
More Odd Accents

Chemisty, it seems, is entry level, practically high school material. I don't have a problem with that, though. I need to get my average up, first off, and second off, I need to review chemistry. I didn't like it that much in high school to begin with. Anyway, the interesting thing is that the class is taught by a woman with a rather thick English accent. It's interesting, if you ask me, but it's still better than the Calculus teachers even thicker RUSSIAN accent. X_X

XL looks good too. I dunno... I am a little upset that I have to get a total of NINE books, though not all of them are text books. Still, I'll see what's what. I suppose I don't have anything to say. Oh yeah, I got this program Rainlendar. It's a nifty little proram that gives you a calendar on your desktop, with scheduling and such. I made the mistake of putting "Blog" as the number one entry (above "Get Books") and so you got this. *Shrugs.*

I've been thinking of just writing out my old story idea "GS Calista", one little snip at a time. I may get on that tomorrow, after class. So.. I dunno, look forward to that. Bye for now thouhg.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you still decide to do GS Calista I'm still willing to do the art for it. Well... After I can figure out if I can still draw...