
Mickey Mouse Picks On Cats

I just watched Steamboat Willie. It's a great cartoon, and undoubtably a classic, but I've never seen such terrible cartoon violence. You think Tom and Jerry are bad? You have NO IDEA. Mickey Mouse is just cruel to animals. And I'm not talking like "Donald is a duck, and Goofy is a dog" kind of animals. Except for Mickey, Minnie, and Pete, the animals in this cartoon were normal animals.

Okay, so the goat had it coming. He ate Minnie's music to "Turkey In The Straw," so it's only fair that Minnie gets to play him like a phonograph. But then Mickey goes and shows off all the new ways he can make sound, because, after all, it's a sound cartoon. First, he's banging on barrels and pots and pans, and it's all good. Then a cat walks by. And I thought, aww, they're gonna have the cat meow for the thing. After a couple mews, Mickey STEPS on the cat, and starts yanking its tail, and then swang the cat around his head, all so that the cat meowed to the music. Then threw the cat away and started choking a duck to the music instead. Simply awful. It makes his playing the teeth of a cow like a xylophone tame by comparison.

So this all started because I've been looking forward to one of Mickey Mouses upcoming projects - Kingdom Hearts 2. Yeah, I'm getting all excited about it. Just over a month until it hits in Japan. I've decided I want to play the game on my own to find out exactly what the story is, so this means DON'T TELL ME HOW IT ENDS!! All I wanna know is how it turns out.

Oh, and I need my DS to finish Chain of Memories, too. Damn that dragon's hard.

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