
Ever See Galaxy Quest?

I'm having something of an off day/week/year/lifetime. *Shrugs.* Anyway, a few bright notes on the horizon.

I told you about how I came in second at the tournament last night. It was confusing. I drafteda pretty mediocre deck. No enchantment removal, which was a bit of a mistake. X_X. But yeah, it was a double elemination tournament, which was fun. I ended up going nearly undefeated, except to one loss to a guy named Paul (who, nicely enough, also volunteered to be my ride, since he drives by campus every week). Someone else went completely undefeated, and left before I got to play him with the first place title, which doesn't quite seem fair, but whatever. I probably would have died if I'd played him anyway.

So I ended up in a match against Paul for 2nd place and the amazing prize of a booster pack (first prize was also a booster, which is kinda lame). I won first game with a fast hand and other exciting stuff, and the second game just got confusing. After a slow start to mana problems, I eventually managed to play a couple of Seige Wurms and start an offensive, but not before the ground got locked into a creature stall, with Paul controlling the only flyer. Eventually, I launched a last ditch alpha strike with both Wurms and a Watchwolf. I figured it was over, and I might as well see what I could do. He ended up playing Rally the Righteous, for some reason, so that it effected ALL the creatures on the field. It really just confused things. I had an active, though not attacking, Selesnaya(sp) guildmage to pump my things up a little more, though not enough for them to survive. He ended up conceding out of confusion, which just goes to further my point. Never give up. Never surrender.

I've played games of Starcraft where I thought I was on the losing end of an undending tide. It almost always seems like that. No matter how many units I through at him, he's always got enough to push me back. But I really don't like giving up unless he's in my base and I've got nothing to stop him. Of course, not everyone is like that. Like the one guy who apparently was in the same situation as me, and decided to concede to me. That was fun. ^_^ Anyway, yeah, don't call it quits till the fat lady sings.

Anyway, tonight I saw the Boondocks. I was impressed, really. I hope it doesn't make me a racist or something because I laugh at a black show. U_U Anyway, it's really funny, I'd reccommend watching it if you get a chance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

O_0 They have a Boondocks show!? I knew they had a comic strip, but I never knew that they had a show. What station is it on?