


That's Gir, from Invader Zim, incase you missed the reference. I just had the quote in my head and wanted to get it down.

I had a couple of other thoughts that needed to go here. I would have written them in Jackie's journal thing, but I didn't have it on me in Chemistry, and when I was about to write here before my nap (which was heavenly, I might add), Mike showed up and wanted to take a nap, too, so that was kinda out. So these will just be lightly fragmented thoughts. Snack sized, one might say.

Firstly, I've been reading Eragon, just like I promised Jackie. It really is starting off kinda slowly, but she promised me it was good, and I believe her. And even though it's a little slow, it's not really boring. It's managed to keep my interest, and I sorta stopped at a cliffhanger cuz we're reading the book at a set pace kinda thing, even though I'm way behind and feel bad. But so far, it seems a LOT like a kind of fantasy version of A New Hope. It's like Lord of the Rings crossed with Star Wars. So yeah, if you're looking for a book, something to read over the semi-boring holidays, go grab Eragon, why not?

Secondly, I've come to realize why I'm doing so poorly here in college. I hate facts. I don't like memorizing random bits of data. That's why I don't like History, which is a series of "X did Y in the year ZZZZ." I can't stand that. And I can't stand a lot of the things that are taught in Chemistry as just immutable facts, like the idea that a mol of something is something like 6.426 x 10^23 or something random like that. It's just.... agh! I can get concepts down. I have no problem with that. But I'm not good at memorizing things. I really just have to struggle through, though, and make it work. Eventually I will get to the fun stuff.

Okay, I'm sure I had more, but I've lost it. I'll be on later, don't worry.

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