
Greeting From Hong Kong

Okay, I’m in China now. Or rather, Hong Kong. It seems they’re not as connected as you would think… I’m still going to need a passport to get into Beijing… Who the fuck runs this country? Oh yeah, commies. Oh yeah, they’re probably reading this now. Umm… Thank you very much! ^-^!

Okay, a few ground rules here – I don’t have a decent internet connection, nor a dependable power source. Yet. For a big name international hotel, you’d think there’d be at least ONE American style power outlet, but NO... And the internet costs $4HK ($0.50US) per MINUTE! So I’m getting like five minutes online per day… and no, I don’t know when that’s going to be. I’ll most likely be just long enough to send off e-mails that I wrote previously. That, unfortunately is it for me. (u.u) I’m already missing AIM.

The flight was… Well, technically, it was 16 hrs long. However on the one hand, it didn’t really feel that long. And on the other hand, well, I could believe in the 30 hour time zone difference from when I’d left. That is, the 16 hour flight plus the 14 hours that I now am ahead of all you Texans. Those of you in other states, attempt to calibrate using your own knowledge of time zones. You guys are smart. I know you can do it. (If you don’t, then cheat and e-mail me. I’ll try and get a reply out quick as possible.)

Hrmm… bedtime approacheth (I’m writing this at 1130 local, and I am TIRED from a 16 hr flight, so shut up.) However, before I sleep, I shall give you my first impressions of Hong Kong. It’s an awesome city! I mean, its beautiful. I drove in from the airport in the early evening (on a bus actually, and guess what, my family is large enough to merit our own bus at 10 people. Whee!). Anyway, the view was spectacular. There was a heavy fog, so you could just barely make out the hazy outline of green mountains behind a brightly lit cityscape. And the city is just… If any of you have ever played FFVII, or whatever, and looked at the cities in that, well, I used to think that they were just fanciful imaginings of futuristic cities, until now. Yeah, that’s right. Hong Kong is Zanarkand. Tomorrow I’m gonna go find their blitzball stadium.

Oh yeah, and in the airport, they had the coolest signs for in case of fire emergency. It was a white on green drawing of a stick man running from wavy flame, I think. The sign was just SO FUNNY, though, that I got my aunt to take a picture of it. After she gave me a funny look, she took it for me, and I’ll show you as soon as it’s loaded onto a comp. Its just… O.O! hehe.

Okay, that’s enough for day one. It’s almost Sunday out here, so I’m gonna hit the hay. Night night, even though when this is actually posted, it will…. Agh, temporal headaches galore! L8r!

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