
What's In A Name

Random monthly webchat:
Black13Rose7: wouldn't chu say that destinys a popular name?
Effervescence 34: for a stripper?
Effervescence 34: o_0
Black13Rose7: well like
Black13Rose7: chu know what I mean
Effervescence 34: yeah, i guess it is
Effervescence 34: more so than October
Effervescence 34: i still say October is an awesome name
Black13Rose7: chu never said that before
Black13Rose7: XD
Effervescence 34: yeah I did
Effervescence 34: its like
Effervescence 34: a boys name
Effervescence 34: girls get april through august
Effervescence 34: i want october for boys
Black13Rose7: I have an aunt june
Effervescence 34: yeah, see?
Black13Rose7: I have an aunt Nancy September
Black13Rose7: wtf
Black13Rose7: XD
Effervescence 34: April, May, June, Julia/Julie (july) , and August
Effervescence 34: they're all pretty names
Effervescence 34: I think October is a good name
Effervescence 34: for a boy born in October
Effervescence 34: but still
Black13Rose7: XD
Black13Rose7: that's so mean
Effervescence 34: why?
Black13Rose7: cause
Black13Rose7: XD
Effervescence 34: i really think its a good name
Black13Rose7: your kids teachers will think you were on crack
Effervescence 34: sounds like a stout german boy
Black13Rose7: XD
Effervescence 34: SO WHAT IF I WAS!?
Effervescence 34: I CLEANED UP!
Effervescence 34: o_0
Effervescence 34: 0_o
Effervescence 34: your stupid teacher needs to learn to mind her own business before i 'crack' her in the skull
Effervescence 34: hehe
Effervescence 34: being evil is WAY more fun than being good
Anyway, that's not all for today. I will come up with a true full post, full of Halloween goodies for you all, and bitching about random weather paterns. Plus! Chopper Dave with the Greg-you-Weather Forcast. Dave?


Um... Maybe not.

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