
I'm Burning

I'm Burning I'm Burning I'm Burning For You!...

I've had that song stuck in my head. Wanna know why? A couple of reasons. Actually, it's one of those chain reasons. You know, thing A leads to thing B which leads to things C D and E, and before you know it I'm waist deep in artichokes because someone said they didn't like Final Fantasy.

That never happened to you? Must just be me.

Anyway, so I was browsing all the forums, and they've all been pointing out the X-Men 3 trailer, and it was this thread on the Megatokyo forums that got me hooked, or at least re-piqued my interest in the X-Men. I went over to my bookshelf and decided that I finally had time to read Pheonix: Endsong.

So there's that. I'm not interested in pheonixes in general. Not neccessarily the X-Men's Jean Grey, just the creatures. You may find some sort of story on here in the coming days as the massive bordom of not having anything to do gets to me. ^_^

And finally, I've got a open casting call. I need a harem. ^_^

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

kittie again y do i talk to u?
2 reasons :1 u were there to help me when i needed it and 2 ur just that darn cool
love you bye