

He's singing all the nations. It's pretty impressive. Can you do that? Now I just need ot find the one of him singing all the words in the English language.

I've had a pretty nerdy day. Here are some of the highlights:

Spider Man is useless in a desert. He's great in a city, or in any enclosed space, but in a flat area, he's no good. It was argued that he was super strong, but I wager that while he's strong for a normal man, he's still about even with Batman. That said...

Batman could take Spider Man. If Batman ever figured the web-slinger to be a problem, he would solve that the same way he keeps Superman in check. It's a well documented fact that Bats keeps some kryptonite around, just in case. For Spider Man, he'd be able to create some sort of chemical that would neutralize Parker's web-fluid. Without that, Batman has the advantage, since he's got the element of surprise (imagine Spidey's webbing giving out in mid-swing), and ninja training. The jury is still out on how Spidey would fare vs. the big S himself, but with proper warning, Peter Parker could probably pull a few strings and aquire some kryptonite.

All this came up on the way to a Magic tournament. We ended up being the only three (me, Jackie, and our friend Austin), so we played, I won (since, as it turned out, I was the only one who brought decks, and I had the pick of the litter), and ended up doing alright in terms of prizes(I pulled a WB shockland. W00t!) Also, I bought next volume each for Ultimate X-men and Batman/Superman, as far as I've read.

We got back home, and ended up talking about back-masking, the practice of recording words and then flipping them and adding them to otherwise forwards songs. I'm too lazy to get the link now, but bug me about it later. Anyway, the one that stood out was the one from the old Poke`rap. The part where they shouted "GOTTA CATCH EM ALL! GOTTA CATCH EM ALL!" Now, THEY want you to believe that if you flip that, you get "I love Satan." Not true. But freakishly enough, it DOES translate to "Dead Amish Guy." I didn't believe it, but I tried saying "Dead Amish Guy Dead Amish Guy" into the sound recorder and flipping it, and yeah it works out to "gotta catch em all." I guess it's only logical that Nintendo would hate the Amish, but really...

And speaking of WTFness...

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