
Minor Quibbles

As usual, the obligatory news posting. The Pledge of Allegiance is wrong. I agree with that. Why though? That's where I differ from a lot of people. This judge seems to think that "Under God" are the two worst words in the pledge, or at least that they don't belong in there. On one level, yes, the government shouldn't be supporting one religion over any other, and clearly that's whats happening. But the only religion that's really outcast here is atheists, near as I can tell. Just about every other religion (that is, all that come to my mind when I think about it) worship some sort of diety, so those kids can just say "god" with a lowercase g, and everything's alright. However, the atheists have a valid point, in that they shouldn't be forced to recognize the presence of a diety if they don't believe in.

However, there is a much broader issue out here, which is that the very concept of forcing children to recite a Pledge of Allegience to anything is wrong. Catholics have to spend years in classes going through comfirmation classes before they can make their pledge of allegience to the Catholic Church, and the same for Jews and their Bar- and Bat-Mitzvahs. But to say the American pledge, all you have to do is remember a few words and say them in a sing-songy rhythm? That's not right. How many elementary schoolers do you think actually know what the pledge means? Indivisible? What the fuck is that? You can keep "under God," just take out all the big words people don't know.

Really, though, I don't think any kid ever pays attention to the words they are saying. They get swept up in keeping the rhythm, so it's like a poem:I pledge allegience
To the flag
Of the United States
Of America
And to the republic
And so on. Did you know I thought there was a period after America for the longest time? I couldn't figure out what was being done to the republic, whatever that was.

It's merely a recitation with no meaning behind it. That's wrong to expect from children. I say that, no matter what form they keep it in, they should make this pledge of allegience optional for all students. The school can still play it over speakers, but not every student has to recite it with them. That should keep everyone happy.

It was also brought up that the phrase "under God" was added in as a jab at the godless communists during the Red Scare of the 50's. What should we do now, confronted by a group of people who then believe in their god so much they are willing to die for his will?

Anyway, in personal news, Matt and I are kicking around the idea of doing a show about our lives. He showed me an Internet show called The Scene, about movie pirates (not the Johnny Depp type, the kind who gave you that copy of Batman Begins off the Internet). For a while I was convinced that it was an actual documentary, which would have been awesome. Turns out that no, its a work of fiction, but it's still a really good show I'd recomend for everyone to watch in their spare time. So far they have 12 twenty minute episodes, and it's starting to get pretty intense.

But yeah, back when I thought it was a documentary (and by the way, I would watch a video blog or documentary like that), I thought Matt and I could make a much better 20 minute show once a month. I'm sure we produce at least 20 minutes worth of awesome material a month. It's time for the rest of the world to enjoy it.

Lessee... other tidbits - I got a muffin for knowing something in chemistry! YAY ME!

Oh yeah, I decided to check out a few of the iTunes Podcast things. If anyone has any suggestions? Currently my collection includes a Transformers podcast, cuz I'm a nerd, and the Al Franken Show, cuz he's funny. Anyone else got any suggestions?

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