
I Am A Sellout

Yeah, scroll down. No, further, I'll wait. Didja see it? No? Look, just keep scrolling till you see something new, then come back here. I'll wait.


Done? Yeah, I got Google Ads. I expect to get about $3 a year off of this thing, max, but it's free, and I'm not LOSING anything from it, right? Besides, it's down so far that I doubt anyone will notice them. I will try and keep my blogging habits up to where they have been, though, so for those of you who only read once a week, I guess you will scroll down past the adds and such.

Adult Swim is on now. They're all re-runs as usual, but some of the ads, ironically enough, are worth watching.

I like the Axe Bodywash spot. Any chance to see chicks poledancing is worth 30 seconds of my time.

They're gonna start airing new episodes of Fullmetal Alchemist. I like that show, so I'll probably be watching the new ones. Scratch that, definitely.

The Magic Ravnica spots are nifty. Aside from showing us new card arts (MTGSalvation.com already has the whole spoiler there), it's just cool to see Magic ads on TV.

I think I'm done. *Passes out.*

*Gets up.* No wait. Tomorrow's Friday. That means weekend. I really wanna check out Hastings, though I'm not... sure... why.... X_X I may also check out the local manga store. I know I wanna get a box of Ravnica (probably off eBay) as well as a theme deck and a Fatpack. I needs those dice. Of course, that's not till next month. Sigh... So many things to buy, so little time. It would rock if I got enough money from my ad's to pay for all the stuff I want. Seriously, not having to work, and instead I just blog. Total awesome. Of course, that's a pipe dream. No one reads this crap. X_X

Aww, I made me sad. I'm going to bed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I read it!!! -clicks on all the ads- yay money! o.O