
Last Day In The Semester

Okay, good news on the classes front: I'm getting an emergency get out of free card from my doctor. Once I stop being lazy and actually go fill out the forms, I can get a medical excused absence or something, effectively dropping all my classes. So w00t to that.

On a lighter note, as I was driving to school this morning, I heard something odd on the radio. For some reason, they had decided to make a game out of shooting paint balls at one of their morning DJs, the resident jackass known only as "Lunch Box." Now, I have done paintball before, and it was most enjoyable, for the most part. (Not really; it was dark, and late, and my glasses had done a good job of fogging up inside the mask, which also fogged up, making me very blind.) I managed to survive through that, wearing a large heavy body suit to protect me from the paint balls, which HURT. Especially when they don't break, which happened to me more often than it should have, making me seem like the boy who cried wolf. Well, on the show, they had put Lunch Box into a full body suit, sort of. Unfortunately for him, it was an ELF suit (for festive holiday fun) not a PAINTBALL suit (for safe paintball fun). This to me seemed somewhat bad. Especially when one listener/marksman stated that he was going to aim "for his nads." OUCH. I didn't hear the end of it, but I certainly hope he is alright. I know I probably wouldn't be.

Now I have a few questions for YOU, my dedicated readers. Tomorrow I am planning on seeing a movie, and was wondering what suggestions you might have. You can e-mail me suggestions, and if I like them, I will post them up here. Man, I need a message board system or something.

Another message board topic: which PS2 game do you recommend I work on, FFX or KH? I've gotten about 5 hours into FFX, and I like it a bunch, but KH has been sitting there, and I barely touched it when I rented it, and its tempting me, saying "Play me... You know you wanna cast spells with a sailor duck with a speaking impediment." So, maybe I'll try working on that. Okay, I'm off. Catch you on the flip side. (God that's a corny phrase.)

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