
My Deck Is Cursed

I just played like a dozen games against Matt with my random red deck. I made it using just random, cheap, efficient burn and creatures. Not my best work, but I like it. Anyway, despite it not being that good, it as a fool proof secret weapon - luck. Out of most of the games, I won due to him not getting enough or the right color mana. One game I actually lost due to the same fate, and then one he won through a long drawn out battle. Anyway, I like that.

Lately I've been wondering about the possiblities of sentience (which is basically being alive or self aware, either artificially or otherwise.) For instance: Given the stated (actually false, but work with me) premise that the Furby toys learned, how long do they take to become self aware? Matt and I debated this to some length whether or not a Furby even had the memory capacity to store sentience. While he used the fact that no advanced computers have achieved sentience, with undoubtably more memory than a Furby, to prove that a Furby doesn't have the memory, I counter by saying that sentience isn't about memory, but rather programming technique, So memory shouldn't be a factor. Anyway, that's just one of my little ponderings. I know Furbies don't have the capability to reach self-awareness. However, it is NOT because they lack the memory, so much as they're not really learning.

I still want to figure that out, though. The way to give a computer sentience. Having a computer child of my very own (most likely shut off from the outside world, so he doesn't cause trouble) would be very cool. That's what i want for Christmas. A self aware computer program. Please Santa? ^_^

Okay, I'll sleep now. Or just shut up. Either really works. G'night!

If Johnny Cochrain gets to play the race car, I want the thimble.

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