
What Is That... That Freaky Thing?

Yes, that's right. It's a naked mole rat.

Yeah, I'm watching Kim Possible. Being randomly immature is fun.

Anyway, I wrote this really because I forgot to plug Comedy Central's new "Colbert Report" (its french, the T's are silent, so you get Colbear Repore). It's great Steven Colbert has done some great things. I particularly liked last Sunday's episode of Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law (he playes Phil Ken Seben, among others). In any case, last nights episode of the Report was great. It was basically a 30 minute long spoof on the Fox News Channel in particular, and other similar techniques used by the media in general. It was pretty good, but Matt pointed out that you know, it may get old after a week or so.

The Daily Show is good because, through it all, Jon Stewart is really just riffing on current events. He plays himself most of the time. But Steven? He's set up the whole show around a persona, which will pretty soon get tired for being so over the top. I don't really think there's enough material out there for four or five shows a week of media scare tactics. Hell, the media can only do it by reiterating the same things that occur each half hour as is. Comedy doesn't work if you reiterate it every night. It would be a cute replacement for the Daily Show, say on Friday nights, when they don't usually show it.

Anyway, I'll watch it through the week anyway, because I've seen Adult Swim enough to know the shows by heart. If I REALLY wanna watch whatever I'd miss, I'll go watch it again at 1AM or whatever.

Okay, that's all for now. Later folks.

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