Meanwhile, my sleep schedule IS shifted by a good 2 hours. It's taking a little adjusting, for me and my friends. If any of you stayed up till 4 with me ever, then you'll be missing me more and more. Especially Jackie. Jackie, I'm sorry I can't stay up as late as you. I don't know what happened to me, but this sleep schedule is working VERY well for me, so you'll just have to get used to my calls ending earlier in the night. I'll try to make them start earlier too, though.
Magic has a You Make The Card Contest. I happen to have some experience in making cards, specifically based on pictures, the way the contest is running. You see, this YMTC is being done by starting with a picture and working down to make the mechanics and such. Meanwhile, just a few weeks ago, I made a large number of cards in the Magic Set Editor by looking at what I had pictures of and designing cards around them. This makes me well aware of the kind of contest it is and what it entails. So, as the contest went on, the 2nd part was choosing card type. I thought it looked like a Creature, but the people have decided on Instant / Sorcery. Alright, so here's the picture:

Looks to me like its a sorcerous... Or a seductress. Someone able to take control of another. "Creature stealing" and such has been done to death. Looking in a players hand for things might be interesting, but I went a slightly different route:
The next time target creature would deal combat damage to you or a creature you control, it instead deals that much damage to its controller and itself.I think it fits rather well. Depending on how it's costed, I'd be willing to play it in a defensive deck, or just as a combat trick. It'd be nuts in draft. I hope it gets picked. I'm really proud of it. The question is, what color is it? It really could almost be any color, moreso Red (Chaos and Confusion), White (Damage prevention / reflection) or Blue (All around shiftyness). It couldn't be Green at all, and Black would be a tough fit.
Okay, I think I'm done. Part of my sleep issues are because I've been fighting off a cold. I'm gonna consider lying down while Star Trek runs. Oh, and wish my card luck!
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