
What To Do....

Okay, so I'm up at 11am! Shock of shocks. I was going to crawl back into bed after chemistry, but I've had this nagging feeling. Like I've said, I should write more. I really have this urge to lay back in bed with... What? A pad of paper? I don't think so. My handwriting is atrocious. I really, REALLY, want a lightweight laptop. something I can carry around and not have it weighing down my chest. Also, something whose battery lasts more than an hour under normal use. That would be my idea plan. I've been looking around at laptops online, and I think I could find one just about a thousand and a half dollars or less. Nothing spectacular. I don't want a high powered gaming machine. I have my current HP notebook for that. (Really, whats the difference between a notebook and a laptop? In my opinion, a notbook is just a portable desktop, while a laptop is actually something you can put on your lap comfortably. The notebook I have now doesn't really, or not as well as it could.) So, once I get a job (crosses fingers: EB EB EB) I'll blow my first few big paychecks on a spiffy little computer, and hopefully I can finally get some of these ideas of mine out into the public, for your reading pleasure.

Of course, all this musing is months away at best. Why am I taunting you with the idea? Why, for that matter, am I taunting myself? Ah well. I have much more pressing issues. Today, I need to get laundry done. That's fairly simple enough, with the major problem being the waiting. I'll have an hour each between starting the first load, switching to the dryer, and retrieving my clothes again. So... What do I do? Obviously, I need to write. But what? I could write another chapter in Calista, or finish translating the last Detective Greg story. Yeah, that's what I should do. Also, a nice shower, maybe I'll read another chapter in "The Sum Of All Fears."

That's right, I've been reading lately. Yay for Greg. Though, as you may have guessed, my pickings have become rather slim, and I'm resorting to Tom Clancy thrillers. Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying this book, and almost a third through it, but when I finish, I'm gonna need something else. Any suggestions? I'd love a good comedy. Actually, I've heard good things about the Diskworld series, though I can't figure out where to begin. Beyond that, I really like things that are thought provoking without being overly lecturing. I don't want to read a Steven Hawkings thesis. Well, maybe actually. I dunno. Whatever, I guess. Meanwhile, I'll check out what books the authors of the Star Wars: X-Wing series have done. I really loved the first four book series by Michael A. Stackpole, so I'll look into his other works, see if theres something I've missed. But honestly, any books you've read that are interesting, pass along. Thanks. Later.

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