
FOXNews.com - U.S. & World - Hostage Claim for U.S. Soldier Dubious

I know I told you I hate Fox News, but this link was too good to pass up: "...a toy manufacturer said the figure in the photo resembled one of its military action figures, dubbed 'GI Cody.'" Fox News may be dumb, but that doesn't mean they have a monopoly on it. Anyway, Bill O'reilly is still a paranoid fuck. I heard him claiming that the liberal media is litterally out to get him, and only him. It was nuts.

In other news. My sleep schedule is totally - TOTALLY - fucked. I slept in until like 5 today, which is bad. I'm gonna have to get on that in the near future. I managed to get some semi-prodoctuve things done. I made some Magic cards using the Magic Set Editor, which is a great program for those of us who dont really have any talent for art. I just use what pictures I already have in my harddrive or whatever.

Hmm.. Bill O'Reilly is on. It's fun to watch simply because it's so rediculous. It's also nice to read at the end of a long day, a bit of stupidity to lighten my day. G'night.

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