
My Chemistry Class Is Retarded

I know that when you get a lot of people in the same room, half are automatically below average intelligence, but you'd expect that average to still be pretty high in a university class. Of course, it is "Intro to Chemistry." My chem teacher just sent this out to the class:
Hello class,

You might find this amusing or it might make you slightly ill. Since I spent the last hour playing with the clicker registration file, I felt obliged to share my experience with you.

I think I emphasized in lecture, on the syllabus and by mass e-mailings that clicker registration was to include your PERSONAL TEST NUMBER that you get by LOGGING IN TO TECHSIS. If you still do not know your PERSONAL TEST NUMBER, please get it and learn it.

In the spot for personal test numbers, we had the following types of entries.

Social security numbers: 23 students

Names or nicknames: 13 students

15 digit ID card numbers: 19 students

Other/blank 5 students

There were also 4 people who entered their last name for their first name and visa/versa.

I think we have a lot of room for improvement. Let’s keep working hard at following directions so by the end of the term you will be third degree black belt direction followers. I’d appreciate it.


Dr. Blake
Now, I'm pretty sure I got this all right, but I think I'll stop in during office hours or something this week and doublecheck my stuff. o_o

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