
Now With 100% More Professionality

Yep, the XP Professional installed okay. I'm so far unimpressed with the differences, but as such, while it wasn't really worth installing in the first place, its not worth uninstalling and going back now, either. The screen looks basically the same as it did before, though I haven't gotten Glass2K, the transparency program, working yet. Once I do, I'll post a new pic, along with the new wallpaper. All that shit I said about me not doing wallpapers anymore, forget it. I'm gonna ask your opinions on wallpapers yet again. Right now, I got this one, in celebration of getting XP installed and all. I dunno, though. I've been seriously reconsidering going back to the old school kitty one, cuz I really like it. I also have this yellow field that's really nice, along with a CCS paper, in honor of my current obsession with Sakura. Or I could just go with this other XP-Tan paper, which is nice and simple and white. Really pleasant if you ask me. Anyway, I'll keep a running tally in my profile, as soon as I get some votes.

The biggest issue with installing Professional was that the Hard Drive needed to be reformatted. This means that all my files had to be reinstalled. I managed to pass my documents on to Matt's external Hard Drive for safe keeping, but all the programs and settings and such need to be redone from scratch. I have XP operating basically how I like it now, including a few tweaks I found when XP reintroduced itself to me. I've gotten to rename my computer (Kotoko, the high powered laptop from Chobits), and I've found that most of the games I had on here didn't really need to be reinstalled to begin with. Plus, I can't find the CD keys for most of them, so that will have to wait anyway. I don't really play many games anyway, so that's not much of a loss. What IS a loss, however, is the cascading menus of AIM away messages I'd developed. U_U. I can't tell you how proud I was that I had 5 messages that said I was asleep, or what it was like to discover that I had three columns for the messages available. ^_^ Alright, I'll start working on them, cuz after all, they're for you, not me.

Edit: D'oh, how could I have missed this as the perfect wallpaper idea: Kotoko herself! Unfortunately, I couldn't find much, only these two, picturing her coupled with Sumomo, which I would name a lightweight, more mobile notebook computer, if and when I get one, but still. They'll do for now, but if you know of any wallpapers with only Kotoko, please send some along!

I'M GETTING A NEW DESKTOP FOR XMAS!!! (some assembly required) Yep, I'm getting $750 to build my own computer as a Christmas / Birthday gift. While that may not seem like much, you have to take into account that buying a new computer whole is a bit more expensive than securing your own parts and building one from scratch. Don't ask me why, but it is. Anyway, I'm excited. I've decided to put a copy of XP Professional on, and am debating also installing Linux on there, if only to see how it runs. It seems that as a computer science major, I should be able to handle whatever the Linux operating system can throw at me.

Okay, that's all for now, I've been at this for like... An hour and a half, ouch. *Edits time to current.* There, all better.

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