

A little Internet convo for your viewing pleasure
Effervescence 34: hey
Jamesu san 5789: why am i hungy if i just ate dinner?
Jamesu san 5789: hungry*
Effervescence 34: becasue your stomach was long hence replaced by a quantum singularity
Jamesu san 5789: crap
Jamesu san 5789: so eventually ill form my own universe?
Effervescence 34: one which sucks all organic matter into it, and outputs a really low energy yeild in return
Effervescence 34: nah, its contained
Jamesu san 5789: damn
Effervescence 34: but yeah
Jamesu san 5789: i wanna be the jamesiverse
Effervescence 34: i don't remember why we did it
Jamesu san 5789: well... im out of food
Effervescence 34: if you dont keep it fed, the singularity will begin to devour you yourself
Effervescence 34: try to not let that happen in a public place
Jamesu san 5789: i can imagine
Effervescence 34: that could be bad
Jamesu san 5789: but then if i do starve myself and the singularity devours myself, wont it start to devour the stuff around me?
Jamesu san 5789: so then...
Effervescence 34: no, just you
Jamesu san 5789: if there was enough matter devoured...
Jamesu san 5789: dammit
Jamesu san 5789: why?
Jamesu san 5789: if i am containing it, and i am gone, then it is no longer contained
Effervescence 34: you arent containing it
Effervescence 34: theres a little stomach shaped containment unit in gut
Jamesu san 5789: so what if it devours that?
Effervescence 34: it wont
Effervescence 34: just you
Effervescence 34: and not all of you either
Jamesu san 5789: >.<
Effervescence 34: just the bits of your esophogus that are slightly exposed
Effervescence 34: basically, its going to deflate you from the inside
Jamesu san 5789: do you frequently roleplay?
Effervescence 34: not really
Jamesu san 5789: ah
Effervescence 34: what do you mean by roleplay, anyway?
Jamesu san 5789: well, that conversation seemed reminiscent of the weirdos ive heard talking on planshift
Effervescence 34: oh
Effervescence 34: that conversation is what I like to call recreational bullshitting
Effervescence 34: in which both parties know it is bullshit, but it is too entertaining for either to break the illusion
Jamesu san 5789: sounds alot like roleplay
Effervescence 34: my people are proud and celebrated bullshitters
Long live the Bullshites of Caucasia. *Dances*

In other news... Do I have other news? What the hell am I doing here? *Runs and hides.*

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