

Well, James left some pages not friends only. Nothing important on them, just a few polls. I felt like I hadda do something, so I did the polls myself. First one:

Hey ^^ What's up?Not enough
Whats Better: Breakfast or Dinner?Dinner
Pizza: Hot or Cold?Hot
Tea or Coffee?Tea
Pepsi or Coca~Cola?Coke
Diet or Regular?Regular
Italian or Asian?Italian
Have you ever had duck, dog, gator, rabbit, or somthing else exotic?Duck, and I think Ostrich or something cool like htat
The best fast food place?SUBWAY (if that counts)
Would You Like fries with that?Nah
Type in that annoying emote you use alot online^_^
You are most often dressed like?recently, undressed o_o!
What are your totem animals?Hrmm... Not sure
Dose BDSM scare you?A little, but that's part of the fun
Whats your favorite symbol?The Red Mana Symbol? I dunno
Elves or Orcs?Elves!
Prefer a Mercenary or a Tactician? Mercenary, like Han Solo. "Your friend is quite a mercenary. I wonder if he really cares about anything, or anyone."
Do you collect hentai of anything special/specific?No Comment. o_o
To get off, enjoy emotionally, to giggle, or just becasue?little of each
Watch tv or go read a book?Book, it should be
Watch the new shows on FOX/NBC/ABC or find somthing better?There's gotta be something better.
Is that a picture of your boy/girlfriend on your desk?No, but theres a few in rotation for my desktop.
Ever go to church/temple willingly on your own?Sometimes, but then I got kicked out for being hellspawn.
Do you have a practicing religion or no?I dunno, more of a good idea.
If a friend came to your door randomly, would you get angry?Nah, more confused
How about if one of your exes did?Again, confused
In the pool (girls)one-peice or two-peice? (guys)Shirt or with no shirt?I'm a guy, and I don't wear a shirt (girls - nothing ^_^)
How often do you excercise?Not Enough
You're bored: Immerse yourself in somthing or call up a friend?Immersion, prolly
You're depressed: Eat somthing or You're somhow not hungry at all?I rarely get depressed, but I usually don't change eating habits.
Do you have more than 3 pictures of somone/thing in your room?hrmm, not any one thing in particular
Are they collectables or just clipping from a magazine or net?Confusion (o_o?)
Can you see them while you lie in bed?I don't have things
Are any of those things in or part of your bed?I DON'T HAVE THINGS!
Wanna have a sleepover?hrmmm, depends who with
Truth or Dare?Truth, way more entertaining.
Dessert: Cake or Fruit?Cake.
I lean toward you and smirk: Shy away and step back or smile back and greet me?Smile back, but don't do much else.
They charged you an extra two dollers: complain or pay and walk away?Depends on what for. $3 for a $1 product gets a complaint. $202 for a $200 thing doesn't bug me.
Do you like spray cheese?Not particularly
Fortune Cookie: eat it for the fortune or the cookie?Both ^_^
Own a bobble~head?Not yet
Want to get a tatoo someday?No thanks
How do you feel about snakes?They're cool
How about spiders?Them too
Do you really believe that the path to hell is in New Jersey?I wouldn't be surprised if it runs through.
Do you think ghosts are real?Some, sure.
If so, do you wish you could be a medium? (communicate with and/or see them? Maybe.
How about communicate with a god? which one?I do, I just don't make a big deal out of it.
Evolution or the Creation theory?Intelligent design, though that leap from evolution ins a personal decision. Kids should be taught mechanics in Science, and philosophy elsewhere.
Do fearies exist?Fearies? No. Faeries? Maybe.
Snag a succubuss as a pet maybe?No thanks
Wish for a catgirl or catboy? One of each? Maybe 3?
Make it eat in a bowl or off a plate?Depends on how well she behaves
Play Scrabble or Pictonary?Scrabble
Gamecube, PS2, or XBOX?PS2, or maybe GBA
Intellevision or Attari?ATARI! ONE T FOOL!
Do you know what Intellivision is? XDYeah, vaguely
Oldschool or is the recent stuff just too good?Each generation has its own highs and lows.
Ever play a pure japaneese game?Nope
How about watching a raw, unsubbed anime?Not for long.
Ever buy somthing you downloaded already?Yeah, I still believe in capitolism
MIRC and D or plain Kazaa and Bit Torrent?Bit Torrent.
Ever get a virus from downloading off a webpage or an email?Not recently
Do you use anti-spyware and/or anti-virus software?Duh
What kind of computer do you have anyway, and is it a laptop or standard?HP Lappy, but I need a new one
Is your hardrive often full?Nah, but I'm not as dilligent as my roommate.
Is your room cluttered?Not really.... well, yeah.
Done eating!: wash the plate right away or let it sit till you feel like doing it? Wait and run a load all at once.
Is the glass half empty or half full?Not full enough!
Live to eat or eat to live?Live to eat
Is there currently an animal nearby?Nope
Are you one of those people who put cute, little sweaters on their dogs?Nope, thats cruel
Talk out your problems or threten to break their nose?Talk em out
Would you fight back or let them hit you and then get them in legal trouble for it?Fight back, but claim self defence when the law got involved.
Ever been in legal trouble?A little...
It's Mischeif Night!: Go out or just go to sleep?Sleep.
What's you favorite holiday?Xmas
Ever carve a turnip?Uh, No
Mustard or Ketchup?Ketchup. Mustard == Yuch
What music do you prefer?Pretty much anything
Ever seriously consider suicide?No, I'm not stupid.
Since it's illegal to commint suicide, should one go to jail if they attempted? and would they ever get a death sentance for it?Not jail, but counciling and whatever is neccessary to protect them from themself
Where do you want to go on vacation?Everywhere
have you ever dreamed on Genie?Ummm... Wha?
Do you actually know anyone who had breast cancer?Nope.
Do you support the troops?Yeah, but not their mission.
How often do you sleep?Too much, probably.


And then the 2nd got lost. U_U.

Wow, that code looks ugly. Anyway, I dunno, nothing much else to report. Still been pretty sick lately. And I have a test tomorrow morning. X_X. Oh well. Later for now.

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