
From Aeon To Zero

I saw Aeon Flux last night. It was good. Lots of random violence and stuff, and something about the worst cloning plan ever... it's confusing, I'll let you see it to work it out for yourselves, rather than spoil it, but I found it rather entertaining. It's not quite in synch with the old cartoon, but it's good on it's own.

However, as we watched the movie, Matt kept telling me that he recognized the guy playing Oren Goodchild. I didn't recognize him, but my actor recognition skills have been off lately. During the coming attractions, I mistook James Franco from the Spiderman movies for the guy who played Anakin. I mean, they do look KINDA similar, and I recognized that I had seen him somewhere as an angsty youth. But Oren Goodchild... I really couldn't place him.

Well, I looked him up. He was Zero Fucking Cool! From Hackers. How did I miss that? I mean, I STILL can't see it. Can you?

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