios (I'm not so sure about that), Kirby and Metroid, and Advance Wars DS (whatever they're calling it). That may just do it for me. $300 isn't too bad for all four games, with more on the way. Any suggestions? Anyone even listening here? My comment boxes are ghosts. U_U

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

PSP = r0xx0rz. o.o It's shinier... XD!