In other news, I saw Avatar: Last of the Airbenders on Nick today. I'd heard a lot about it, but nothing really came up to make me THAT interested. However, I flipped over to Nick at 3 today, and low and behold, there it is. I was just in time to catch it, and honestly, it looks pretty interesting. I'll watch the 2nd episode Friday night, but for now, its looking pretty cool.
I've been talking it over, and I want to get into the habit of evening walks. I'm not really doing much at night, nothing decent is on TV, and I watch too much TV anyway. I also want to get into reading. I used to read a lot. And I'm not just talking about Manga, I still read that, but that doesn't count. I want to get back to reading something edifying. Or, barring that, I'll finish up on the Asimov stuff I brought with me to college, and check out some other stuff. I need to get God's Debris from PJ and re-read that.
[Randomness]I need a hair cut. [/Randomness]
The Daily Show plugged (sorta) the most rediculous web site earlier today., a website that will, should the Rapture come, send out an automatic e-mail message to all your friends, letting them know where you are and the horrible fate that awaits them. How considerate. x_x I couldn't help but laugh at this bit of the website:
"Their names will be stored indefinitely and a letter will be sent out to each of them on the first Friday after the rapture. Then they will receive another letter every friday after that."So great, when the rapture happens, not only am I going to have to hear a message about how much better off my buddy has it than me, but I'm going to hear it EVERY SINGLE WEEK. Thank's, pal. Honestly, I'm gonna laugh my ass off if the rapture comes, and all these Christians start denying it. "No, no, it can't be the rapture, cuz I'm still here!" I'm also interested to hear what possible theories could be presented about the absense of several million people. According to the site:
"I am sure that there will be a lot of speculation as to what happened to all these people. The theories of some scientists and world leaders will have so much credibility that most of the world will believe them.That's gonna be interesting.
It will sound like the truth!"
I gotta apologize to Becky "Sapphire" Reck of for linking to her desktop the other day. I've since hosted it on my Photobucket account, so don't worry.
Rob got on and told me about a tribal tournament going on somewhere. I don't know if i'll be able to make it. I prolly won't. But I've decided to attempt to make a myr deck anyway. Behold, My Armies!
Okay, this one actually became a lot longer than I expected it to. I'll leave you with this:

November 2006 is so far away... ;_;
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