
Now For Your Regularly Scheduled Update

Wow it took a while to bring me to the edit screen. In any case, I think its time for an update. Here goes.

First, I'm writing this between bringing Danny back from his last driver's ed lesson and driving him out to his 2nd hour of actual driving. I hate his schedule. 30 minutes each way sucks. 9:30 in the morning sucks in general. I hate it. But yeah, it could be worse. Like Thursday. Oh God Thursday was rough. You see, that day was the day Jackie was leaving to go to see family in PA. Being the loving boyfriend I am, I was willing to drive her there at 5 in the morning. And since that meant I'd have to leave her house at 4AM, I decided, eh, why not stay up all night. Whee.... So I got Jackie to the airport all right, and I got back home in one piece. And I went to bed. Thank god for the other mother in the carpool, who was willing to take over for me. I wasn't sure if I could make the full hour long driving.... x_x. I got a little sleep and I guess I'm okay now.

No, not really. It's mostly my fault. Ever since I got wireless Internet installed I've had no real reason to stop looking at the computer and actually go to bed. So yeah, I've become a real night owl, cept I still have (well, had - YAY no more drivers ed!) to get up at 9AM. That kills, because then I can't even try to fall asleep again until midnight or later. Sigh...

Speaking of late night activities, I went and saw MC Chris at Emo's last night! It kicked ass! I really need to learn all of his songs, because they really are great. And the guy's hilarious, even without music.
"Now some of you may have noticed that I have an extremely high voice, and yeah, that got me picked on a lot when I was younger, but ask me if I care!"
*Croud asks*
"well, yeah, actually, I think if I had a lower voice I might have more sex."

*Later that night.*

"I love that a lot of you have bought my music."
*Crowd cheers*
"And I also know that even more of you STOLE my music!"
*Crowd cheers louder*
*Crowd: "DO YOU CARE!?"
"please buy a t-shirt."
I'm proud to say I did buy one. An Optimus Prime sketch that reads "MC CHRIS OWNZ"

And then I hit publish. X_X

Anyway, I also ended the night by getting Chris to sign a Darksteel copy of Fireball. I wanted his DJ, John, who kicked ass on the iLaptop, or whatever Apple calls them. Unfortunately, the DJ left the signing booth just before it was my turn. x_x. I'll get you next time, John!

In future events, Matt and I need to venture forth to Best Buy and Fry's to return defective wireless equipment. That shall be fun indeed. Also, some news for the Magic players out there. It seems that the booster draft I'd planned for NJ seems to have lost half of its planned guests, so that seems to have fallen through. So I'm not gonna use my Champions of Kamigawa Box there. Instead, I'm rounding up Austin MTG for an 8-man draft. There's not too many slots left, but if you're free this Wednesday evening (we don't quite have a definite time, and even the date is subject to change), drop me a line. I'm only charging $5 per person.

That's right. Five (5) dollars. And prizes (6-4-1-1).

CHK CHK Draft at my house. Be there.

I'll leave you with that.

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