
Almost From The Toilet

Yes, you read that title right. This post was very close to being written on the john. What made me change my mind? Porn. I got sidetracked, and before I knew it, I was ready to go. So, here I am, one load of shit lighter, here for your reading amusement.

As you can tell, I've arrived in Tennessee. That was what initially prompted the idea of the porcelain post - using my uncles neato wireless network. Being able to take this thing anywhere is nice, although, its almost superfluous, seeing as my comp has a battery life of maybe 2 hours, so I can't take it unplugged for very long, anyway. But it's still one less cord to worry about. And it DOES allow for toilet posting, or whatever.

Hrmm.. I'm growing more distracted again. Seems as soon as I start one of these, everyone on my buddy list signs on. Okay, I had a few more things to say. First, this is my last post as an 18 year old. Yep, tomorrow is my birthday, the big one nine. Yay. I don't know if I really should be so excited, though. 16 means you can drive, 17 means you can fuck, and 18 means you can vote and fight in wars. 19? You survived your first year as cannon fodder, maybe? Oh well. Also, I'm apparently the only 19 year old still excited about getting presents. Oh well, I guess that's sort of cuz I never grew up. I hope to still be playing with Transformers then I turn 90.

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