
I Need A New Risk Board

South America is unifying.
*Shrugs.* I found it interesting. It'll make all my frequent trips to Rio De Janero (so far none) that much easier. Yay Carnival!

Anyway, I'm watching Jon Stewart on Larry King Live. He's raising some interesting points. He always does, really. I suppose I'm a dumb person because I trust a comedian more than trained political analysts. Or maybe he's just more likeable. Politics today is just so depressing. The current administration is ready to tell us that there are boogie men out there ready to kill us every waking minute. They are PROUD that the terror level has been at the second highest for a full year. And the other side really can't do anything but complain about they're opponants. It's all fucking rediculous. Okay, back to pool. Bye.

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